Azimuth Anthology: Petra

Azimuth Anthology Series

General Summary

The Gilded Gnoll

In 5A 050, Petra D'Silva and her crew of the Falcon arrived in Endor Port for some short time away from Petra's duties as Emissary of Beasts for Parthenia.   Petra visited the Gilded Gnoll tavern in Endor, the First Mountain. She spoke to the bartender about current events, and meanwhile, she overheard a growing argument near to one of the tavern's fireplaces. As the argument grew disruptive, Petra moved to intervene.   The argument was between a gnome farmer and an orc merchant. The gnome owned farmland in Lakanaba, which had been vandalized and damaged, and he blamed the orc for it. The orc was a merchant who had a number of blink dogs, and Petra learned these were being smuggled. The orc first alleged that the dogs were not his, and then that his dogs had been nowhere near the gnome's farms.   To settle the dispute, Petra begrudgingly offered to assist by going to Lakanaba as a neutral third party with some station in the city. Before leaving the city, Petra spoke with a lawyer from one of the dwarven clans about the situation. In the morning, Petra and her young dwarf crewmember, Billy, joined the gnome farmer on the Iron Highway northwards.

Lakanaba and the Gorl Forest

Arriving in Lakanaba, they went to the farmer's ruined fields. They investigated the damage, which appeared too substantial for blink dogs to be at fault. Petra followed the trail that led to the Gorl Forest, and Petra and Billy split up to investigate around.   In the forest, away from Petra, Billy was caught off guard, attacked, and subsequently captured. Once Petra learned this, she quickly tracked the trail after her crewmember. Deep in the Gorl Forest, Petra came across a shoddy encampment of many beastfolk, led by the gnoll, Ipoohw of the Golden Fur.   Ipoohw's tribe, the Tribe of the Golden Fur, had captured Billy, and Petra began to negotiate with her. Ipoohw did acknowledge she knew of Petra and that she was there to help, titling her "Friend of Gnolls". They discussed the origins of the gnolls as they left Parthenia and the difficulties they had faced since their recent arrival. With the differences in their culture compared to those in Endor, a minotaur from the tribe saw no issue with taking food from the gnome's fields.   Leaning on her experience as Emissary of Beasts, Petra convinced Ipoohw that they couldn't take from farms without bringing trouble to their tribe, using the gnoll-style title "Speaker of Reason". With a promise from Petra to use her connections for the benefit of the tribe, Ipoohw ordered the release of Billy. However, as Billy had attacked some of her tribe, Ipoohw did not return the dwarf's weapons.   To start the building of relations, Ipoohw sent the minotaur that had dug up the fields back with Petra to Lakanaba, so that he could apologize to the gnome landowner. The gnome farmer agreed to supply the tribe with some of his extra crop in exchange for help tending to his fields. Though he was initially hesitant, the gnome seemed to Petra to be very pleased with the idea.

The Return

Petra informed the leader of Lakanaba about the arrangement before returning to Endor, the First Mountain. With the previous lawyer she spoke with as a contact point, Petra also alerted the proper authorities in Endor. The kingdom was extremely apprehensive about a tribe of beastfolk within their borders, however true to her word, Petra worked as best she could to appease all parties involved. Eventually, the Tribe of the Golden Fur was allowed to reside within the Gorl Forest, thanks to the continued efforts of Petra on their behalf.   By the time Petra returned to the city, the orc merchant had already departed with his blink dog cargo. Petra chose to do nothing even though the dogs were most likely illegally transported. However, she knew that if the orc crossed her path, and he was indeed smuggling these animals, Petra's pirate code would bring him whatever punishment he deserved.
Report Date
13 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Time
5A 050