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Claudius Hadrianus

Youngest living son of Ellis II . Claudius was a frail, sickly child and displayed none of the martial prowess of his older brother Tiberius Hadrianus . Ignored by his father from a young age, Claudius found solace in the libraries of the Imperial archives and the Arcanium . Claudius was fascinated by the culture of tolerance at the Arcanium, where talent and intelligence mattered more than wealth or rank, and became an apprentice to the Arch Magus herself.   Unfortunately, Claudius never manifested any talent for the arcane arts. The Arch Magus, sensing the crushing disappointment in her star pupil, offered Claudius an administrative position as Liaison to the Imperial Court. Claudius politely refused, as a ceremonial position would violate the tenant that those in positions of authority must demonstrate exceptional ability. Instead, he applied to the Imperial College in Monterra , far from his father and the politics of the capital city.   At the Imperial College Claudius proved himself a star pupil, and quickly rose through the academic ranks to tenured professorship in four years. Claudius specializes in elven studies, history of arcane magic, and political philosophy.   The longer Claudius has spent in academia, the more radicalized he has become. Claudius has published numerous papers calling for full emancipation of elves and all other races across the empire, reparations to the barbarian tribes for displacement and destruction of their culture at the hands of the imperial legions, and restoration of the Senate as a counterbalance to imperial authority.   Claudius isn't sure if his father knows, or cares, about the borderline treasonous papers authored by his son. Claudius suspects that he is a non-entity to his estranged father. Nothing he does, not even sedition, will change the fact that Ellis views his youngest son as a weak, cowardly, elf-loving disappointment.   After the governor of Monterra, Josephus Martellus, was murdered by The Black Brigade, Claudius finds himself governor of the desert city.  With the help of the Scions, he hopes to rebuild the city and restore the Senate to its rightful place.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Claudius has published definitive works on the Eladrin and the fall of Elvantor.  His work has been widely scribed and is can be found in the libraries not just in the empire, but in Seras and Shaolin as well.

Failures & Embarrassments

Claudius knows that despite his imperial lineage he is unfit to rule.  He still craves validation form his father, even though the two have barely spoken since he was a small child.

Intellectual Characteristics

Claudius is well spoken, well read, extremely intelligent, and supremely arrogant.  He enjoys academic debate on esoteric topics, and is always convinced that his argument is superior even if there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary.  Privately, Claudius is well aware that his arrogance is an act; it veils the deep-seated insecurities he's had about himself since he was a boy.

Morality & Philosophy

Despite believing himself to be "man of the people," Claudius's arrogance belies his general contempt for the poor and uneducated.  While he has agitated for the rights of those less fortunate in the empire, Claudius enjoys the cloistered academic life of the Imperial College.  He also enjoys the power and influence he wields as one of the most senior academics on staff.   Claudius is deeply concerned about the unchecked power of his father.  Because of this, he has regular correspondence with several high-ranking senators back home in the imperial capital.
Current Status
Teaching at the Imperial College in Monterra
Early 30's
Dark, wears it shoulder length


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