Session 87 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter's Log

We made it safely to the entrance of Semitone's tomb, with no time to rest. The giant tidal wave of paint began seeping up through the floor, and formed into a massive conglomeration of Living Graffiti. All those Living Graffiti we thought we had under our control had turned on us. I don't know why. We considered fleeing, but it became quickly apparent that it wouldn't give us that option. We had to fight. It rolled over us, and began suffocating us. I was empowered by Ophilia and Duk to continue fighting. I wouldn't let this surge of power go to waste, but it's liquid form, it was difficult to hit. I swung my sword with all of my training, and managed to land some significant blows. Our spells casters pulled away from the monster, and dealt heavy damage. I could hear Swift Sail and Wicker Wind shouting insults, but I focused on my task. With no way to escape the sludge, and all manner of magic being hurled around me, I swung my sword, and created an air pocket underneath it. That lifted it off the ground long enough for me to land the killing blow. The Living Graffiti began curling up and drying out.   Strange glass vials began dripping and forming from the paint. They contained vibrant colors, and looked identical to the glass vials Swift and I had found in the room north of the Greenhouse. There are hundreds of them. Tangent identified them as the essence of the spirits that formed the Living Graffiti, so I collected them all, and placed them in my Bag of Holding. Perhaps in time we can perform the ritual that sets their spirit free, and I can lift some of the guilt that weighs down on my shoulders. I keep thinking of the sword, Mea Pena Ki'i. I wish to wield the sword, as I know it would give me power, but seeing the destruction it has caused gives me pause. I have to remember this is one of the four Horrors, and find a way to stop it, yet I can't focus.   With a moment to gather ourselves, I finished packing away the remaining glass vials, and showed them Balcony Blitz who entered the Greenhouse. I opened the notes Semitone had written on Mea Pena Ki'i, and studied them closely. Nevermore's book omitted much from, Of Rime and Reason, and now I understand why. It was to save Rime's reputation. Rime had discovered the sword, and showed no immediate signs of corruption, but over a period of weeks, began to be tired as though he didn't sleep. As the original Bannermanes traveled, they came across these Living Graffiti, and had to fight them. It was discovered later that Rime was sneaking off in the night, unaware of his own actions. It was during that time he would use Mea Pena Ki'i to turn others into Living Graffiti.   By the time Nevermore and Semitone had figured out what was happening, Rime had gone mad. He turned on his own friends, was forcefully held in place by Nevermore. Mea Pena Ki'i was wrested from him, and Nevermore used the sealing ritual to send the sword away. It is not written in Semitone's notes where it was sent, as Nevermore kept it secret. Worse yet, Rime was not free from the maddening effects of Mea Pena Ki'i. Rime continued to desire for the sword. That was until Rime forged his new sword, Permafrost, made of Orichalcum. Once he had this sword forged, he finally overcame the pull of Mea Pena Ki'i.   Reading this, and sharing it with the party made me afraid, terrified. Orichalcum is one of the rarest materials in existence, even more so than Adamantine, and Aetherstone. Finding it will be nearly impossible, and I don't have the funds to have it forged for me. Thankfully, Swift finally sees that I want the Mea Pena Ki'i to be sealed away. I can still feel the pull of it, but perhaps being aware of what it does will keep my mind sharp.   We returned to the Museum, and learned that Ord was beat up. I showed all our findings to Fireheart. Now we wait for the ship to arrive.
The Bannermanes
Ophie Panacea
Wicker Wind
Tangent Field
Electra Pleiades
Nord Pone
Triple Sevens
Moon Planter
Madame Fortuna
Belle Hop
Swift Sail
Report Date
21 Jun 2022