The Iron City

A city made on a foundation of iron and psionic energies, it's history isn't long, but it's future is promising.


Whilst a few Eläin have moved from their underwater home to live in the iron city, the primary racial demographics are Androids born from iron wombs and Atstreidi.


The government of the Iron City consists of a Consulate and a Senate. Whilst utmost authority remains in the hand of the Iron King and his Queen, the two often engage in expeditions or explorations of forbidden and dangerous areas. The length of time this preoccupation could potentially render them as inept leaders, however the Senate left behind by them is democratically managed by the people of the city.  

The Iron Senate

A democratic process votes leaders of the city into office. Whilst almost every member of the senate has significant martial prowess, the meritocratic nature of this process ensures that their diplomatic blades are just as sharp as their combat expertise. Violence is discouraged, as it shows weakness in the expression of one's tongue.  

The Iron Inquisition

Formed by volunteers, the iron inquisition is both the martial and law-enforcing agency of the city. Leaders from within the Iron inquisition are elevated by a process of their peers. The number of leaders is limited by the number of those who are present within the force. Replacements may be chosen by superiors in the heat of combat, but the opportunities for nepotism are otherwise limited.  

Major Laws

Black Necromancy is forbidden; those practicing the art receive an inquisition and the most significant corporal punishment possible. Worship of Dark Gods is forbidden; those worshipping and praising the corruption receive an inquisition and the most significant corporal punishment possible. Complete Pacifism is unwelcome; those who cannot commit their life to a fight do not belong amongst those who will sacrifice their life for a cause.  


Due to being a militant peoples, the Iron city has a heavy process of taxation for citizens, although such an act is voluntary primarily by the people, and generous from outsiders who recognize that the martial pressure of the city and it's resilience offers a strong bastion against the forces of corruption and wickedness which otherwise threaten those around htem.


This city is well defended, and from it's conceptualization is meant to withstand attacks both physical and metaphysical. There are numerous layers meant to defend an infrastructure and settlement spread from the outer perimeter which would support the full size of a Metropolis.   There are numerous floating and anchored guard towers which allow for balistic support throughout the entire settlement, the floating towers also possessing the ability to telekinetically move themselves closer or further away from combat, which makes them resilient and challenging to overwhelm by most foes.   Additionally, The walls of this city are segmented and founded upon psionically resonent material, allowing the city to move and lift damaged segments of it's walls in order to replace them with whole and rebuilt chunks. This however, in a defence was used with further innovation to turn the city into a labyrinthine maze capable of grinding through numbers of swarming enemies who eventual death toll was counted into the hundreds of thousands.   Finally, the greatest support are the Iron Archangels, great statues of metal that were recovered and rebuilt, though the materials for their animation are simply too rare to allow for the production of any more, these great statues bear a kingly disposition, though not one sworn to their king of Marrok, but in memoriam of the man who had made history and drove him into creating his legacy.

Industry & Trade

The iron city is abundant with smithies, Foundries, and stoneworks to process the constant influx of raw materials that comes in to their city. Their specialty is processing mundane goods and materials in order to sell to nearby cities as corrosive resistant mainland goods to help support other scouting parties.   However, as it once struggled with a simple lack of raw materials the second industry for which it is renowned is it's mineral harvesting. Stabilizing chronal fissures into functional realities, the iron city has many experienced groups who enter into these locations, hunt down any rampant creatures, and then proceed to strip-mine the reality for any valuables. Supplying their forge-city with the materials it needs to grow.


The infrastructure of the iron city is as organized and resilient as it's peoples. Buildings and streets carved from stone and shingles with varience measured in distances less than centimeters. The careful planning of the entire iron city is designed for a development which would allow it to easily grow into a secure and safe metropolis given enough time, without even the smallest sacrifice for the defences of the city of safety of it's civilians.   Due to the nature of the Psionic Nexus present within the city, the city also has a unique nature in which all citizens communicate telepathically whislt in the city, and when present in a defensive assault, the city enters into a psionic collective unto itself, allowing each citizen to collaborate peerlessly.   Despite it's smaller size, this city is ranked at #2 in the mainland for gross yearly production of manufactured and smelted goods. In future years it is predicted to grow to such a point where it may yet dethrone it's competitor. Many of the materials here are used to make corrosion resistant goods for those attempting to traverse the continent of Lhamia.


Due to the exploration and excavation of multiple iron archives, this northern Lhamian settlement has numerous vaults worth of precious materials whether this is quantified as being for the benefits of craftsmen and researching or whether it is quantified in goods of material value.   The true asset of this city however, is it's people. The tireless and inexhaustible nature of it's troops, forge creations, and peoples means that they readily and happily perform the work that is three times greater than those from other cities.

Guilds and Factions

Whilst ironically so; member of the fireside guild in Sedon have found their way to this city. Resulting in a newfound faction of "The Lhamian Fireside Guild", whilst they carry great respect for their forefounder of Alexsander, these smiths are far more loyal to the city master Marrok, and have engaged in a less controlled and more widespread creation of materials for their own growth and development.


This city is far too "young" to have any significant history. It is a bastion that grows against the tides of history and is attempting to make it's mark against the world.
Founding Date
Location under