Grand Khan Drack

Hobgoblin Khan

"I do not fear the snow, just as I do not fear this upstart queen!"
Grand Khan Drack was a historic hobgoblin ruler of the Hobgoblin Khanate who appeared in Azimuth Anthology: Vikramadi. He was an NPC played by M.B.   He ruled during the Tarterian War at the end of the Fourth Age. After being lost in the South Sea in the early Fifth Age, he was the founder of Clan Bactrian and added the Drackhan Tundra into the lands controlled by the khanate.



Drack was a large, burly and bulky hobgoblin. His brick red face and wide mouth showed under a wide and full, curled beard that lead down his barrel-chest.   As Grand Khan, he wore a set of ornate, shining armor of reds and blacks, with gold pauldrons in the design of snarling bears. This was accompanied by a wide, flat brimmed helmet and a clasped furred cape. His primary weapon was Khavtan, the Slayer of Would-Be Khans.   Drack's voice was deep and gravelly. His look was often fierce and intense, and he spoke with aggression and heat.   In 5A 023, Drack lost his right arm below the shoulder. Despite his training as a warrior, Drack's use of his left arm in combat was not to the same degree as his right arm.


Drack is considered a great war leader of his people. He was well-respected as a general and tactician, and he was renowned for his dueling skills. He did not fear combat, which was seen after the sinking of the Vikramadi as he rushed to battle against trolls and attacked Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone, despite having no clear chance of victory.   Drack was an aggressive and violent warmonger. He appeared to eagerly seek out war as a means to leverage his country's power and authority over their neighbors. He was willing to take risks with his strategies and use whatever tools available to further his objectives in war. This was seen with his approval of the worg flank charge plan during the defense of Hezrou Pass, as well as with his usage of the dangerous Chotgorrin as a weapon of the legion.   Drack appeared to dislike statecraft and negotiation, preferring to resolve questions of national interest with shows of power and strength. He stated he did not like the existing Treaty of Sword and Axe for how it limited the khanate to peace and negotiation with Keeleon.   He followed Barduumus, The Battlelord, ideologies. However, he did not seem to respect the role of the kagyu in his clan and ignored their warnings of ill omen. Later in his life after the sinking of the Vikramadi and the loss of his arm, he said, "I'm having a bit of a greater respect of the kagyu, but I've always believed in strength over knowledge."


Grand Khan

Drack was a khan of Clan Tarbagan. At some point in the late Fourth Age, he became the Grand Khan of the Hobgoblin Khanate by defeating each of the other khans in single combat with his weapon, Khavtan, the Slayer of Would-Be Khans.

Tarterian War

In 4A 995, the forces of Esturk, The World's End, started the Tarterian War, embroiling the northern regions of Tarteria in the conflict. After the forces of the Kingdom of Keeleon were defeated, the demonic armies of Esturk reached the Orog Range.   Grand Khan Drack ordered his Red Blades to occupy the abandoned Astana Garrison, and they engaged in a fierce and bloody battle. For the rest of the Tarterian War, the khanate forces would be slowly pushed back southwards along the Hezrou Pass, but they would ultimately hold the line and keep the demon forces north of the Orog Range until the Zenethian Heroes defeated Esturk on 2 Avedar 4A 996.   After the war, on 29 Janafen 5A 004, Queen Alena, daughter of the Last Orc King, and many surviving orcs returned to Tateria. Alena declared the end of the Kingdom of Keeleon and in its place founded the Queendom of Keeleon.   In the wake of the war, the regions near Hezrou Pass were claimed by hobgoblins by the right of the blood shed to defend them. This caused much tension between the khanate and the fledgling queendom. Grand Khan Drack looked to increase the power of the khanate in the region, and he sought to make a show of strength over Queen Alena.

Azimuth Anthology: Vikramadi

In early Naerui 5A 023, Drack boarded his flagship, the Vikramadi, and sailed with his fleet along the southern coast of Tarteria, intending to reach the eastern coast and Narankhan.   On 12 Naerui 5A 023, Drack gave a warmongering speech to members of the assembled legion on the Vikramadi, including Kholvek Vundruk, Braavak, Ganbaatar, and Chotgorrin.   The speech was interrupted by Hagillr's Horn of Storms, and the fleet was blown inland by a winter storm. Drack survived the shipwreck and rushed to battle against trolls that were laying in wait to attack. According to witnesses, Drack fought bravely but was overwhelmed.   Drack and other captives were brought to the Urskan Crevasse. When Drack was brought before Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone, he drove Khavtan into the giant. Hagillr cut off Drack's right arm and took the blade as a trophy, leaving him to die in a holding cell.   Later, Chotgorrin, Kholvek, and Braavak arrived at the cell after sneaking into the crevasse. Kholvek provided a healing potion to Drack, which saved his life.   Drack ordered they use old Dwarven Blasting Powder kegs among the piles of scavenged boxes to collapse the glacier and kill Hagillr. After Drack and the other survivors were broken out, they led a running combat out of the crevasse and to the surface, distracting the trolls to give them cover to attack Hagillr's throneroom.   After the collapse of the Ivory Glacier, Drack was on the surface when Kholvek, Braavak, and Ganbaatar emerged. They informed Drack of what transpired, including details of Chotgorrin's sacrifice, and Ganbaatar returned Khavtan to Drack. Drack promoted Kholvek and Braavak to the rank of Spear, and promoted Ganbaatar to the rank of Fatal Axe.   When the storm settled, miles of ice lay between the immobile vessels and the open ocean. With no other choice, the surviving hobgoblins converted their ships into livable buildings, making the start of a settlement on the Ice Ways.   At some point after this, Ganbaatar suggested an engraving be added to Khavtan. Drack, who had seen a community of these survivors develop around him, agreed to the addition to the weapon, saying it was a fitting addendum.

Leaderless Khanate

At the time, it was not known what had become of the Grand Khan and his fleet, and he was presumed lost. The disappearance of Drack caused a breakdown of the khanate's political power and leadership, and the four major clans became ununified.   Queen Alena used this time as the leaderless khanate was stumbling to negotiate an amendment to the Treaty of Sword and Axe, resulting in dual fealty over certain parts of the Southern Orcish Plains and avoiding war. As the khanate remained leaderless, the queendom steadily grew.

A New Clan

Drack and the other hobgoblins of the fleet would survive in the southern tundra for a number of years before they were rescued. Drack claimed conquest of the Drackhan Tundra and it was formally added to the lands of the khanate. However by this time, a new hobgolbin had claimed the title of khan for Clan Tarbagan, causing a political crisis.   Drack's standing among the clans had eroded in his absence and he no longer had a clan to his name. Those opposed to Drack claimed that as he was not a khan of one of the clans, Drack could no longer be the Grand Khan of all clans. In response, Drack formed the new Clan Bactrian, centered around Frozen Fleet Post. He claimed that as he now ruled a clan, he was still the Grand Khan.   As the khanate faced this political crisis, it was decided by the Kagyu of all the clans that ritual combat would determine who would be Grand Khan. During this single combat, Drack was beaten and he was forced to abdicate his title.   Drack would spend the rest of his years growing and stabilizing Clan Bactrian.

Character Information


  • Grand Khan Drack ordered the occupation of the Astana Garrison, and his armies held the Hezrou Pass during the Tarterian War. Because of this, the major army of the demons would remain occupied in the far south for the rest of the war, allowing the remaining orchish survivors, including Princess Alena, to escape the continent as well as letting the Zenethian Heroes arrive and turn the course of the war.
  • Drack sailed his fleet around the southern tip of Tarteria, which became frozen in the Ice Ways, forming the settlement of Frozen Fleet Post.
  • Clan Bactrian was formed by the survivors of the Vikramadi and other fleet vessels in the southern tundra.
  • The Drackhan Tundra was added to the lands of the khanate, and following khanate tradition, Drack's name was applied to the region.

Notable Items

  • Vikramadi: the grand vessel of Grand Khan Drack that sailed along with his fleet around the south of Tarteria, which became lodged in the Ice Ways and formed the Frozen Fleet Post settlement.


  • "For two decades, the upstart Alena in the north has spread towards our borders. A nation once wiped out now again clouds MY lands.

    It was OUR legions who held the land after Alena’s father abandoned her country to darkness. It was US who kept the demons in the south while Esturk was set to slumber. Following our sacred traditions, I claimed that territory for the khanate.

    But now, the lands our people died for are threatened. Long ago, the Treaty of Sword and Axe limited us to peace. To negotiation. But the Kingdom of Keeleon is no more, and that pact is now just a piece of paper armor. Our nation can make our own destiny again. We will not be made impotent by ink and words.

    The Kagyu of our clan says the omens are not right. She warns me away from sailing my great fleet through the South Sea for fear of this winter. BUT I SAY, now is the time to show our power to these orcs, while they are weak in numbers and weak in war.

    I do not fear the snow, just as I do not fear this upstart queen!" - AA 06, Drack's speech to the Vikramadi.
  • "I've always believed in strength over knowledge." - AA 06
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Date of Death
Early Fifth Age
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations