Tyber Plains

Tyber Plains has grown from a small village to a prosperous town, attracting more settlers and visitors every year. Alcael Baelfire has become a respected leader and a loyal ally of the Betoros royal family, who have granted him the title of Lord of Tyber. He has also established a strong militia of adventurers who protect the town from threats and explore the surrounding lands for new resources and opportunities.   The town has developed a diverse agriculture, trade, tourism, and crafts economy. The fertile soil and the nearby Sedon river provide abundant crops and livestock, which are sold in the markets of Sedon and other nearby towns. The town also hosts various festivals and events, such as the annual Harvest Celebration, the Spring Fair, and the Calamity Remembrance Day, commemorating the town's history and culture. The city is also known for its skilled artisans and craftsmen, who produce fine goods such as pottery, jewelry, textiles, and furniture.   The town has also become a hub of learning and innovation, thanks to the efforts of Alcael and his followers, who have brought back books, artifacts, and knowledge from their travels and adventures. The town has a library, a museum, a school, and a workshop where people can study, research, and experiment with various fields of interest, such as history, magic, engineering, and alchemy. The town has also established connections and exchanges with other cities and organizations, such as the Academy of Astralaria, the Order of the Silver Flame, and the Guild of Explorers, who share their expertise and discoveries with the town.   The town has also faced challenges and conflicts, such as natural disasters, bandit raids, monster attacks, and political intrigues. However, the city has always overcome these difficulties thanks to its people's courage, resilience, and cooperation. The town has also maintained a good relationship with its neighbors, especially Sedon and the Betoros kingdom, who have supported the town's development and security. The city has also welcomed and integrated people from different backgrounds and cultures, who have enriched the town's diversity and harmony.   Tyber Plains has become a shining example of how a community can rise from the ashes of a tragedy and create a new and better future for themselves and others.


Tyber is a diverse and cosmopolitan town with people from various races, cultures, and backgrounds. The majority of the population is Human, but there are also significant minorities of elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, half-orcs, and half-elves. Some rare and exotic races, such as tieflings, aasimars, catfolk, ratfolk, and tengu, have found a home in Tyber. The town is tolerant and accepting of different beliefs and lifestyles as long as they do not harm or disturb the community's peace. The most common religions in Tyber are those of the Betoros pantheon, which include gods of nature, magic, war, justice, and civilization. However, there are also followers of other faiths, such as the Silver Flame, the Astral Order, and the Cult of the Dragon. The town also has a vibrant and creative culture, with various art, music, literature, and entertainment forms. The town’s festivals and events are popular and well-attended by locals and visitors.


Tyber is governed by Lord Alcael Baelfire, who has the authority and responsibility of managing the town’s affairs and representing its interests. He is assisted by a council of advisors chosen from among his most trusted and capable followers. The commission includes representatives of various sectors and groups of the town, such as the militia, the merchants, the artisans, the farmers, the scholars, and the clergy. The council meets regularly to discuss and decide on important issues and policies that affect the town. The council also acts as a court of justice, where disputes and crimes are settled and judged. The city’s laws are based on fairness, order, and freedom and are enforced by the militia and the town watch. The city also pays taxes and tribute to the Betoros kingdom, which protects and supports the town. The town has a good relationship with the royal family, especially with Queen Betoros the 3rd, who is a patron and a friend of Lord Alcael.


  • Walls: The City is surrounded by a sturdy high wall with gates, towers, and battlements. The wall is made of stone and reinforced with magic and metal. The militia guards the wall, and the City Watch patrols and monitors the perimeter.
  • Magic: The city has a layer of magic that enhances and supplements its physical defenses. The magic includes wards, glyphs, and runes that create barriers, illusions, and effects.
  • Allies: The City has several allies and friends that support and assist it in times of need. These allies include the Betoros kingdom, the Academy of Astralaria, the Order of the Silver Flame, and the Guild of Explorers.

Industry & Trade

  • Agriculture: Tyber produces and sells various agricultural products, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, herbs, meat, dairy, and honey. It also manufactures and sells processed foods like bread, cheese, wine, and beer.
  • Crafts: The town produces and sells many crafted goods, such as pottery, jewelry, textiles, and furniture. The crafts are managed by the artisans and the craftsmen who work in the industrial district.
  • Tourism: Tyber attracts and hosts various tourists and visitors who visit and experience the town’s history, culture, and attractions. It also offers various services and amenities like lodging, dining, entertainment, and guidance. Tourism is primarily overseen by artists and entertainers working in the cultural district.
  • Trade: It exchanges and trades its products and services with other markets and regions, both near and far. The town also imports and acquires various goods and resources that it needs or desires, such as spices, metals, gems, and magic items.


Tyber has a well-developed and maintained infrastructure, thanks to the efforts and resources of Lord Alcael and his followers. It has a network of roads and bridges that connect the town with the surrounding lands and facilitate trade and travel. Aqueducts and wells provide clean water and irrigation to the city and the farms. There is a sewer system that drains and disposes of waste and prevents diseases and pollution. They have a communication system that allows the cyber to send and receive messages and information using magic, technology, and animals. It has a defense system that protects the city from external threats, such as walls, gates, towers, traps, and alarms. The city also has a medical system that provides health care and healing to the city, using magic, herbs, and medicine.


  • Market District: The commercial and economic center of the city, where various goods and services are bought and sold. It has a large and bustling market square, where merchants and traders from all over the region and beyond set up their stalls and shops. They also have a bank, a post office, a guild hall, and a warehouse. The market area is lively, colorful, and prone to crime and corruption.
  • Residential District: The city's inhabitants live and work here. The district has various housing options, from modest cottages and apartments to luxurious mansions and villas. It has a park, a school, a library, and a museum.
  • Industrial District: The city's artisans and craftsmen produce and create various goods and products here. The district has a workshop, a forge, a pottery, a tannery, and a brewery. They have a power plant, a water mill, and a windmill.
  • Cultural District: The city's artists and entertainers express and perform various forms of art and entertainment here. They have a theater, a concert hall, a gallery, and a studio. It also has a tavern, an inn, and a brothel.
  • The Religious District: The city's clergy and faithful worship and serve various gods and faiths here. Within its region is a temple, a shrine, a church, and a monastery. It also has a cemetery, a crypt, and a catacomb.
  • Military District: The city's militia and adventurers train and prepare for various missions and quests here. It has barracks, an armory, a training ground, a dungeon, a gate, a tower, and a wall surrounding Tyber's primary assets.


  • The Sedon River: The river provides the city with water, fish, and transportation. It also serves as a natural border and a source of energy.
  • The Farmlands: The city has vast and fertile farmlands that produce a variety of crops and livestock. The city is self-sufficient in food and exports its surplus to other markets.
  • Artifacts: The city has a collection of rare and powerful artifacts that Lord Alcael and his followers have acquired from their adventures. These artifacts include weapons, armor, jewelry, scrolls, and relics. Some artifacts are displayed in the museum, while others are kept in a secret vault.
  • Knowledge: The city has a wealth of knowledge and information that Lord Alcael and his followers have gathered from their travels and studies. These include books, maps, journals, and records. Some of this knowledge is shared in the library and the school, while others are kept in a secret archive.

Guilds and Factions

Tyber has several guilds and factions that represent and organize various groups and interests of the town. Some of these guilds and factions are:
  • The Militia: The city’s military and security forces, led by Lord Alcael. The militia consists of adventurers, warriors, and scouts who protect the city and explore the lands.
  • The Scholars: The city’s academic and intellectual community, led by Lady Elora. The scholars consist of researchers, teachers, and students who study, learn, and teach various fields of knowledge and interest.
  • The Engineers: The city’s technological and innovative community, led by Master Gideon. Engineers are inventors, alchemists, and technomancers who create, experiment, and improve various gadgets, devices, and machines.
  • The Clergy: The city’s religious and spiritual community, led by Father Benedict. The clergy consists of priests, monks, and healers who worship, serve, and heal various gods and faiths.


Tyber has a rich and eventful history that shapes and defines its present and future. Some of the significant events and periods of its history are:
  • Founding: The town was founded 50 years ago by Lord Alcael and his followers, who cleared and settled the land after the calamity. It was named Tyber after the family name of Lord Alcael’s wife, who died in the catastrophe. It was blessed and supported by the Betoros royal family, who granted Lord Alcael the authority and the responsibility of governing the town.
  • Reconstruction: The town underwent reconstruction and development, where it built and improved its infrastructure and facilities. The city also attracted and welcomed more settlers and refugees, who joined and contributed to the town’s community and economy. The city also established and maintained good relations and alliances with its neighbors and friends, who offered and received support and assistance from the city.
  • Exploration: The town underwent a period of exploration and discovery, expanding and exploring its surrounding lands and regions. The city also collected various artifacts and knowledge, which it displayed and shared in its museum and library. The city also faced multiple threats and dangers, such as monsters, bandits, and rivals, which it fought and overcame with its militia and allies.
  • Prosperity: The town underwent a period of prosperity and growth, where it increased and diversified its industry and trade. The town also attracted and hosted various tourists and visitors who came to see and experience the town’s history, culture, and attractions. The town also enjoyed and celebrated various festivals and events, commemorating and honoring the town’s achievements and traditions.

Points of interest

  • The Museum: The city’s museum is a place where the town displays and exhibits its collection of rare and powerful artifacts that Lord Alcael and his followers have acquired from their adventures. The museum has several sections, such as weapons, armor, jewelry, scrolls, and relics.
  • The Temple: The city’s temple is a place where the city worships and serves the Betoros pantheon, which consists of gods of nature, magic, war, justice, and civilization. Several altars, statues, and symbols represent the different gods and their domains. Within the temple is a shrine where the town honors and remembers its heroes and ancestors.
  • The Theater: The city’s theater is a place where the town performs and enjoys various forms of art and entertainment, such as plays, concerts, comedy, and poetry. It has a stage, a curtain, a balcony, and a backstage, where the actors, musicians, comedians, and poets prepare and perform their shows. Attached to the theater is a tavern, where the town drinks and socializes before and after the shows.


Tyber has a booming and lucrative tourism industry that contributes to its economy and prosperity. The town attracts and hosts various tourists and visitors who visit and experience the town’s history, culture, and attractions. Some of the reasons and ways that people visit and enjoy the city are:
  • History: Tyber has a rich and eventful history that shapes and defines its present and future. It offers and provides various tours and guides that tell and show the town’s history and stories, such as the founding, the reconstruction, the exploration, and the prosperity. Throughout the many districts are various monuments and landmarks that commemorate and honor the town’s history and heroes, such as the statue of Lord Alcael, the memorial of the calamity, and the fountain of the Betoros family.
  • Culture: Tyber has a vibrant and creative culture that expresses and celebrates its diversity and harmony. It offers and provides various shows and events that display and share the town’s culture and arts, such as the theater, the concert hall, the gallery, and the studio. Some festivals and celebrations commemorate and honor the town’s culture and traditions, such as the Harvest Celebration, the Spring Fair, and the Calamity Remembrance Day.
  • Attractions: Tyber has various attractions and activities that entertain and amaze its visitors and residents. It offers various services and amenities that cater to the town’s attractions and activities, such as lodging, dining, entertainment, and guidance. Several key points of interest that the locals agree serve to fascinate and intrigue the town’s visitors and residents, such as the museum, the temple, and the theater.


Tyber has a unique and distinctive architecture that reflects and blends its history, culture, and geography. The city’s buildings and structures are mostly made of wood and stone, with some metal and magic enhancements. The city’s buildings and structures are designed and decorated in a rustic and cozy style with exotic and elegant touches. The town’s buildings and structures are mostly arranged and organized in a circular and symmetrical pattern, with some exceptions and variations. Some of the features and examples of the town’s architecture are:
  • The Wall: The city’s wall is a sturdy and high structure that surrounds and protects the city. The wall is made of stone and reinforced with metal and magic. The wall has gates, towers, and battlements that allow access and defense.
  • The Mansion: The city’s mansion is a luxurious and spacious structure that serves as the residence and office of Lord Alcael and his family. The mansion is made of wood and stone, with metal and magic enhancements. The mansion has rooms, halls, and gardens that provide comfort and privacy. The mansion is designed and decorated in an exotic and elegant style, with some rustic and cozy touches.
  • The Workshop: The city’s workshop is a productive and innovative structure that serves as the workplace and laboratory for engineers and their projects. The workshop is made of wood and metal, with some stone and magic enhancements. The workshop has stations, tools, and machines that enable creation and experimentation. The workshop is designed and decorated in a complex and chaotic style, with some simple and functional touches.


  • The Plains: The city's plains are flat, open areas covering most of the city's land. The plains are fertile and bountiful, providing abundant crops and livestock. The plains are also exposed and vulnerable, requiring protection and defense. The plains are primarily green and brown, with colorful and seasonal flowers and plants.
  • The River: The city's river is a flowing and winding body of water that runs through the city and into the sea. The river provides water, fish, and transportation to the city. The river also serves as a natural border and a source of energy. The blue and clear river has white and turbulent rapids and waterfalls.
  • The Hills: The city's hills are small, gentle elevations surrounding the city and leading into the mountains. The hills provide wood, game, and herbs to the city. The hills also serve as a natural barrier and a source of adventure. The hills are mostly green and lush, with rocky and rugged cliffs and caves.
  • The Mountains: The city's mountains are large, steep formations that rise above the town and the island. The mountains provide metal, gems, and magic to the town. The mountains also serve as a natural landmark and a source of mystery. The mountains are mostly gray and snowy, with colorful and exotic flora and fauna.


  • Temperature: The city’s temperature is high and stable throughout the year, with slight variation between day and night. The average temperature is around 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit), with some occasional extremes of 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) or 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit).
  • Precipitation: The city’s precipitation is high and frequent throughout the year, with more variation between seasons. The average rainfall is around 2000 millimeters (79 inches) per year, with some occasional extremes of 3000 millimeters (118 inches) or 1000 millimeters (39 inches) per year. The town has two main seasons: the wet season and the dry season. The wet season lasts from November to April and is characterized by heavy and constant rain, thunderstorms, and floods. The dry season lasts from May to October, characterized by light and intermittent rain, sunshine, and droughts.
  • Wind: The city’s wind is moderate and variable throughout the year, with more variation between locations. The average wind speed is around 15 kilometers per hour (9 miles per hour), with some occasional extremes of 30 kilometers per hour (18 miles per hour) or 5 kilometers per hour (3 miles per hour). The town has two main wind directions: the trade winds and the monsoon winds. The trade winds blow from the east to the west and are more common and consistent in the dry season. The monsoon winds blow from the west to the east and are rarer and erratic in the wet season.

Natural Resources

  • Crops: The town grows and harvests various crops, serving food and raw materials to the city. The town’s crops include grains, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices. The town’s crops are mostly grown and harvested in the plains, where the soil and water are fertile. The town’s crops are mostly suited and adapted to the warm and humid climate, where the sun is bright, and the rain is frequent.
  • Livestock: The town raises and breeds various livestock that serve as food and raw materials for the city. The town’s livestock include cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, and horses. The town’s livestock is raised chiefly and bred in the plains, with ample grass and space. The town’s livestock are mostly suited and adapted to the warm and humid climate, where the parasites are few and the diseases are rare.
  • Wood: The town cuts and collects various wood that serves as fuel and raw materials for the city. The town’s wood includes oak, pine, cedar, and bamboo. The town’s wood is mainly cut and collected in the hills, where the trees are abundant and access is easy. The town’s wood is suited chiefly and adapted to the warm and humid climate, where the growth and quality are fast.
  • Metal: The town mines and smelts various metals that serve as currency and raw materials for the town. The town’s metals include iron, copper, silver, and gold. The town’s metals are mostly mined and smelted in the mountains, where the veins are rich and the heat is intense. The town’s metals are mostly suited and adapted to the warm and humid climate, where the corrosion and demand are low.
  • Gems: The town digs and polishes various gems that serve as jewelry and raw materials for the town. The town’s gems include ruby, sapphire, emerald, and diamond. The town’s gems are mostly dug and polished in the mountains, where the crystals are rare and the skill is refined. The town’s gems are mostly suited and adapted to the warm and humid climate, where the sparkle is bright and the value is high.
Alternative Name(s)
Location under
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Owning Organization