Session 69 Report

General Summary


Sarsy's Log

  It looks like I've found a corner of Ms. Ivory Drop's box where time stands still. As i write, everyone seems to be frozen in time… or just moving really slow i'm not sure. She seems to know Electra, which adds more to that Kirins mystery. Normally i can tell everything about someone just by the way they talk and the past they carry with them; like Ivory Drop! Shes a divination time wizard from Aerilon, and she's quite skilled since she was able to thwart my assault into her pockets. I just can't get a precise read on Electra… at least both of them are nice and are very helpful. Ivory Drop needs to slow down her thoughts though, it's hard for most of us to keep up with her in conversation.   This last pyramid had a lot of surprises for us. First Ms. Drop tells us that this place is going to explode, and begins rushing us around. First right into a flooded room with a bunch of gross waterlogged zombies and wires dipping into the water to make it extra dangerous. At first i was worried when they were trying to drag Mr. Swift into the zappy water, but it became funny after the 3rd time watching him scream "not the mane! Not my beautiful mane!" as he desperately tried to keep it dry! I wonder where his hat went today... I was listening to what Ivory was muttering under her breath too "he's doing it again", i may know *where* shes from… but *when* might be the real question. It was nice watching Tangy rough the zombies up with her holiness but as she was about to send more sunshine their way, suddenly she was Wicker Wind. He looked cold without his signature burlap sack so i'm letting him use my cloak for now, he looks pretty good in it… but it looks better on me. Mr. Planter's used his weird green stick to get the last ones, i like Moony, he's always prepared for every situation. He even had chalk when Ms. Drop asked, *CHALK!?!* He's the opposite of me, since I usually forget everything i prepare on the couch.   After that, we explored more and found Ivory's Dropbox. She says it means "Dimensions Relative to Outer Planes". It's a good box, very roomy inside, there's even a tea set in here. Before we found the key, Jackpot and I tried to break our way in, but even with my expertise and the tricks up my sleeve I couldn't crack the lock. We're in it now though, so haha we win!   Moon Planter and Jackpot got to work on the batteries that were causing the pyramids trouble, they were saying a bunch of mumbo jumbo about how "the levels were off", thus stuff isn't my forte but Jackpot seems to have a knack for figuring out puzzles. They were turning things off so whatever they were doing worked.   Electra accidentally stepped into a gross pile that ended up looking more like a mountain made completely of meat! It tried to engulf us in it's fleshy rolls, it even looked like it grabbed up Swift pretty good, he was having a tough time getting too much attention today. This thing was so massive it even made Jackpot run off, my Sarsy Senses were tingling and i took off after him. Of course he was just fine though… he's right, i do baby him too much. I'm going to miss shepherding my prodigy around, and he's definitely earned it but… i don't know if *I'm* ready to give it to him yet. Anyway I'm glad Electra is the kind of gal that finishes what she starts, and was able to scorch the thing into a crisp with lightning of her own! She's a mystery, but I'm glad she's also a friend. After that the zaps were no longer in the flooded room so now we could power down the final battery. There was a certain order we had to do things in to properly discharge it, at least that's what the sphinxish said on the side of the thing. According to the lightbulbs in the room it looked like we only had 3 chances. We wasted the first one by directly disobeying the instructions. Second try we got 2 out of 5 in a row right. There was a big scramble around Ms. Fortuna to see what our fortunes were, and her tickets made a big mess as they all shoved coins into her poor little coin-slot. They had found which switch to flip last because of her, but there was still two options left… 50/50, pretty much a guaranteed win for me. The party asked me which switch was next, so i just told them I like our odds and pointed right at Moony. I'm guessing i was right, since I'm writing this now. If i had to guess from Ivory's mumblings… we were wrong before...   We discharged the electricity, making it safe for Swift to run and grab the crystal in one of the weird rooms… and that's when we started the rush. We planned to destroy all the remaining leyline blockers at the same time. Obviously Heatfang could sense this and began to send his kobolds into the pyramids, with the big idiot in tow of course. It looked like we were going to get cornered after the last leyline was freed. Suddenly in front of us appeared Ms. Drop's box and now we're headed directly into the ziggurat.   Heatfang. It's about time to take the fight to him and give him what he deserves. I'm tired of all this goosey two shoes nonsense, cheating and lying my way around is much more my speed, but i suppose doing everything the right way and cleanly has been a welcome change of pace. Creamy would fit right in with these birds. I don't pray much... but may The Unspoken change the odds in my favour, let Jackpots gift burn a hole through my pocket and heart before Heatfang burns a hole through me… and *please* give me a chance to apologize to Mr. Planter, his mane needs more rescuing than Wati! hehehe!

Wicker Wind's Log

After I helped sell everything the party made me carry, I was able to prance off with Balcony Blitz as he seemed pretty skittish around those two pretty kirins. They don’t seem so bad at least when you look at them, but when we were in the other safehouse Balcony was telling me all about the things they were doing and saying to him and Seelah! I don’t think they should expect much from the Traveler in the way of gifts come the Odyssey… Well we were able to have a relaxing enough time with Shabaka there with us. I started to prepare some tea! Not long later the party was already back from the pyramids with another new friend! They said her name was Yun and she was inside of some giant statue which sounded REALLY bizarre! She wasn’t feeling too great though so I hung out with her for a while and was able to comfort her just by being there—as I tend to do. The tea was ready and was sure to help! Just as I was about to take my first sip though, I said “Oh no”, I knew what was happening as it happened—I blinked again!! I was right back with the party in yet another dirty and dark pyramid. I can’t believe I’ve been in all four of these things, and this one was even more unstable than the last too! I also had left my robe behind, but Sarsparilla was nice enough to lend me her cloak. They had apparently just finished fighting some water zombies and I got a weird feeling in my tummy, maybe my curse was acting up. Life can be funny when dead creatures still have some life in them… We marched down the hallway and around some explosive steam pipes while I healed Swift who probably did something silly again to get more hurt than he needed to, then we relieved some pressure by turning a wheel and Triple unlocked a door. I used Light on myself to help everyone see. Inside this room was some really strong power though! Like electricity and magic all mixed together not looking good at all. There was a giant battery that Triple somehow managed to reset or discharge or something—I don’t really know and honestly I don’t think he did either, buuut it worked!   We went in the next room which had a narrow hallway leading to a room that didn’t really seem to have much of a purpose—BUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM OH MY GODDESS THERE WAS A DROP BOX! I couldn’t believe myself, and I was instantly so curious about where it came from and what it was doing in the pyramid, it seemed like a really weird mail room! Ivory Drop—this other new pony—said it was hers and she lost the key which is weird because only Luminance dragons are supposed to operate these things. When I tried to ask her about it, she didn’t give me much of an answer, only saying she was missing the key. We all left to see if we could find it, but instead found out that the battery we turned off seemed to affect the magic crystal that was interrupting the ley line. Seemed pretty simple as there were 3 batteries to find and fix! Down the next hall we went, Electra didn’t watch where she was going and stepped in some goop and woke up a big blob monster. Like a really big one! It crawled to the ceiling and started to rain ACID on us. I thankfully had just learned a cool new spell that helped everyone take a bit less damage, as I do! Seelah and Electra were able to do some good work—Triple and Sarsparilla ran into fire… Moon Planter used his magic stick and the hummingbird started poking at the monster like he was picking something out of someone’s teeth. At some point the giant thing turned into 2 giant things! It was all pretty silly but everyone was okay until Fortuna got shocked really bad. I quickly stabilized and healed her and a lot of other ponies too before we went into the next room. It was another battery that Triple was able to figure out, and we marched on! The last battery was on the other side of some dangerous electricity pool, I was able to use my cool Winged Boots and prance up over the water.   The last battery was the most complex of all, there were a bunch of levers and gauges in the room and after Moon Planter turned one, one of the green lights exploded. Sarsy pushed a button and then everyone started pulling and turning and I just watched! After a level was pulled, another light popped and it looked like we had one more chance. Swift asked for a fortune, I think he was really using his brain with the question he asked and we were able to get a 50/50 chance with our last try that worked out in our favor!! Delivering mail is incredible, but seeing all these dungeons has been pretty cool too, I can’t lie! As we all started to get back across the water, Swift took off down the hall. We could see a magic fan in the middle of the room starting to turn just as Swift was racing back out telling us we all needed to leave now. He sounded really serious! I pranced as fast as I could, thankfully I didn’t expend myself too bad and I was able to keep up. We went aaaall the way back to the pyramid with the Clockworks and pipe, Swift had gathered all the ley line crystals from all the pyramids and destroyed them and Heatfang was maaaaad, we could hear him from out of the pyramid. We realized we actually couldn’t leave through the pipe, and I started to get nervous.   But then an Odyssey miracle happened, and a DROP box appeared before us! The magic of the Traveler came through again and delivered us a way out! Ivory Drop, Electra, and the hummingbird were there telling us to get in so we could go to the Ziggurat… Oh boy.. I have no idea what’s going to happen next, but I’ll do what I can to help, that’s my curse after all…  

Moon Planter's Log

The blue Pegasus turned out to be another unmentioned friend of Electra's. This Kirin is making me uncomfortable with the amount of secrets she's keeping. Ivory Drop is the Pegasus' name. She's very sporadic, and prone to rambling. Ivory Drop and Electra went around a corner and whispered about a losing a Dropper. She insists that this Pyramid is going to explode if we don't get it stabilized and activated. That was our plan to begin with, so I saw no need in arguing with her. We headed West, and found a door that lead to a flooded room full of sparking wires. I flew into the room and quickly found it was full of undead creatures that floated up to the surface from the drainage pipes. I intended to simply fall back, and fight them one at a time in the hallway, but Swift Sail decided to jump into the fray. The fight lasted a good while, but we eventually defeated them all. With no apparent way of getting around the electrified wires, we left the flooded room and traveled South. We found an engine of sorts that was showing signs of overcharging. Massive electric coils are shooting electricity out of the walls, and Thumbtack was nearly killed by them. Triple and I got to work on the battery, and managed to stabilize it. Once the electric field was cleared, I walked through a door that had a D.R.O.P. Box in it. When I called it out, everyone rushed in to take a look. Ivory Drop's key is missing, so we left to go find it, and stabilize the other battery.   We traveled East, and turned South to make our way down a narrow hallway. At the end of the hallway, a vile, gelatinous creature came into view and attacked us. It split into two pieces, and pushed Madame Fortuna and I further up the hallway. My sword did nothing against it. Thankfully our spell casters were able to make short work of it. Madame Fortuna and I attempted to rejoin the party, but we both were hit with electricity. Madame Fortuna fell, and I dragged her out of the danger zone.   After healing the party, we found the second battery. Triple and I worked together to stabilize it. When we traveled north, we could see the ley line blocking crystal. These overcharged batteries are clearly being used to power it up. Once the third one stabilizes, the crystal will lose its charge, and we'll have to rush out to deactivate the other two crystals. Our final battle with Heat Fang will begin. Swift and I pointed this out to the party, and told everyone to gird their loins. We took a moment to strategize, and then continued to the flooded room.   Electra managed to open a locked door leading to the final battery. Three green nodes sit on the floor next to numerous dials and switches. This battery has a set of strange instructions. We press a red button, and then we have thirty seconds to hit the dials and switches in a proper order. We set ourselves up in front of the dials and switches. Triple wanted me to turn my dial first before pressing the red button, but this resulted in one of the green lights turning red. Strike one. I asked Madame Fortuna to read my future, but even with a gold coin she couldn't determine anything.   Sarsaparilla pressed the button, and we began turning dials. We made it half way, but Electra's lever caused another green light to turn red. Strike two. Swift paid Madame Fortuna a silver, and she declared Electra's lever is the last to be pulled. That still leaves a 50/50 chance on whether or not my dial, or Triple's lever is next to be pulled. Sarsaparilla's a gambler, so she chose mine. We took time to coordinate and make sure everyone was on the same page. Madame Fortuna attempted to leave, but Mainstitch Seelah made sure she got a front row seat.   Sarsaparilla pressed the button, and we went in order. It was thankfully the correct order, as everything stabilized, and the electricity in the flooded room stopped. Swift ran to crystal and discovered what we had expected. Now's the time to run.   I could hear Swift yelling that we have to go. He bolted ahead and flew to grab the second crystal. When we made our way out of the stairs, Thumbtack was flying back with the construct key that Swift had been holding onto. Electra, Thumbtack, and Ivory Drop ran back to the previous pyramid. Against my objections, we split the party and continued to the final crystal. It was still active in the wall. Swift ordered the robots to turn it off, and pull it away from the wall. Swift and I lifted it together with Mainstitch Seelah. Mainstitch Seelah used her Shifting weapon to destroy the crystal. Swift ordered the robots that all Kobolds are threats. The pyramid is Threat Level 10, so the Kobolds are going to have a hard time fighting them. Swift pulls out the last two crystals, and smashes them with his own weapon. With that, all of the Ley Lines are open. Heat Fang's roar could be heard as he approached. The ground shook as he slammed onto the ground. A large number of Kobolds could be heard gathering outside the pyramid's entrance.   Heat Fang shouted, "I'm coming in whether you like it or not!" His massive form started squeezing through the entrance, and the stones split. We ran to the first entrance we found in this place, but it was blocked off. With no way out, my mind scrambled to think of another exit. Just then, a strange whirring sound filled the room as the D.R.O.P. Box materialized right beside us. Ivory Drop opened the door and said, "Get in! Come on! Come on! You wanted to get into Heat Fang's lair! Now's the time!" We piled in, and I felt a sudden surge of rest. It's hard to explain what I'm feeling. It's as though I feel..... nothing. No fear, no anxiety, no urgency. I'm just in the moment.
The Bannermanes
Wicker Wind
Tangent Field
Electra Pleiades
Sarsaparilla Surprise
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Madame Fortuna
Swift Sail
Report Date
11 Jan 2022