Lower Midway Geographic Location in Athanya | World Anvil
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Lower Midway

Written by orphidor

Lower Midway is a small plane located halfway between the Middle Realm and the Lower Realm. On very rare occasions, objects or creatures (including members of the intelligent races) fall through the cracks and end up here. Over the 350 years since the Age of Balance began, an odd collection of things have wound up in Lower Midway, so the plane now resembles an infinite junk closet full of assorted miscellanea.


Lower Midway and its counterpart, Higher Midway, resemble an enormous, mostly-lit room more than an environment that can be found in nature. The ground is solid and unyielding, while everything else is completely featureless aside from the various objects that traveled through from the Middle Realm scattered around.


The air is entirely still and no weather phenomenons occur here. The climate is slightly warmer than most people's body temperature.
Dimensional plane
Location under