The Steel Soul Arena

The Steel Soul Arena is the personal combat stadium of Barduumus, The Battlelord, located in Dynamia, the Plane of Strength.


The Steel Soul Arena consists of a large, rectangular battlefield approximately 100-feet wide and 150-feet long. It is constructed entirely of steel, and the battleground is covered in a layer of red dust.   Surrounding this is a series of tall steel walls, designed like battlements, which fully enclose the central field. At the corners are large square towers, and on one side of the arena is a commanding overlook platform where Barduumus views the fights that take place here. Beneath this platform is a doorway that opens into the victory feasting hall.   The walls have numerous steel draconic heads that protrude into the central area which are capable of breathing cones of fire. On top of the walls are several large statuary depictions of unknown warriors. These were seen able to move and attack at Barduumus's direction.   It is a huge metal construction fully under his domain, and at his will can be filled with creatures, enemies, and combatants to fight at his design.   When it was seen in the Fifth Age, there were also visible spell glyphs etched into the ground level, though it is unknown if these are set or can be modified at will by Barduumus.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
At some point in the Fifth Age, Barduumus, The Battlelord, brought forth five selected souls: Daedra Sen, Karda Skullripper, Styrke, Galaduath Valaran, and Edern Hamme. They were charged to battle in the Steel Soul Arena for the chance of the honor of a statue in the Hall of Champions. After the battle, Edern was welcomed into the victory feasting hall.
Related Report (Primary Locations)