Hagillr's Horn of Storms

Hagillr's Horn of Storms is a giant, enchanted warhorn set in the Vikramadi building of Frozen Fleet Post. It is a battle trophy of Clan Bactrian, claimed after legionnaires of the khanate killed Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone, in the early Fifth Age.   The Horn of Storms and its ability to summon blizzards has proven pivotal to the defense of Clan Bactrian and the Frozen Fleet Post, and it is viewed as a cultural symbol of the resiliency of hobgoblins.


The Horn of Storms is a massive, heavy horn that is nearly twenty feet in length. It is made of dark Urskan metal and constructed with layers and layers of banded metal plates. As the horn is solid metal, it is extremely heavy.   The outside of the horn is covered with many metal etchings, which includes runic text and sigils of an unknown language. There is repeated iconography of a snarling bear symbol on the horn.   The horn sounds with a deep bass. In its current location in the Vikramadi, additional amplifications have been applied to the bell of the horn, greatly increasing the volume and range of the instrument. It is currently set so that the outermost section of the horn extends out of the building, facing towards the South Sea.   The horn is continually frosted and freezing to the touch. A constant, icy fog emanates from the bell of the horn. When sounded, the horn summons a severe winter blizzard in the region surrounding the horn. As long as the call of the horn is occasionally repeated, the duration of the storm can be maintained.   The range of the effect appears limited to the distance that the call of the horn can be heard. Historic records of the horn show that amplification can increase the radius of the resulting storm for many miles.


The origins of the Horn of Storms are not known. Some believe it was crafted by the settlement in the Urskan Crevasse, as the dark metal appears to match the other metalwork decorations found there.  
The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
At some point in the late Fourth Age, Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone, became the frost giant in charge of the Urskan Crevasse. It is unknown if Hagillr originally had the Horn of Storms or at what point it came into his possession.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
During the early Fifth Age, the society of trolls under Hagillr continued to scavenge shipwrecks on the southern Tarterian coast, many of which were shipwrecked by the weather-altering effects of the horn.   On 12 Naerui 5A 023, the fleet of Grand Khan Drack, including the Vikramadi, were sunk or shipwrecked by the blizzard sea storm summoned when the Horn of Storms sounded. The horn would be sounded several more times, worsening and maintaining the blizzard, before Hagillr was killed and buried by the collapse of the Ivory Glacier.   During the years after this, expeditions would begin digging into the Crevasse. One such expedition would recover Hagillr's Horn of Storms, which would eventually be incorporated into the Vikramadi at Frozen Fleet Post.
Item type
Musical Instrument
Known Wielders
Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone