Galaduath Valaran

High Elf Bard, College of Swords / Warlock, Hexblade, Noble

"We swore to uphold the covenant of the World Tree."
Galaduath Valaran, known by the title "The Shadow of the World Tree", was a high elf bard and warlock who appeared in Azimuth Anthology: Tournament of Champions. He was played by G.F.   Galaduath was the last ruler of Amerúin, the Sunrise City, the first city of the elves. During the city's destruction in the middle of the Third Age, Galaduath was killed by Esturk, The World's End. However, through his actions, Caran Nimlo'than, the Hall of the Sacred Guardians, was only left in ruins and those inside were saved.



Galaduath was an aristocratic looking high elf man with very long, free-flowing blonde hair. He wore beautifully crafted elven half-plate armor complete with a battle skirt. His armor had ornate pauldrons which held a flowing cape behind him.   He wielded a magical bow and was capable of quick and calm magical casting. He appeared very practiced with magic, which was seen by his ability to cast with a minimum of somatic movement.


Galaduath was seen to be a charismatic and confident person. His charisma allowed him to be a great leader, able to inspire followers even in places where chaos and disorder were prominent. This was seen from his actions gaining and leading followers in the Infinite Battlefield.   His movement, actions, and decisions in battle were very tactical. Galaduath was able to keep a keen awareness of the entire battlefield when in combat.   He was also a faithful individual. He was shown to be fully dedicated to the World Tree. He was previously a worshipper of Gaia, The Allmother, and Nerull, The Scythe-Bearer. However, he chose to give himself totally to Barduumus, The Battlelord, in trade for the power to help try to protect his people from Esturk, The World's End.



At the middle of the Third Age, Galaduath was the elven leader of Amerúin, the Sunrise City. The effects of his rulership over the city and how he came to this position are unknown.   In the middle of the Third Age, Esturk, The World's End, attacked Azimuth once more, directing his ire towards the World Tree. Amerúin and the World Tree suffered much damage during the fighting.   Galaduath had been a worshipper of Gaia, The Allmother, and Nerull, The Scythe-Bearer. But with the danger posed to his city and his people, Galaduath fully gave his devotion instead to Barduumus, The Battlelord in trade for power in his effort to protect Amerúin.   Galaduath met his death in battle among the burning ruins of the city before Esturk was eventually repelled by Zenthai, The Dragon King. Though all of Amerúin was destroyed, through Galaduath's efforts Caran Nimlo'than, the Hall of the Sacred Guardians, was only left in ruins and those inside were saved.

Azimuth Anthology: Tournament of Champions

After Galaduath's death, he reached Dynamia, the Plane of Strength. On the Infinite Battlefield, his soul spent many years fighting among the denizens of the plane.   In the fighting, Galaduath addressed a gathered legion of elves as they prepared to engage in a pitched battle. Speaking confidently, he prepared to lead them into the fray, as a great, rhythmic thumping of steel echoed across Dynamia.   A beam of bright light descended on Galaduath, transporting him to the Hall of Champions. As he gained his bearings, he saw he was joined by Daedra Sen, Karda Skullripper, Styrke, and Edern Hamme.   As they walked, they reached the end of the hall, where on a grand plinth stood Barduumus, The Battlelord. While others kneeled, Galaduath chose to bow to the Dragon.   Barduumus wanted new champions to fill his hall. The group was charged to fight in the Steel Soul Arena, and Barduumus transported them again.  
Round One
After he told the group of the fight that awaited them, beams of light brought forth wyvern riders and war drakes. The riders rushed the group and Galaduath summoned fiery shadows to protect and obscure him.   As he moved around the battlefield, he was surrounded by the riders. Even as they tried to strike him in the darkness, Galaduath calmly launched his arrows, slaying two riders that Karda had subdued. As the bloodlust of Dynamia replenished his vitality, Galaduath continued to fight.   Despite being targeted in a group by the Flame Strike of Styrke, the warriors worked together to slay the remaining riders.   With their victory, Barduumus congratulated them all and asked if they were ready for the next round. As the din of battle faded, they heard the approach of creaking wheels and the gnashing of metal scraping metal.  
Round Two
Digging up from the steel bottom of the arena, four dracotaurs armed with bows emerged. At the same time, moving through an opening of the outer walls, two steaming metal war machines piloted by kobolds chugged into the arena.   Karda activated her runic necklace, and said to Galaduath, “Hey, you take what’s mine again and I’m gonna take it personal.” She rushed to a dracotaur, and even as Galaduath shot it, Karda smashed its face in. As the bloodlust vitality filled her, Galaduath said, “Don’t worry, I won’t take it personal.”   Galaduath traded arrows with the last dracotaur. His shot slew the creature, and the second round was won.  
Round Three
Barduumus looked down upon them, saying, “Perhaps I have gone too easy on you.” He slammed his tail and the ground began to rumble and shift, erupting in a field of weapon spikes. Galaduath jumped to an outer glyph; then, flying celestial creatures descended from the sky in beams of bluish light.   A draconic deva flew after Galaduath, and he tried to keep his distance while shooting arrows. He killed the other deva held by Karda, and she cursed out in anger. After the devas were slain, Galaduath helped focus down the planatar in the center with his arrows, and the last celestial was slain.   As the enemies dissolved into blue sparks, the solid steel ground returned. The group healed and recovered, but all were starting to run out of resources.  
Round Four
Barduumus called for the next round, and a mithril wyvern crashed like a meteor into the arena. As the dust settled, they heard the movement of the arena’s statues as they animated and also stepped into the field.   Galaduath, frightened, stepped back and away. As he came close to the arena’s walls, the dragonhead decorations spewed gouts of flame at him, sending him back. With attacks from the group cutting into the creature, the wyvern was slain and the effects of the fear faded from Galaduath.   The group charged at the statues that remained. They crumbled all four statues to ruin, and the fourth round was won.  
Round Five
From the sky, a massive archangel entered the arena. A single, massive eye suspended in the rings regarded the group. Silently, it expanded its many wings and began to attack.   Galaduath called out to Daedra, “Are you with me or are you against me?” She said she wanted to kill this angel, and Galaduath cast Polymorph on her, changing her into a large predatory dinosaur. But after the spell was broken, the angel killed Daedra and was invigorated with vitality. Galaduath realized they could not defeat the celestial.   Resigned to the grim task, Galaduath drew his bow and shot Karda dead. Galaduath moved away from the fighting and cast a Tiny Hut spell, but the archangel summoned haladrons within it. Styrke turned and dispelled the barrier, yelling to him, “Get back in the fight!” Galaduath then cast an invisibility spell on himself. In response, Styrke called forth a massive flaming spell to break it.   In a cold fury, Galaduath cast Hold Person on both Edern and Styrke, but only Edern was held in place. As Styrke was cut down by the angel, Galaduath shot two arrows into Edern. As the elf was blasted by the angel, the spell broke and Edern regarded him, saying, “The way of thine magic is unknown to me, elf, as the dark half of sweet Meridi. We shall see how is the brave warrior on the field to earn the favor of our watching Dragon and who is to be a coward so named, avoiding honorable combat.”   Edern closed the distance to Galaduath. They both turned to see the archangel hover towards them, and with razor sharp wings it attacked Galaduath. He fell into an array of elven blood and blue sparks, and only Edern remained.

Character Information


All of Amerúin, the Sunrise City, was destroyed by Esturk in the Third Age. Through Galaduath's efforts, though, Caran Nimlo'than was only left ruined and those who had sheltered inside were saved.   Eventually, Caran Nimlo'than would be rebuilt. An enchanted bow was recovered from near the ruins, which would be placed in a spot of honor within the rebuilt hall.


  • "On the blood of our fathers, on the blood of our sons, we swore to uphold the covenant of the World Tree."
    "Until our dying breath!"
    "Even now, the World Tree whispers of vengeance to slay the enemies."
    "We will grind them to dust!"
    "And march onto glorious salvation!" - AA 04.1
  • "Are you with me or are you against me?" - AA 04.2
2023 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Date of Death
Around 3A 1000
Circumstances of Death
Esturk's attack on the World Tree
Ruled Locations