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Harthas is a Drow (Dark Elves) settlement located in the South-western Crescentian Underdark, just north of The Silver Isles. The settlement itself is located on two massive stalactites, situated between a long stone bridge and perched above an enormous underground canyon.   While being home to Drow Captain Vacquel and her fellow dark elves, Harthas is also home to a coven of Hags, one of which is named Ursula; a former member of the Cosmic Council before some form of dark power changed her into a horrible creature.   Besides the two massive stalactites, another area of note around Harthas is what the local Drow refer to as the Boneyard, a crumbling ruin filled to the brim with the skeletons of innumerable humaniods and other, larger creatures. The exact origins of the Boneyard are unknown, though a small number of scholars who have visited the area contend that they may very well be Alphacian in nature.
Outpost / Base
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