Alajuoksun Kaupunki

This minor fishing colony resting atop the southern Tzentalch river is unremarkable, with it's floating buildings allowing it to rock against the waters even when they turn tempestuous, and the skilled fishers of the Eläin doing well to feed their peoples. Though it is but a small colony, the small number of the Eläin maintain the location with ease, and satisfy many of their needs.    


Due to racial genetics, and diplomatic behaviors of surrounding races, the colony on the river has an population entirely composed of Eläin, though those found vary between the Ethnicities of the monkey like Apina, the Goat like Vuohi, the Fishlike Kala'staa, the Wolverine Ah'Ma, the birdlike Lintu, the reptillian Mate'lija, as well as a number of the Chameleon Muoto'ilija, and some atavastic Half-Eläin.


The Eläin exiles are a Matriarchy, maintaining many of the cultural norms of their species despite having been exiled from it. With one figure acting as a "mother" to them all and providing her guidance. Though she does well to listen to the stories of her "children" as best she can to ensure that her judgements are fair and reasonable.   Due to the ageless nature of the Eläin, her original age is unknown, but she is one of the original exiles, and has no name beyond her title.


The militant and Martial training of the Eläin make them an unstoppable force even against the local fauna. Whilst anything else has to brave a flight over water, they are near to invincible in guerilla actions, and their only weakness is their sheer lack of number.

Industry & Trade

Fishing is the primary industry and trade, but the Eläin will often act as stewards and guardians of the nearby areas, ensuring that a sense of balance exists, in order to follow the tenants of being respectful of nature that exists within their religious tenants.


The village on the lake is built on floating ships and consequently may be untethered or tethered with numerous sheets of wood to help balance and maintain the flotation of the buildings, the Eläin are well prepared for many weather phenomona, and have the stored water and food supplies to support a building, even should it become untethered, at least long enough for it to be reclaimed and rescued.


Composed of a neatly organized industrial district and living district, the village on the water is easily accessible for all matters required such that walking or swimming to a place of conveniennce is a matter of only some few minutes rather than extensive.


This village was originally founded post the exile of a group of Eläin explorers. Following them incurring the wrath of the local diety, their associated mistakes had their names stripped of them, and had them exiled from their species, and the Dragon's wrath - turning their Jadetech against them - made their previous village a hostile place.   Forced away from home, the exiles would create a new village, floating atop the waters where they could live apart from the horror of watching the machines of their own creation, slaughter their own people. Thousands of years have passed since their exile however, and the usage and knowledge of Jadetech ahs not yet faded from their peoples, resulting in mdoerate usage growing once again.   Due to the slaughter, only a few of those the first-exiled have survived, and whilst their future generations have picked names for themselves, they are all aware that in the end, none of them are named truly by their Eläin culture, and would only be ignored should they ever return to their homeland.
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