Kaiga City

This extradimensional multi-dimensional painting is thought to be one of the home lands of the Natura Morta. Though it's creatoin lingers in days long past, many of the varied groupings of Natura Morta surrounding the second expedition site trace their heart and home back to this site. Although the painting itself is called Kaiga City, the actual population is roughly equivalent to a large town.


This Town is entirely composed of Natura Morta, as whilst their society is relatively peaceful and focuses on farming various products, the lack of certain physical tendencies, and the nature of their offspring to take after the Natura Morta, outsiders do not remain within it's borders for long.   With limited distinction between themselves, the only truly separate class among the Natura Morta are members of the spectrum, whom act as a guiding force for the city, and ensure that it is never destroyed or their history lost.


The Spectrum of the Natura Morta is their guiding leadership, as their wisdom and experience usually exceeds others of their kind, in which case they act as a counsel for their peoples held in open forums,


The defences of this extradimensional territory consist of a complex ritual external to the lands, as the city can disappear effectively indefinitely should it feel that it is threatened, sustained only on the purified energy of a nearby leyline. Without carefully discovering the nature of the Natura Morta, it proves an assault impossible.

Industry & Trade

The industry of the Natura Morta is paints and tools for painting, thus there are certain creatures cultivated for th purposes of their bristles, as much as there are plants for the purposes of new colors. The Natura Morta enjoy the discovery of new artists and styles. Thus the worth of most things is evaluated not on it's worth in terms of gold, but for it's longevity and usage in art.


As the painting of Kaiga City has remained unchanging for countless years, it's infrastructure consists of a city built upon oily-waters with bridges and boats interconnecting the numerous houses.


Kaiga City has numerous districts which have been made upon the creation of a new spectrum, whilst they form as soon as the painting creates one of it's new members, they remain even after their passing, as they exist at the borders of their territory, abandoned without anyone living inside of it.


Naturally skilled at espionage, the Natura Morta of Kaiga City have long since practiced avoidance and disinterest in worldly matters, which has in a history that is non-combative save for their explorations and forays into the world outside, which has led them into collecting various items and relics.   The city itself, is thought by some to have been the creation of the artist responsible for the creation of the first Natura Morta. Though without a written history to vindicate this, the truth is unknown.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under