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History of Ashanor

The Formation

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The Formation was the starting Era for Ashanor. Before that it was mostly particles floating through space. No one is sure as to what created the planet or anything else for that matter.

  • 1 FORM

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    The Formation
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Many rumors abound about the creation of Ashanor. Unfortunately most are just that rumors. As the Orcs tell it the world was forming for it's first hundred years. All that existed here were dragons and beholders. The first Orcs arrived here some time later through portals from a variety of other worlds.

    The Humans believe that the world was formed by Benyar as a tribute to himself and a new empire to control. The orcs arriving was a mistake and were the cause of the dragons falling to infighting.

    The elves say that it was Luvia who put forth the planet expecting to have a plane of order and law. Everything that occured to upset that was largely the dragons fault.

    The Dwarves say that Markovia and Marlog conspired to create this planet. It was they that wanted a whole world dedicated to the sea. As they are the most commonly worshipped deities many who otherwise are unsure tend to lean more towards the Dwarven stories.

The Rift

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The rift usually is used to refer to the great rift that opened above the world that led to the great invasion of humanoids. As this was originally a dragon world and hadn't had any other visiters for the first hundred years or so this event sent Dragonkind on Ashanor into a bit of a panic. This became the era known as the invasion.

What comes ahead are the major events of how many of the species arrived on Ashanor.

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    22 /2 14:00

    The Opening
    Era beginning/end

    The opening marks the beginning of the rift. At about 2 p.m. a great blue flash was seen in the sky. After which a great open portal was seen to fill much of the sky as a stream of airships and other vessels flooded the planet of Ashanor.

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    18 /2 16:00

    Era beginning/end

    This day marked the first non-Orc Humanoids arrival on Ashanor, The Dwarves. The orcs would now certainly have to either share the planet or be locked eternally in war.

  • 128 INV

    22 /5 13:00

    The Elves arrive
    Era beginning/end

    The elves started streaming through the rift a few years after the dwarves arrived. They came in much greater numbers and flooded the planet. Worrying about the connotations of the great rift and what else might come through, the elves, dwarves, orcs, and dragons decided it was time to close the great rift. They began work on an idea, conscripting a Naknada named Arkanon to create the implements needed to close the rift, It would years before their plan came to fruition.

    More reading
  • 129 INV

    5 /10 9:00

    The Flood
    Era beginning/end

    The flood is when most of the rest of the sapient species that weren't already here arrived. Humans were a large concentration of what arrived but with them came gnolls, ogres, bugbears, etc. The flood would occur faster than any of the other arrivals. The dwarves and elves had trickled through continuously. The flood was instead an abrupt invasion that would darken the sky with a plethora of airships and other such flying vehicles as well as some that had no vehicle at all.

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    7 /2

    Cultural event

    This marks the day that most of the races began to settle into routines now that the rift had been closed and they were able to find or build homes, towns, and cities. Many of the cities were dwarven in nature at first as they were the most industrious. Things seemed they might be more peaceful for a time.

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    Illithid Invasion
    Military action

    The Illithid Invasion is one of the few events that came and went with little to no effect on the world overall. They were here for a year or two, people panicked and fought back, then they left and were gone.

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    28 /10 18:00

    The Awakening
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Some say the awakening began due to some dwarves who mined into the earth a bit too deep. Some say that C.O.S.M. were playing with dark magics. And some think that chants of the frost giants were at fault. Regardless they awoke. Dragons of every color and variety marching their orcs across the land as they began to make attacks on cities and their military forces.

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    28 /10 16:00
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    28 /10 16:00

    The Forgotten Time
    Era beginning/end

    The Forgotten time was a hard period for the world of Ashanor.

The Orc Wars

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During the overarching Orc wars there were several Orc clans with stakes in the wars, however the Black Dragon Clan and the Silver Dragon Clan were the most prominent.

Each dragon clan that had skin in the game fought with one another for centuries eventually being defeated by one of the two greater clans.

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    928 OW

    12 /5

    The Great Orc War
    Military action

    The great Orc War, a war that happened between 2 large rival Orc tribes, each organized and run by a different Dragon. The Black Dragon clan and The Silver Dragon Clan were at war for around 200 years, during this time fortresses were established all over the world of Ashanor. However, the last 20 were the most important as it was the time when the Silver Dragon Clan with the help of an adventuring party finally got the upper hand on the Black Dragon Clan.
      During these years the humans and elves had taken to the waters to attempt to avoid the wars. Great pirate clans and allegiances took form on the waters, and once the war was done and the cities and fortresses cleared, the pirate lords took to the land to create a new rule. The Dwarves, however retreated to their underground cities with the hope the dragons wouldn't move inward. Fortunately for them the war occupied much of their time and the orcs and dragons never felt the need to move into the dwarven lairs.
    The Black Dragon clan run by the ancient dark wyrm Glismoda was a major force for evil in the world, but was thankfully opposed by the Silver Dragon Clan and their leader the dragon Rascondus.

    At the end of the war Rascondus sacrificed himself in order to lock away Glismoda in the shadow plane where as far as anyone knows he resides to this day. Glismoda's absence as well as the death of Rascondus set the planet of Ashanor into a form of peace.

    More reading
    King Torvus III


928 and beyond

  • 933 AE

    16 /5

    Crowned the Pirate Lords
    Civil action

    This marks the day the pirate lords are crowned and given the elixir of life to rule over the lands of people.

    More reading
    King Torvus III
  • 936 AE

    2 /9 17:00
    936 AE

    13 /10 13:00

    Pirate Lords return home

    Following the end of the Great Orc War the Pirate Lords finally return to their home cities and begin to attempt to recover what had been lost. The dwarves would be instrumental in rebuilding the cities as well as playing a large part in setting up the new economy. This puts at ease many nations worried about how the new governments were going to function. Shipping and Trade would soon be major driving forces between countries.

    More reading
    King Torvus III
  • 1128 AE

    Current Year
    Gathering / Conference

    This is the year you as characters are coming in to assemble an adventuring party. Preparing to go off into the dangers of Ashanor our intrepid adventurers are hale and hearty. I will add more here once the new party is built.

    Additional timelines