The Godsreach Range

The Godsreach Range was given it's name because the mountains in this area are so tall they are rumored to touch the heavens. These mountains reach altitudes so high that they are some of the only places one can naturally find snow on Betoros.

Points of Interest

Blue Basin

Average Temperature: Day 80F, Night 65F   The Blue Basin is lush and beautiful. Down at the base of the mountain, the land enjoys the usual heat that is commonly found throughout Betoros, except it is accompanied by the occasional cool refreshing breeze carried straight from the mountains tops. A blue freshwater lake filled with water straight from the mountains sits calmly in the suns light. The serene spot is only made more beautiful by painted landscape of trees and mighty mountain ranges in the far distance.

Wanaweep Woods

Average Temperature: Day 45F, Night 30F   The Wanaweep Woods finds itself in a constant state of melting and freezing. In the day, trees slowly drip their frozen moisture to the ground like falling tears and the ground becomes a slurry of cold mud, but at night the forests moisture freezes solid. Travelling through these woods can be a dangerous endeavor without a way to stay dry because at night the temperature of these woods drops to freezing. The frozen ground here is caked with a snow that never seems to completely go away as it is often resupplied by a moonlit snowfall.

Frigid Expanse

Average Temperature: Day 15F, Night -30F   About halfway up the mountain there is a lake that is frozen near solid. The ice that covers the lake is 10 feet deep in its thinnest parts, and frozen perfectly clear like a windows glass. Nobody knows the true depths of the lakes waters as it is too deep to tell, but occasionally strange giant prehistoric fish can be seen swimming deep below the ice. The water of the lake is also filled with a strange bioluminescent algae that is super sensitive to vibrations. Walking on the ice causes a ripple of light to glow under your steps, and occasionally streaks appear that follow the fish swimming below.

Old Coot's Peak

Average Temperature: Day -20F, Night -60F   At the top of the ranges tallest mountain sits an empty valley filled with rocks. The area here is relatively depressing, too cold for most plants and animals to exist happily. Because of this it is barren of any life and cast in the shadows of the tall rock walls that surround it. A large, rough staircase cascades further up to the mouth of a cave. The few who have dared to travel this far report strange echoes that come from the cave from time to time... echoes that sound like the strange cackling of weird old man.
Mountain Range
Location under