
Alhabah is the largest city within the Golden Coast and shares a sometimes strained relationship with Fasaryr Harbor in the west. Due to their sizes, you will sometimes see a rivalry that brews beneath the friendly alliance at the top. With political backroom dealings, underhanded economic competition and influencing the lesser towns and villages of the Golden Coast. While there is a rivalry, both cities are well aware that they are strongest when working together.     The city of Alhabah itself is a robust economic center, with a varied and diverse population that rivals that of Fasaryr Harbor. The Sultan of Alhabah is chosen from a conclave of wealthy merchant families who arose to nobility after overthrowing the prior royal family who lost favor with the people of Alhabah. Each of the merchant families maintains a different aspect of the local governance, with the largest families dealing in spice, gold, and jewelry.
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Owning Organization