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The Silver Isles

A collection of small forested islands off the west coast of the empire, the Silver Isles contain the largest elf population in the empire, as it served as a colony for wandering elves in the past. A small village in the south of the island makes up most of the residential area of the island, while a small monastery to the north trains local elves and any others who seek a path to peaceful living and enlightenment.   Besides the caverns under the Brink mountains and the underground silver elf city itself, the isles have the largest amount of Silverite in the empire, making it a valuable resource for the crown. While there is some Imperial presence on the main island due to the valuable ore, the isles are generally left to themselves due to how remote they are.   Despite it’s smaller size, the Silver Isles possess some of the most unique topography in Northern Arkos. Bioluminescent waves litter the shores at night, and much of the islands’ coast consists of interlocking basalt columns created from ancient volcanic fissures. This gives the islands a unique causeway to traverse towards the mainland, which is littered with massive banyan trees that take root repeatedly. These roots are usually aerial; they hang down and take root wherever they touch the ground.   Much of the village on the main island is carved into these large trees; the carving is so delicate it could easily be mistaken for smooth stone. North towards the monastery lies the Balefrost Spires. Often surrounded by mist, these tower-like peaks abruptly rise up from the tree-covered ground as ancient sandstone.   Finally, beneath the Silver Order monastery lies Arbora’s cradle; a beautiful and gigantic cavern overgrown with plant life. The cave is partially flooded and carved out due to the Silver river that runs through the island. The river drops off into the dangerous Underdark of Arkos.
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