
The principality of Rasfan lies on the Wild Strait, and is a trading hub for the Musara Union. Lying so close to the Contested Lands, the larger town has become a stronghold for the Golden Coast's military and a haven for sellswords, mercenaries and adventurers alike. This has lead to a robust explosion of a seedier underbelly that has grown within the area. The Musara Union and the subsequent city guard tries to manage it as best they can, or in some cases, turn it towards their enemies in the South.    The ruler of Rasfan has carefully maneuvered between the vying political powers, and carefully secured her position as a irreplaceable leader in the region, much to the frustrations of the merchant guilds and syndicates who have been trying to undermine her for years.
Large town
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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