Tribe of the Golden Fur

The Tribe of the Golden Fur is a tribe of beastfolk located in the Gorl Forest, on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Endor. It primarily consists of gnolls, however some minotaurs are members of the tribe as well.


In the early FIfth Age, some of the beastfolk of Parthenia felt their traditional way of life and culture was threatened by the rapid changes after the Manslayer War and formation of the Parthenian Federation. Ipoohw of the Golden Fur led a small band of gnolls and minotaurs away to find a new place to reside where they could hold on to what they felt was important.   Around 5A 050, the group reached the Gorl Forest. However, their tribal style of life was quickly noticed, as they began causing problems for the nearby town of Lakanaba. Petra D'Silva, Emissary of Beasts, negotiated a tentative agreement between the Kingdom of Endor and the beastfolk, which avoided any immediate conflict, and the Tribe of the Golden Fur were allowed to settle in the Gorl Forest.   The original band was around 20-30, but they have grown to a small tribe of between 200-300. They are mostly gnolls, though a small number of minotaurs coexist in the tribe as well. Ipoohw had a distinct yellow-brown coloration to her fur, and through the generations this has spread to the descendants in the tribe. Many of the Golden Fur Tribe carry a more yellow or lighter fur color, which is most noticeable when they are compared to other gnolls outside of their tribe.


  • Gorl Forest: The forest is largely birch trees, and in autumn months the leaves turn the surrounding forest golden with the tint of the turning leaves that fall.


Notable People

  • Ipoohw of the Golden Fur: A golden-furred gnoll, and the first leader of the Tribe of the Golden Fur that brought her people to the Gorl Forest.
  • Hceehc of the Golden Fur: As of 5A 352, Hceehc was the current leader of the tribe. He's taken a more active role in relations with the nearby Kingdom of Endor.


The Tribe was originally founded by beastfolk who felt their traditional way of life and culture was threatened by the rapid changes happening in Parthenia. They wished to protect these older customs as their chosen way of life.   Their culture comes from one of small tribal life, where each member contributes to the group as a whole. As such, many tasks are shared throughout the tribe, such as resource gathering, food preparation, and child rearing. There is a wider sense of community and family as a result of this. Often, pups from the same year will be raised together by the tribe, even if their parents were different gnolls.   Though, the aspects of beastfolk culture expressed in this tribe have been slowly adapting. Over the last 300 years, as generations continue to pass in these new lands, they've grown to accept more aspects of a sedentary structure. In addition to the foraging paries throughout the Gorl Forest, they've started small farms and are practiced in the tilling of land to supliment their growing population's needs.   The foraging parties, often painted with birch bark war paint, must range farther as the tribe grows, from the Barrens to the west and along the coast of the Black Sail Sea to the north. These wild places are untamed and dangerous at times, and these bands can be accosted by beasts and monsters, as well as bandits or mercenaries mistaking them, or seeking them, as targets to slay.

Relations with Endor

After the assistance of Petra D'Silva long ago, the Tribe of the Golden Fur has been trying their best to cling to the old ways, but also not resort to becoming a threat to the surrounding area. While the Tribe of the Golden Fur focuses their ranging to the west and north, the most fertile lands and roaming ranges of wild animals is farther south and east, towards the Endor cities of Lakanaba and Varr Kazid, places where the gnolls are hesitant to trespass on.   The tribe is aware their numbers are too small to pose a great threat to the Kingdom of Endor, and should the dwarves choose to, they could be expunged from their home. This balance has been continued by the tribe leaders for generations, choosing to exist on the fringes of Endor society. As long as they did not interfere with Endor, Endor would watch from a distance but largely let them be in the rougher, wilder places of central and western Endor.   Hceehc of the Golden Fur, the tribe's current leader, has taken a more active role in maintaining relations with Endor. He has realized that as the tribe continues to slowly grow, they will need to have more lasting and open relations with Endor to survive. A type of cultural exchange was arranged, and a few young pups were chosen to go and bring back skills and knowledge to act as the bridge the other races. The job is partially ostracizing and partly an honor. They are important ties to the surrounding communities, but they are also removed from the old ways that the tribe left Parthenia to save.


According to Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, by 5A 352, Gohlede Teente was beginning to run out of supplies as a result of the tribe's gradual increasing population. Instead of taking what their people need, Hceehc began seeking to integrate Gohled Teente into the surrounding lands.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
Around 5A 050, the Tribe of the Golden Fur was allowed to settle in the Gorl Forest due to the influence of Petra D'Silva, Emissary of Beasts, and her interactions with their leader at the time, Ipoohw of the Golden Fur.   In 5A 347, Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, left her tribe at the direction of Hceech of the Golden Fur. The stated purpose was to learn various skills and talents and engage in a cultral exchange, and she went to Endor, the First Mountain.   At some point prior to 13 Adroth 5A 352, Romsca's sister, Yeempa, was sent to Endor to fulfill "the role we need".
Founding Date
Around 5A 050
Geopolitical, Tribe
Controlled Territories
Notable Members