Elysia, the Plane of Life

Elysia, or the Plane of Life, is one of the Divine Planes of Azimuth. Its alignment is neutral good, and it is home to Gaia, The Allmother.

Notable locations

  • Gaia's Garden
  • The Herd Wilds



The Second Age: The Age of the Severance
Among the floating essence of the Outer Planes, echoes of what was there before the Severance still lingered, so powerful were those that had occupied this space. These echoes heard the prayers of the mortals of the Material Plane, and flowering from the seeds of the divine left behind by the gods of the Age of Creations, new energies began to coalesce. Emergent from the formless Astral Plane were born eight new beings, given form and function by the faiths of the mortal races and beasts, and the realms of the Divine Planes formed around them.  
The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
In 4A 995, the Zenethian Heroes entered Angioletta's Temple which was built in a demiplane that was partially connected to Elysia. Here, Angioletta, had hidden the Zenethian Cloak, which was recovered by Joseppe, the Shadow Mage.
Plane of Existence
Included Locations