High-To-Low Selsya Geographic Location in Athanya | World Anvil
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High-To-Low Selsya

Written by orphidor

Located between the Lower Realm and the Higher Realm, High-To-Low Selsya is a mostly-uninhabited plane that serves as a waypoint for those rare creatures who find themselves journeying between the two furthest-apart realms (whether purposefully or by accident.) It is the only plane with a direct twin, Low-To-High Selsya, rather than a counterpart.   This plane is central in altitude and is evenly associated with chaos, order, light, and dark.

Localized Phenomena

As suggested by its name, High-To-Low Selsya is a connecting point between the Higher and Lower Realms. The direction of travel in this instance originates in the Higher Realm and continues on toward the Lower Realm. Because of this, energy, objects, animals, or even people from the Higher Realm may on extremely rare occasions be swept along the interdimensional current and into High-To-Low Selsya.   Since this Selsya also has a connection point originating in the Middle Realm, the same thing may happen between these two planes, though of course this is also incredibly rare.
Dimensional plane
Location under