Session 112 Report

General Summary

The Kalidaily

What will they have in store?

The Licorice Kirin herself has shown herself rising up through the steps of the Krystal Square, and a buzzing in the air has us all on edge. An inside source tells us her name is Ophie. Saint Ophie. Bannermane but from where? No not why, WHERE?! I swear I can't ever get a straight answer on that, but folks this is exciting. Absolutely so, and with her and some other Bannermanes showing up with nothing on, the confidence makes us wonder what they have in store for us at that runway tomorrow night. "It bedder be good!" says a local Old Bird, pictured below as he eats a bowl of his morning porridge. "I got money on that red-haired one gittin herself kicked out. Seen 'er myself. Yup, ain't got a lick of that sense 'bout her." Certainly got everyone here at a buzz as well. But we've been surprised before! Im sure our longer-time citizens remember The Felt-Flip of '26. If you know, you know. If - You - Know - You - Know!   -Stitch' O Mulligan  

Ball Understaffed

Only just this morning did we get the news that the Social Workers Justice group has parted company with the party! An incredible statement on its own, sure to send a message out. It is certainly a way to get attention, and believe-you me, unless the ball can attain a readily-able staff to help cater and serve the party? There might be some real logistical problems with how smoothly this ball is gonna turn out. Not like the place is crawling with Bellmares. There's only one that we saw on the way in, but hey, might just be a costume who knows. I'm on the edge of my seat, and we here at the Kalidaily will ensure you are all kept up to date, stay tuned!   -The Edge  

Misty Showerz

Heeeyyy all you party people~! Misty here~ [insert anime Misty 'wow' image here]   Mwuah~! [...and here]   Guess Who Got Invited~? Meeee~! Thanks to all you lovely fans who helped me get the cutest outfit ever! E V E R! [Very large image of Misty here in her outfit] [All of the donators to it put somewhere barely visible in the corner]   Keep your eyes on the papers for my day-to-day log and you can feel like you're right here with me at the ball! I can't *wait* to show you all exactly what this Kirin can do~ Kwahhh~<3! Promise I won't dissapoint~   -Misty Showers

Planter's Log

Upon entering the hustle and bustle of the ball, we were greeted by our other Bannermanes. I've missed them. Mrs. Kaffeeklatsch, and Scales were here as well. Scales has Mea Pena Kiʻi with him. A brief moment of panic washed over me, but I reasoned having it with him instead of left behind in the cave is safer. Still, it's unwise to keep it in the open like this. We caught up briefly with the rest of our Bannermanes, and told Mrs. Kaffeeklatsch, and Mr. Scales that we needed to speak privately. Our clothing designer Magnifique and Mr. Eugene Mango were present, but we asked them to wait before joining us. Mrs. Kaffeeklatsch took us to a café called Kaffee's Krystal Korner. We sat at a large table, and were treated with excellent service. I ordered a Moon Platter. While we waited for our food, I told the party of everything that had transpired in the Underdark, and especially Cher and Babage. Everyone listened, even though Triple and Sarsaparilla got into shenanigans. Swift Sail seemed to be enjoying the environment despite what was at stake. Madame Fortuna offered to Scry on Cher, so I gave her a lock of Cher's fur I had found. She put it in her mouth, saying that tasting it as her way of analyzing it. She failed to Scry, but Ping Wing was successful.   Cher and Babage were standing in the snow where we had fought the Thread Rippers. They were looking for the ship, and arguing about having to walk to Golden Port now. Knowing that we had the means of finding them anywhere, and that they would have to spend weeks walking to it gave a measurable peace of mind. Swift Sail chastised me for not taking a moment to relax and celebrate after I nearly accosted a Kamera Kirin. We do need the good press to keep the citizens on our side, and we do have the means of warning the most ponies here. Eugene and Magnifique entered shortly afterward, and with them was a beautiful mare wearing dark clothing. She got Triple's attention, and they spoke of meeting privately after our coffee. I don't think I was supposed to hear that, but it's none of my business. We learned that Buckback would be attending, and in fact multiple influential citizens would be too. I asked if Magnifique knew if the Godfather would be present. She attempted to play coy, and not know anything, while at the same time letting on that she did know. I despise these word games, but insisted that it would aid the Bannermanes if I could speak to either the Godfather, or a representative. If this Godfather would simply stop attacking the Bannermanes, and stealing our relics, then we could focus on the Four Horrors without distraction.   As soon as she agreed to speak to me and Fireheart, shouting erupted outside. Masked individuals are attacking civilians, and storming the Krytal Kastle. My Bannermanes and I leapt to our hooves, and split into two groups. I joined the half that would defend the civilians, and the other half would defend the Krystal Kastle. I believe Kalidai's Mainstitch will not be kind to these individuals. My paranoia is setting in. This all seems like a divertive tactic. Why would a group of fools make such an open attack when security is at it's highest? I have to make sure we pay close attention to those who might us this opportunity to sneak past us.  

Swift's Log

After the week we’ve had, the sight of the snow-laced steps up to the Krystal Palace were even grander than I’d expected them to be. Even after the day before with Fortuna’s countdown fortune, and a somewhat restless night it was, Jinx and I came ready to enjoy the weekend for what it was. There’s so much time left to save the world, and too much concentrated stress brings gray to the mane sooner than aging will! As we walked up the steps we happened to catch up with the other half of our troupe, and a few other faces! Eugene Mango among them, Magnifique who designed our outfits, and to my utter amazement, Kaffeekaltsch and her husband in kirin form AND wonderfully aged outfits! Seeing everyone just lifted my spirits greater! Though immediately, Moon Planter wanted to catch everyone up. Kaffee brought us to a diner, her diner in fact! It came as a surprise to me that she would own one. However unsurprising was the party’s behavior in the environment we were in. When the party noticed a camera kirin taking pictures from outside a window, Sarsy went for her bow, Ophie tried to cast a spell, and Triple jumped out the damn window to try and take her crystals because he didn’t want his damn picture taken that bad! Between accosting paparazzi, refusing to own the spotlight, and being ignorant to our importance to Astillon, I was getting rather aggravated and let it show. I may need to break away from this group after lunch, my popularity certainly doesn’t rely on them after all. I’m the true dragon slayer after all… Part of our time catching up with the other party was scrying on Cher and Babbage. They seemed stuck in the mud since they weren’t able to steal our airship and we felt we had the time to spare. Magnifique and Eugene joined us after we shared our classified information. A few minutes later we were joined by another guest and in an amazing twist of dramatic flair it was Lisa, as Eugene Mango’s date and arranged fiancé. I felt a touch bad for Triple, just as I was surprised to know either Lisa or Eugene would be in any situation to have an arranged marriage. This whole weekend looks to be full of drama waiting to happen as they’re printing Kaladaily articles and wouldn’t you know it, Buckback is here, as is Misty, and she’s writing articles of her own.   The party talked a while more as I enjoyed my meal, my wine, and my mare. That company could only last so long before shouting and some other great commotions were heard outside. From the window we could see trouble in the middle of the town and others running up to the castle! I’ve no idea what this is about, but this is an amazing opportunity to show my ability for the ponies of the city.
The Bannermanes
Ophie Panacea
Wicker Wind
Tangent Field
Electra Pleiades
Nord Pone
Sarsaparilla Surprise
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Madame Fortuna
Belle Hop
Swift Sail
Report Date
10 Jan 2023