
Long Rests

Most characters require 8 hours of sleep (or some other form of rest) each day. Though this rest typically happens at night, a group gains the same benefits for resting during the day. A character can gain the benefits of a long rest only once every 24 hours. A character who takes a full rest recovers in the following ways.  
  • The character regains hit points equal to 1 + their Constitution modifier multiplied by their level, recovering at least 1 hit point per level. If they rest without any shelter or comfort, this healing may be reduced by half (to a minumum of 1 hp).
  • The character loses the Fatigued condition. If they are Exhausted, they instead become Fatigued.
  • The character recovers one ability damage from each ability score.
  • The character may attempt a save to recover one drained level.
  • The character recovers all daily uses of any special abilities they have.
  • The character regains their daily compliment of spells (prepared classes must take the appropriate action paired with a long rest to regain their spells).

Short Rests

A short rest is a period of downtime, at least 10 minutes long, during which a character does nothing more strenuous than eating, drinking, reading, and tending to wounds (light activity).   In order to gain the benefits of a short rest, this time must be uninterrupted by combat or other strenuous activity. If so interrupted, the rest may be attempted again.  

Healing Dice

Each character has one healing die for each class level they have. Each die is the same type as the class that grants it, and the size of each die is equal to the Hit Dice of that class. These dice are replenished at the end of each Long Rest.
ex: a level 8 character that is Fighter 4/Wizard 4 would have 4 fighter dice (d10’s), and 4 wizard dice (d6’s).

Short Rest Actions

There are several actions that a character can take during a short rest, many of which involve spending healing dice. A character cannot take more than one action in a short rest, nor can they spend more than half of their current healing dice total during a short rest (rounded up).  


Any character may spend healing dice to recover some of their lost hit points. Each die spent is rolled, and that amount is added to their current hit points. Each die is rolled separately. A character with a high Constitution score adds their Constitution modifier to the total amount healed (the Constitution modifer is only added once regardless of how many die are spent).  

Catch Breath

Any character may spend a short rest to remove the Fatigued condition from themselves, or spend a healing die to downgrade the Exhausted condition to Fatigued. They may not do both in a single short rest.  

Recover Stamina

A character with a Stamina pool can spend one healing die to recover 2 stamina points, up to their maximum.  

Ritual Cast a Spell

A character with a prepared spellcasting class may spend their short rest action to spend an unused spell slot to cast a spell they do not have prepared. They must have the ability to prepare this spell (in their spell book, on their spell list, etc.), and the spell must have a casting time of 1 minute or less. Alternatively, they could spend healing dice as per spell recovery (see below) instead of spending the slot to cast the spell.  

Prepare a Spell

A character with a prepared spellcasting class may spend their short rest action to prepare one spell slot that was left empty during their daily preperation. The slot must have otherwise been available to use in order to fill in this way. Slots that were not available during their daily preperation but later made available may be filled in this way.  

Spell Recovery

A character with access to leveled spells may regain a spent spell slot for 1 healing die per Spell Level. The dice spent must be of the class that grants access to the slot recovered. If done by a prepared caster, the slot will retain the same spell previously used.  

Garner Inspiration

A character can spend healing dice to attempt to gain a minor inspiration, as though they spent a Luck Point. Each die spent is rolled, with a roll above half the maximum of the die granting a minor inspiration to the character.  
Minor Inspiration: the player can receive a hint on how to resolve a dilemma or overcome a challenge they are currently facing. This hint can be meta-gaming in nature, involve a reminder of a piece of information they may have forgotten about, or an automatic success on a check to notice or realize something they have thus far missed. The information given is not a guarantee, but the die will not be spent in a situation for which the DM has nothing of value to give to the player.

Class-Based Actions

Each class has additional uses for their healing dice, substituting this healing for another mechanic. Note that most archtype abilities that replace or modify mechanics listed here apply in the same form, but are subject to DM approval first (e.g. an Eldritch Poisoner's arcanotoxin can be recovered the same way as the Alchemist bomb feature it replaces).  


Extract recovery: regain the use of one extract for 1 alchemist die per extract level.   More Bombs: regain 1 use of your bomb ability per alchemist dice spent.   Quick-Brew Mutagen: brew a new mutagen potion in 10 minutes (rather than 1 hour) by spending 3 alchemist dice.  


Recover Reservoir: add one point to your arcane reservoir per arcanist die spent.  


Gadget tune-up: add 1 charge to a gadget for 1 artificer die per gadget level.   Field repairs: artificer dice may be spent to heal a Clockwork Companion rather than yourself.  


Seethe: regain 1 round of rage per 1 barbarian die spent.   Warrior's Respite: as healing, but you add your Constitution modifier to each die rolled.  


Song of rest: By playing an inspiring tune through a short rest, you revitalize your allies. By spending bard dice, you grant an equal number of healing dice to distribute as you choose amongst your allies. The granted dice are of the class of each recipient (a character with levels in multiple classes may distribute these dice amongst their classes as they choose, but can gain no more dice in any one class than they have levels in it). Any granted dice that exceed a character's normal maximum healing dice are lost.   Refresh material: regain 1 round of bardic performance per bard die spent.  


Channel Bloodline: regain 1 round of bloodrage per 1 bloodrager die spent.   Heritage reserves: regain one use of your 1st level bloodline power per bloodrager die spent. This ability is not available to the Arcane Bloodline, Imperious Bloodline, Solar Bloodline, or Vestige Bloodline.  


Sparring Practice: Regain one use of the martial flexibility ability per 2 brawler dice spent.  


Combat Meditation: Regain one use of the challenge ability for 3 cavalier dice.   Tend Mount: cavalier dice may be spent to heal your mount rather than yourself.  


Replenish reserves: regain 1 use of Channel Energy for 2 cleric dice.  


Attune with nature: regain a use of the wild shape ability for 3 druid dice.   Tend companion: druid dice may be spent to heal your Animal Companion rather than yourself.  


Gird self: You can spend fighter hit dice to gain temporary hit points equal to the value rolled. These temporary hit points are consumed first when damage is taken, and last until your next short or long rest. A fighter may use this ability and spend dice on healing in the same short rest (they are still limited in how many dice they can spend in a short rest).   Recover Stamina: You may spend fighter dice to roll to recover Stamina rather than health.  


Tend companion: hunter dice may be spent to heal your Animal Companion rather than yourself.   Bonding Time: regain one minute of the animal focus ability per hunter dice spent.  


Renewed Judgment: regain 1 use of the judgement ability for 3 inquisitor dice.   Focus Persecution: regain 1 round of the bane ability per inquisitor dice spent.   Truth Seeking: regain 1 round of the discern lies ability per inquisitor dice spent.  

Martial Artist

Inner calm: regain 1 chi per martial arts die spent.  


Channel reservoir: regain 1 point of your arcane pool for 2 magus dice.  

Monk, Shan Lun

Chi battery: regain 2 chi per monk die spent. A monk with zen devotion instead recovers 3 chi per monk die spent.  

Monk, Astoran

Ki battery: regain 1 ki per monk die spent.  


Refresh invocataions: regain one minute of the invocation ability per omdura die spent.   Refocus divinity: regain one use of divine touch per 2 omdura dice spent.   Channeled might: regain one use of divine might for 5 omdura dice.   Renewed bond: regain one minute of the divine weapon ability per omdura die spent.  


Renewed vengeance: regain 1 use of smite evil for 3 paladin dice.   Refocus divinity: regain 1 use of lay on hands per 2 paladin dice spent.  


Tend companion: ranger dice may be spent to heal your Animal Companion rather than yourself.  


Quick trap: craft a simple, single use trap by spending 1 rogue die per CR of the trap.  


Draw in shadows: regain one use of shadowstep for 2 shadowdancer dice, or one use of shadow jump for 5 shadowdancer dice.   Mend shadows: shadowdancer dice may be spent to heal your living shadow rather than yourself. This use can heal your shadow up to full health.  


Animal focus: regain one minute of the shifter aspect ability per shifter die spent.   Channel inner beast: regain 1 hour of wild shape per shifter die spent.  


Song of vigor: By playing a rousing tune through a short rest, you revitalize your allies. You may spend up to 1 skald dice on each ally to grant them healing instead of yourself. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you may spend an additional skald dice on each ally targeted. Allies gain 1d8 hit points for each die spent on them, plus their own Constitution modifier.   Refresh material: regain 1 round of raging song per skald die spent.  


Hone in: spend 4 slayer die to reset the time required to select a new quarry if you have proof of your previous quarry's death. Spend 8 slayer dice to reset the time required to select a new quarry without proof of death.  


Heritage reserves: regain one use of your 1st level bloodline power per sorcerer die spent. This ability is not available to the Arcane Bloodline, Imperious Bloodline, Solar Bloodline, or Vestige Bloodline.  


Refresh summonings: regain one use of the summon monster ability for 2 summoner dice.   Renew calling: regain one use of the maker's call ability for 4 summoner dice.   Strengthen bonds: regain one round of the merge forms ability per summoner die spent.   Tend Eidolon: summoner dice may be spent to heal your eidolon rather than yourself.   Revive Eidolon: resummon a slain eidolon on the same day. The eidolon is returned at -1 hit points, but stable. This ability costs half your summoner die, rounded up.  


Relive old glory: regain 1 panache point per swashbuckler die spent.  


Tend familiar: warlock dice may be spent to heal your familiar rather than yourself.  


Renew blessings: regain one use of the blessings ability per 2 warpriest dice spent.   Channel Fervor: regain one use of the fervor ability per 2 warpriest dice spent.   Bless Armor: regain one minute of the sacred armor ability per warpriest die spent.  


Tend familiar: wizard dice may be spent to heal your familiar rather than yourself.  

Skill-Based Actions



Treat deadly wounds, Treat Wound from Caltrop, Spike Growth, or Spike Stones, Treat Disease, and Set Broken Bones can be performed as a short rest action.  


If you have appropriate materials to reference (tomes, books, scrolls, etc) on hand, you may read through them in addition to your short rest action, allowing you to make a relevant Lore or Knowledge check with a +5 Circumstance Bonus.  


You may attempt makeshift repairs on a Broken item to return it to usefulness, albeit temporarily. The DC of the relevant craft check is equal to the DC to craft the item. On a success, the item's Broken condition is temporarily replaced with the fragile quality. A weapon in this state regains the broken condition if a natural 1 is rolled on an attack, and armor in this state regains the broken condition if the wearer is hit by a natural 20. Other items roll a d20 each time they are used, and regain the broken condition on a natural 1.  


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