
Nestled deep in the Lacus Forest, the capital city of Evermoot exists. From above and the outside, the city is almost impossible to distinguish from the forest itself. The city is massive within, and winds around the Feanor river. The city is a bustling home to artisan guilds, magical academies, bardic colleges, and cultural centers. Music and wine flows freely here, and the city itself is mostly nestled away from the dangers faced in northern Alton. Here is the center of Alton culture, government, and their military. It stands as being one of the largest cities in all of Ardicil, short only behind the capital of Suderland, Straatos and the Great City of Rama. Home to Alton's famed Evermoot Academy, and The Forma College, the city has no short of skilled mages and magic users. These, coupled with the skilled guards known as Bladewardens, the city has long been safe from attack.   It is hard to determine where the Lacus forest ends and the city of Evermoot begins. Nature is so highly ingrained within the city that it sometimes feel as though civilization hardly exists in some parts. Vines wind up buildings, wrapping them in a layer of nature that blooms with flowers. Trees grow into the paved pathways that wind around the river. The city itself sprawls over miles and miles, and winds itself around the wide and lush Feanor river. Its industry is diverse and the economy of the city is strong, and it is the trading hub in the bay of Mystra. Ships must wind their ways in through the river to enter the city from the bay. Waterfalls and ponds form at the edges of the river, crystal clear and blue as sapphires.


Evermoot is mostly human, but there is a significant amount of Half-Elves, Elves, and Halflings here. There is also every race in Ardicil represented somewhat inside of the capitol of Alton.


Evermoot began as a major human trading hub as part of the Dol Falton empire. It eventually grew, as did the humans and its economic power surpassed that of Tol Edwan. Eventually, when the Dol Falton empire dissolved, and Alton arose from its ashes, Evermoot became the capitol of the lands, solidifying humanity's new superiority in the world. The new government was established in Evermoot, allowing elven representation, but it was humans who now held the true power in the lands.


Evermoot is a city situated slightly inland wrapping around the Feanor river. It is surrounded on all sides by the Lacrus forest, and the greenery is dense and thick around the cities walls. Clear blue waters run through the center of the city, and it is filled with beautiful vistas overlooking the river from either side.
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