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The Martyr's Corps

The Uprising, also known as the Organized Rebel Militia or ORM, is a unified coalition of survivors who have procurred advanced weapons from the lost human civilization with the intention of deploying them against the Ash Gods to take back the planet for humanity. Their mission involves targeting the colossal Constructs spread across Ashrain, destroying them to deal crippling blows to the alien investment in the former planet Earth. The overwhelming power of their foe does not daunt them. Despite the obvious hopelessness of their goal, they persist with fierce zeal, determined to reclaim their home from those who took it from them.   The military arm of the ORM is the Martyr's Corps, also known (both pridefully and derogatorily) as the Suicide Corps. The Corps is a military formation, perhaps the only remaining human organized military formation, dedicated to the defense of humanity and the reclamation of the former planet Earth from the alien invaders.



The Uprising is comprised of nearly four thousand individuals, having recruited all across North America for over a decade. As such, they are one of the largest centralized human organizations left in the world. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to join, including women and children down to the age of ten, who are given non-combatant roles collecting scrap metal and assisting with duties around the encampments. The policy of the rebels is that death is coming to all human beings equally in Ashrain. It is therefore better to die in the service of humanity than pointlessly and tragically along the roadside.


The rebels clad themselves in makeshift military attire and scavenged surplus, gathered from throughout the ruined terrain of the former North America. Their clothing is practical and rugged, designed to provide maximum protection and efficiency in the harsh environment of Ashrain. Makeshift gas masks and hazmat equipment are used widely to protect against the toxicity in the atmosphere and to allow the exploration of human ruins buried beneath the ash. The Corps often defends ORM digs, in search of new resources and materials. These defenses are necessary as such resources are also coveted targets for all other major survivor groups.


The arsenal of the ORM includes blunt instruments, melee weapons, and crude devices, as well as a stockpile of firearms, other ballistic weapons, and explosives. These weapons are procurred from ruined military installations exposed beneath the ash by years of tireless searching, or cobbled together by chemical experts from the fiery natural resources of Ashrain.


The Corps has secured multiple former human vehicles including cars, trucks, and military vehicles. The majority of these have been fortified and converted into Bastions for defense and offense against enemies. However, these are rarely deployed as the scarcity of fuel makes their use a depletion of precious commodities. They are held in reserve as a last resort.


The Corps is governed by a standard military command structure, with squads, platoons, companies, and battalions. Further brigades and divisions have yet to be created as the requisite volume of soldiers has not been achieved through recruiting. There are three Battalions, each containing 1,000 soldiers: Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. Within each of these battalions are six Companies, and each Company contains multiple Platoons and Squads as needed. The Corps is led by the General: a former US Army General who survived the Great Cataclysm.


The Suicide Corps employs stealth tactics and specialize in guerrilla warfare. Their predominant enemy, the Ash Gods themselves, have never been seen, nor is anything known about them. As such, the rebels fight against an unknown enemy. Their primary strategy revolves around the Constructs: titanic, metallic structures that tower above the ash cloud and bore deep into the planet's crust. Supposedly the homes of the aliens, they represent their ongoing presence on the planet and their continued terraforming of the world. With no other way to combat them, the rebels concentrate all their efforts on destroying the Constructs to thereby deal a blow to the aliens and prove to them that there is still enough fight left in humanity to take back their home.


Training for the Corps is grueling and challenging. However, the Corps never turns away a willing spirit. Those who do not qualify for the militant arm of the Corps, and all children who were born after the Great Cataclysm (in other words, less than fifteen years of age), are assigned to Fourth Battalion: a non-combatant arm of the ORM nearly a thousand strong dedicated to assisting the Corps in a labor or medical capacity.   The graduating challenge for all potential combatants in the Martyr's Corps is a test of their nerve. Members of the Corps must be willing to die unflinchingly in the service of humanity. To demonstrate this unflinching resolve, candidates are led to believe that they will be executed for the display of cowardice during training. If they flinch, beg for their lives, or resist in any way, they are barred from the Corps and given the opportunity to join the Fourth Battalion.



The ORM actively seeks to recruit any and all individuals that it comes into contact with. Travelers and stragglers on the roadside are often taken in by the Corps (by force if necessary) and subjected to evaluation and training whether they are willing to parcitipate or not. At the conclusion of training, all are given the chance to return to their former lives, or to remain and join the Corps. Those that refuse are sent back into the wilds of Ashrain with everything they had, and a bit of tactical awareness and training beaten into them.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 19, 2024 22:07 by Marjorie Ariel

This sounds pretty harsh, kidnapping people to train them and leading them to believe they'll be executed for cowardice. But it is a good reflection of the harsh world they're living in. I do like that they find roles for anyone who wants to volunteer, even if it's non-combatant.