Session 59 Report

General Summary


Wicker's Log

I managed to somehow sneak my way into the city, none of the kobolds really seemed to care about my.. curse though I did my best to remain inconspicuous. I thought it’d be safe to stay in the safe house while everyone else looked around the city… not because I’m lazy or scared or anything! But if a kobold looks at me the wrong way, then it could be like, really bad! Well they did pretty good work I’d say, we found a new friend! He’s a little awkward and he talks kind of funny, but he seems super helpful! He told us about how we could make a teleportation circle (wouldn’t that be helpful for getting mail around!) if we could disable something in a pyramid, well that seemed pretty scary! But Triple Sevens was able to find an underwater passage, like how freaking cool! I had to get in on that, Tangent was still trying to stay hidden from the attention she caused and Swift seemed grump about something about a stone.. maybe a kidney stone? (I’m not sure if my magic can help with that, ouch!)   We turned invisible and swam to the pyramid, got in without an issue, and quickly found some smelly fruit bugs that tried to get in our mouths (but believe it or not that wasn’t even the grossest thing we saw)! A little later we found some weird spirit shadow magic time dogs?? They seemed really cool! But they were really not nice! They started beating up Sarsparilla and Triple, and I helped (not the dogs, I mean I healed!) My curse flared up a little, and what was worse of all was some REALLY WEIRD magic that Madame Fortuna did, making one of the dogs grow like 20 extra legs! It was so yuck and almost all of us barfed, it’s tough even writing this down trying not to think about it! The pyramid also had mummies and spiders and BIG spiders. None of it was really that threatening, but actually it was pretty cool! Not as cool as delivering mail, but for adventuring I guess it was neat! Maybe the coolest thing we found was this ritualistic looking circle in a room. Sarsparilla was really smart and experienced, so she thought to put all these instruments we found in the circles, and then use this weird key we found. Moon Planter was a little scared, but all that happened was we saw some kind of flashback of some other creatures going down a stairwell. Apparently we found part of a ‘imprisonment’ ritual or something, but the other parts are in the other pyramids. In the other room, we OH WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED! We found a cool fireball necklace and the party gave it to me, which was really nice of them! But I think it was cursed because it tried to freaking choke me! It felt more scary than good, like I could have actually died, but Triple managed to rip it off and save me! It made us even after I saved him from the big spider that almost killed him.   In the last room we found this big, huge magical rock that was levitating, definitely the thing we were looking for and we just pushed it over to break it and that seemed to work because I also felt some huge wave of weird magic come over me, Cher and Ping seemed to feel the same thing and Ping filled us in that a lot of other spellcasters in the city would feel it too. Honestly I was surprised we actually accomplished our mission, it’s exciting! We have a lot more work to do though!  

Triple's Log

So yeah pingwing is here. This changes things. I really wanted to just run off. But I can't, not while he's here. I'm so terrified that I haven't eaten much in days without feeling sick. At least if I die here I wont be alone We had to explore this pyramid. Don't get the deal was with it, but apparently it had something to stop teleportation magic. That's a problem, because that includes the teleportation circle we were going to use to get back to bleakburn.   The pyramid was heavily gaurded. so we found an entrypoint in the back and went in. Unfortunately, we weren't alone. We had bugs that wanted us to eat them (yes, I said that right), more of the blue creepy mushroom things, which Pinwing OF COURSE, loved, and all kinds of monsters.   I could go off about them, but I'd really rather not. We found some wierd dogs that seemed to be able to talk. At least I think they were able to talk because I heard "darn it, not again!" right before they attacked us They didn't talk again though... I didn't like that battle. Fortuna. Don't ever cross her.   we found spiders. spiders that almost killed me. it freaking sucked. Because I can't remember much after that
The Bannermanes
Wicker Wind
Sarsaparilla Surprise
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Cher Nobyl
Madame Fortuna
Swift Sail
Report Date
04 Nov 2021