Exotic Locations

Purpose / Function

The Coral Farms

To the northern landing sight at Treddleton - where the Valaistus once docked, there is a coral farm which has an active cycle between night and day, as well as a number of creatures and evolutions unique to the area itself, such as the orange and blue coral, as well as the Ultralight Brinefish which hide in the depths of the blue coral.   With unique properties, both types Coral appears to be capable of absorbing and feeding off of the nearby radioactive brine. The orange emitting a UV glow at night, whilst the blue emits it's own unique oil which is especially useful as a solvent in regards to Skyfisher glue.  

The Mizutsune Shrine

This shrine is looked after and cared by Coaltl - the father of several methods of health triage, it carries the essence of Shelyn within it's depths, as well as a number of unique troughs capable of acting as mirrors and - when given shelyn's blessing are especially beneficial for dealing with The Khatikoi.   Also present here are a number of shrine beasts, and whilst harmless, are moderately fluffy.  

The Black Ring

On the outer layer of the Heretic's isle, there is a donut shapred ring which is occupied by the Terrorasque, the all-father of and originator of many of the particularly dangerous creatures that inhabit The Mainland. It's body constantly bombarded by necromantic energies, such that it's insane regeneration has it operating as a giant silver skeleton. Yet, it is still no less dangerous despite it's near death state, which makes this ring a death-wish to stay, and a frequent place for 'playing chicken' amongst the VERY foolish.  

The Heretic's Tower

On the selfsame isle, there is a tower composed entirely by mirrors in which there is a shrine to Tsukiyo. This tower posseses a number of traps and tests capable for determining the quality of a person, and was once the home of Mhiidosk - She of Mirrored Scales. It is a tower which celebrates protection against, and a method of curing the afflictions created by The Khatikoi  

The Skylab

A decrepit lab reachable primarily through an 'elevator' made by sacrificing yourself to some inert skyfish. It's place is where the mainland studies into Jadetech originated, although it is quite obviously fractured, destroyed, and missing many of it's 'wings' which have fallen into other clouds over time. It is thought that Sorrel and The Baron had once visited one of the other branches, however evidence of that is hard to prove as the two are elusive and often hard to find.
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