Session 71 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

Well I couldn’t imagine a better way to kick off our R&R after everything we went through in Wati. After we wrapped up everything we could in the city to get it functional on it’s own, we set off for Kalidai! The train ride was a good chunk of the day and didn’t leave much room to move around or stretch my hooves in, but the sight at the end of the bridge was MARVELOUS. The grand city skyline of Kalidai and the shine and glamour was apparent halfway down the bridge and it only got better the closer we got. Immediately off the train we were caught in a flurry of picture box flashes, paparazzi following Nettlekiss of all ponies! The rest of the party didn’t seem to recognize her, but I don’t think the lot of them look at manecare ads or fashion magazines of the like. As she was being harassed by the flashes, I was more than happy to lean into the flashes to absorb some of the flashes on my reflective fur like a beacon. Miss Nettlekiss took note of this and, at the least she seemed appreciative enough to offer an inn for a tailor which was exactly what we needed! We learned a bit of the city, the Bannermanes here are security for a crystal dragon named Koh-I-Noor, the Gem of the City. This caught my interest! And I look forward to meeting her though I hope my presence as an extremely pretty gempony holding the title of Dragonslayer doesn’t intimidate or hinder my chances of doing so… We made our way to the tailor that we were given, and I was very pleased with everyone’s involvement in getting a suit—well almost everyone. Triple went scurrying off again and frankly I’m caring less and less for his attitude as of late. It didn’t hinder our mood in the slightest as we all put in our orders, had a nice meal and a couple of days in the city before returning. Our wonderful tailor showed off her magnificence by giving us all a chance to strut down the runway: Electra with her sash holding her moment of time, Madame Fortuna looking shinier and more perfect than ever, and even Moon Planter pulling off a sleek and dashing pull away suit for some flair of his own! I had an honest swelling of pride in me chest watching our band of heroes and future celebrities being unafraid to strut their stuff across the stage leading to me. Of course in the scales of a slain dragon and a functional leather armor I gave the onlooking paparazzi a proper show of dazzling down the stage in flips and twists, my sterling silver rapier a part of my posing as our wonderful tailor even used some illusory magic to enhance the performance! At the end of it all, we were gifted an invitation to a party!   An amazing show from start to finish, and part of me wanted to spend a lot longer in the city to help spread word of our group—but we did have other things to attend to. However before we left we did find one of the Bannermanes of the city and were able to talk our way into getting an invite to a future meeting with Koh-I-Noor next month! Continuing on, we returned to Wati with the airship and decided to pay a visit to Kafe and Hubby to update them on our victory. We had to trek through the mountains to get to them, but it was a nice meeting as to be expected with Kafe and her Hubby. They were bonding over killing red kobolds that had evacuated Wati, finding one kobold that was pleading with Kafe for work, a mechanic named Legardo. They seemed to be looking to us to judge this kobold and whether or not he should live or—well I’m not really sure. I didn’t care either way but Triple seemed very weirdly attached to him, befriending him. The lad seems exceptionally lost without Sarsaprilla at times.   Some secrets were shared with Kafe and we were given Legardo with instruction for him to apologize to the ponies of Bleakburn, Fireheart ensuring us it would be good to curry favor with the dragons. We marched along the shore and caught up with the airship to return to Bleakburn with two more tasks at hoof, both involving a certain shorthooved duck looking mare. To help Ping Wing as I promised, I set off for Elienor’s Tavern and found him cowering in a bush along the way. I picked him up and took him to the tavern with me to put together a picnic basket so he could take her on a date. On the way back the rest of the party joined me in giving him a proper pep talk to hype him up. We then decided to hide in a sphere of invisibility to surprise Duk after Ping Wing presented her the badge. It was yet another wonderfully heartwarming moment for the lass, and I hope dearly it doesn’t end in tragedy. As Ping Wing went off with Duk on a date, Moon Planter shared his disappointment in the lack of a formal ceremony. We addressed Amden about it and he didn’t seem to really care. Tangent took the chance to talk with Amden about a library and helping the needy and homeless, and Moon Planter acquired a wing of the library to set it up as an exhibit of natural remedies and medicine and some Bannermanes lore as well. Tangent helped gather donations for books. After a few days it was time to go to Brashville for Ord’s funeral.   We arrived in the town to find the boisterous and raucous citizens wrestling around as though the town was a constant destruction derby. We waited until they were done to break the news. Mainstitch Brad Fastener informed the rest of the town and we set off to take part in their traditional funeral ceremony by setting Ord to sea in a keg. Moon Planter provided a beautiful eulogy and tears were shed. After the tears, drinks were had and memories were shared as we camped out in the shore and trees. Triple skipped out on yet even more party events. We returned to Brashville then continued on to Bleakburn as it was time to go to Bellmare finally! We gathered everyone we’d invited to take with us, and I had the extremely tough decision of choosing between Jinx and Misty, Fireheart even in the mix for a minute and Electra was chiming in playfully even though she had her own invitation. Thankfully Moon Planter was there to invite Fireheart, and I had to soften the blow that I was took Jinx over Misty, breaking Misty’s heart. Not fun… Jinx was perhaps understandably smug in her victory and I find myself with a knot to untangle.   We arrived in Bellmare and I made sure everyone’s badges were taken off before entering the city. Nothing is going to ruin this vacation!
The Bannermanes
Wicker Wind
Tangent Field
Electra Pleiades
Nord Pone
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Madame Fortuna
Swift Sail
Report Date
02 Feb 2022