Black Barrow

The Black Barrow was a large sailing vessel under the command of Leo, Captain of the Black Barrow. The ship was instrumental during the journey of the Zenethian Heroes, allowing them access to the nations and continents of Azimuth during the late Fourth Age.   In the Fifth Age, the Black Barrow remained under Leo's command and was often seen off the coast of Iluvitar for many years. Though it has been many years since any confirmed sighting of the ship, many claims of a ship with black sails are made each year in the Black Sail Sea.


The hull and sails of the ship were fully black. The ship was multileveled, with a mid deck that housed several cabins and storage. The ship had a number of armaments, including cannons.


The crew of the Black Barrow were entirely skeletons reanimated by Leo, Captain of the Black Barrow. The crew seemed to function continuously and autonomously, with only occassional additional summons made to replace any lost crew. Even in instances where Leo was incapacitated or lost consciousness, the crew did not deanimate.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
In late 4A 995, under the command of Leo, the ship was docked in Konenbur. Here, Leo met the Zenethian Children and Gruknock, Captain of Burland, and they negotiated passage onboard and Leo joined their group. Though they were originally hesitant regarding the skeleton crew, they grew accustomed to them during their journey together. Brigitte even was tutored in combat movement by the skeleton crew as they sailed.   The Black Barrow allowed the group passage to several locations around Azimuth as the Zenethian Heroes traveled.   In 4A 995, the Black Barrow arrived at Iluvitar, docking at Gaerna Ambar.   In 4A 995, the Black Barrow arrived at Port Haville and sunk a minotaur vessel docked there.   In 4A 995, the Black Barrow arrived at the Mausoleum of Dwarf Lords. While there, the ship evaded an enemy entity, which was communicated to Leo by semaphor when the Heroes left the Mausoleum.   In 4A 996, the Black Barrow arrived at the Grand Bazaar. It would later depart and sail up the coast, mooring on the Sevnaya Coast. The ship would transport rescued orcish prisoners from Stephan's Folly.   In 4A 996, the Black Barrow arrived at Endor Port and unloaded the orcish prisoners after the Zenethian Heroes recieved permission to do so from High King Thorik Oathenhammer.   In 4A 996, the Black Barrow headed towards Iluvitar. In the Leviathan Sea, they encountered Petra D'Silva and rescued her from the water. Later, the ship battled a number of harpies and the Leviathan. Eventually, the Black Barrow brought the Heroes to the Birdsong Tower.   In 4A 996, the Black Barrow brought the Heroes to the Orichalcum Peninsula of Tarteria.   In 4A 996, the Black Barrow returned the Heroes to Endor Port, where it remained docked for the rest of the Manslayer War.
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
During the Fifth Age, the Black Barrow made many trips around Azimuth, including bringing Leo to his homeland of Santeem. After the formation of the Santeem Republic, the Black Barrow would often be seen off the coast of Iluvitar as Leo kept apprised of goings-on there.

Notable People

Leo, Captain of the Black Barrow: Captain
Zenethian Heroes: Former crew


  • The Black Sail Sea is said to be named after this vessel.
Ship Type
Large Sailing Ship