Wrinkle Town

A fortified decently large town of farmers knights and merchants. Hosting the largest knight school in the area, created by Sir Wrinkleton and his longtime friend Zhol, to help train all to be honorable and respectful knights, that protect the people of the world, training normal civilians and criminals that seek redemption in life. The town is known for its great care for it's people the leader, descendants of the wrinkleton blood line, always seeking to do what's best for the people and not what is best for the governmental figures of the town. Wood houses with red roofs cover the town which are surrounded by the heavily guarded walls.


After fighting a bloody war to help the people of the world Sir Wrinkleton had lost one of his legs and had done all he can in his time to help the people of the world as a knight so he settled down and began forming a town, setting up a new knight's school with his close friend and brother in law, Zhol, to help keep the world safe and to teach people to be true knights following the way of Sit Wrinkleton. 50 years after its construction and running on one cool night Sir Wrinkleton allowed his soul to pass on, trusting that he had done enough to help people and that his family can continue his dream.  

Interesting Fact

Some wonder why the town is so overly protected and guarded but none know the true reason for this. The true reason being because of all the monsters and evils Sir Wrinkleton slayed in his day, many evils in the world seek to destroy his burial site so they can finally say they beat the great Sir Wrinkleton. This causes it to be a hot spot for monsters and many other evils which the knight force that guards the town pushes back, could be a dangerous spot for adventures to explore the wilds of, but also the wilds would be very rewarding if they managed to defeat the evils within the nearby wilds  



The plentiful farmlands of the town constantly keeping it fed with fresh meat bread and veggies, guarded by elemental beings placed by Wrinkletons sister Vela long ago. The lands blessed with holy magic for the soil to constantly produce good food
Elementals guarding the farms


Simple city streets constantly patrolled by friendly knights, the noise of every day life constantly fill the streets as they guide you throughout the town

Guard Tower

The largest tower of the strong wall that defends wrinkle town, holding also the head knight of the town gaurd, Sir Patches a descendent of sir wrinkleton. This would be the best place to go to contact higher ups within the gaurd

Knight School of Wrink and Blight

Developed long ago the knight school is the best place in this part of the world to learn to become a knight, following the ways of sir wrinkleton learning to protect the innocent out of the good of your heart instead of for coin. The school also teaches criminals seeking redemption in the cold world helping them to become something. Developed by Zhol and Sir Wrinkleton

Thorn & Claw Plaza

Formerly Known as the Market of Fang first set up by Sir Wrinkleton to help establish an economy now a blossoming part of the area, traders coming from all around to trade goods in this safe center of trade along with adventurers trading monster parts and goods they get while going through the local forest, it was bought out by Thorn & Claw Industries, Owned and Operated by Tähti Grate with help from her Husband Ozymandias Grate.

Town Hall

The Town Hall, the center of government in the town, seated by Sir Wrinkletons latest Heir, Lady Lilian, and used to help manage the town and listen to the words of the people to help keep there lives well. If one would wish to speak to a member of the wrinkleton family or a member of government this would be the place to go to.

Tahzy's Tavern

A quiet and quaint tavern hosting a wide verity of patrons from knights to farmers, known for its tasty cheeses and meats catering to animals as well as this tavern is run by a descendant of sir wrinkleton, Chef Pudge! Chef Pudge didn't seek valor in combat as his other siblings did he sought a peaceful life helping feed the city.   Tall people be warned, the chairs and tables are short as most of the staff are talking bulldogs or halflings.

Forests of Dishonor

A forest close to Wrinkle Town, constantly surrounded by fog. The forest is a drawing point of evil, monsters, and beings of evil alignments traveling to the forest in hopes of destroying Wrinkle town to desecrate the grave of sir wrinkleton, as a victory against good. Some say an evil being from wrinkletons past controls the forest and is leading the cause to destroy him.   Adventurers that have traveled to the forest to fight monsters and evil have reported tough fights but high rewards from inside the forest

Wrinkleton Memorial

Though he would never have wanted it, his son, Sir Dozer, insisted that a memorial be made. A large statue was constructed, paid for from the Wrinkleton families own pockets, of Sir Wrinkleton sleeping, resting finally after all his work for the people. Under the memorial sits a large stone with Sir Wrinkleton's great sword molded into it, for the right paws to pull out one day.
Alternative Name(s)
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization