Gaia, The Allmother

The Dragon Goddess of Life

Gaia, known by the title The Allmother, is the Dragon Deity of Elysia, the Plane of Life. To some Drow, she is known by the elven name "Coe Naneth", which translates to Earth Mother.   The realm of Gaia extends to all places that life propagates, where beasts and plants grow wild. She can be felt in the charging herd, the buzz of the jungle, and the community of people. Smaller towns and villages often will have shrines to the Allmother, and druids and hunters honor the sacrifices of her gifts as life begets life. Parthenian races largely worship Gaia as well, as they are closely aligned with her bestial connection.   Gaia can be felt in all places where life can be found, as these places are tied to her realm, where the roots of Gaia's Garden connect living things and the endless Herd Wilds teem with beasts.   The cycle of life is tied to Gaia, Avianor, The Timefather, and Nerull, The Scythe-Bearer. She often is paired with Nerull, as the gifts of life she creates all end in the Scythe-Bearer’s care.



Gaia is depicted in carved wooden statues overgrown with moss. She is a lithe and spindling Dragon with a long tail of ivy. Vines and roots flow from her scales, draping to and connecting her with the ground always.


The symbol of Elysia is a wreath of vines surrounding a pink gemstone.   Gaia is associated with earth tones. Her gemstone is the Ruby and her flower is the Yarrow.   It is said that Gaia can view the world through the eyes of every bird and beast.

Places of Significance

Kingdom of Endor

Endor, the First Mountain

Temple of the Flowers – though not as prominent as the temples to Zenethia or Ignosia, here in the upper levels, residents of Endor can leave offerings and prayers to the other Flower Deities. These stone halls and arches have many small shrines in secluded places where small gatherings are held in honor of the Gods or to pray for their boons. However, it is said that each of the gods do have their own full temples in Endor’s lower levels, most do not know where these places might be hidden.   Gate of the Maw – there are a number of pillars in the rotunda of the Gate of the Maw. Upon each is a carved depiction of one of the Dragons of Azimuth, including Gaia.  

Santeem Republic


White Fountain Gardens – the White Fountain Gardens are a series of public parks, gardens, and fountains found through the city of Santeem Castle. They are areas of wild growth that are tied to Gaia, The Allmother.  

Queendom of Keeleon

New Keeleon

The Augurs – a collection of religious monuments for each of the eight Dragons, made of large shards of clay.  


Yew Well – a yew tree was planted by followers of Gaia to mark the founding of Porgorag. When the tree grew, it began to spout clear water from a knot in the trunk. Seen as a sign of Gaia’s favor, a well surrounding the tree was constructed.   Spring of the Natant Yew - beneath the yew tree in Westfield is a dilapidated and forgotten shrine to Gaia. The area is protected by a diminished holy spell from the time of the shrine's creation.


As the Dragon of Life, Gaia represents the provinces of Wilderness, Nature, Family, and Community.


  • Protect the wilderness from exploitation and destruction. The balance of life is delicate.
  • Seek company and community. The efforts of the individual pale against the capability of the whole.

Holy day

Gaia’s holy day is the Wild Gathering, celebrated on the spring equinox in Madaet. The community celebrates in the wild places near their homes and give thanks for the new lives born the past year.

Known worshipers


The Second Age: The Age of the Severance

After the events of the Severance, the world of Azimuth was left without gods. However, so powerful were those entities that had occupied the divine realms, echoes of the gods remained. The people of Azimuth still prayed, and these echoes heard these calls. Flowering from the seeds left behind, new entities began to coalesce. In the Divine Planes, eight new beings were made, given form and function by the faiths of the mortal races and beasts. These eight, great figures of scale and wing and claw would be named the Dragons.  

The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow

At some point in the early Fourth Age, Angioletta hid the Zenethian Cloak in Angioletta's Temple, a demi-plane of Elysia, the Plane of Life.  

Campaign One: The Zenethian Heroes

In 4A 995, the Zenethian Children and their ally Gruknock, Captain of Burland, entered Angioletta's Temple and claimed the Zenethian Cloak.   During the course of his journey, Joseppe, the Shadow Mage, developed a strong worship of Gaia.
Divine Classification