
The Vikramadi was the flagship of the Hobgoblin Khanate during the time of Grand Khan Drack. In the early Fifth Age, the Vikramadi, along with much of the khanate's fleet, became trapped in ice flows in the Drackhan Tundra.   The fleet was converted into the Frozen Fleet Post settlement. The Vikramadi currently serves as the seat of power for Clan Bactrian.


Flagship of the Fleet

The Vikramadi was a massive, unwiedly ship that was the largest ever crafted by hobgoblins. It served as the flagship of the khanate's fleet.   It was nearly two hundred feet in length and supported five masts with segmented crossbeams to hold the cobalt blue sails. A crow's nest was placed at the top of the central mast. Ropes and rigging led from the various masts down to the primary deck. The deck was wide and flat, with a shallow bottom forming a square prow. Many small blue flags lined the bannisters.   Beneath the helm and steering till was an entrance to the underdeck, which was flanked by flags of the khanate. The underdeck had several cells and storage support riggings for the transport of troops and supplies. The ship was equipped with several wooden ballistae on the primary deck.   Due to its size, the Vikramadi was not very maneuverable. However, its bulk allowed it to weather most damage. Its primary functions were intimidation and troop transport.  

Capital Building

After the Vikramadi crashed and froze in the Ice Ways in 5A 023, much of the ship's structure and supplies would be scavenged and repurposed.   At some point, an expedition to the collapsed Urskan Crevasse woudl recover Hagillr's Horn of Storms. This would eventually be incorporated into the structure of the Vikramadi at Frozen Fleet Post. Additional amplifications have been applied to the bell of the horn, greatly increasing the volume and range of the instrument. It is currently set so that the outermost section of the horn extends out of the building, facing towards the South Sea.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
During the Tarterian War, the Vikramadi, along with much of the Hobgoblin Khanate fleet, was positioned on the western coast of the khanate's lands.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
In early Naerui 5A 023, Grand Khan Drack boarded his flagship, the Vikramadi, and sailed with his fleet along the southern coast of Tarteria, intending to reach the eastern coast and Narankhan as a show of strength over Queen Alena. The Vikramadi held a large contingent of warriors from the Clan Tarbagan legion, including Kholvek Vundruk, Braavak, Ganbaatar, and Chotgorrin.   On 12 Naerui 5A 023, the fleet was blown inland by a winter storm summoned by Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone. During the storm, two other prominent ships of the fleet, the Kartan and the Braza, impacted the Vikramadi. The ship suffered severe damage to its underdeck, masts, sails, and bannisters. The Vikramadi impacted hard into the ice flows on the coast, and the amidship cracked and split the ship fully in half. Both halves became trapped and held by solid ice that held the ship aloft.   On the coast, the ship was scavenged for supplies by attacking trolls. After repelling the last of the attack, Rendu and the other survivors began stripping the vessel for wood and supplies to quickly build defenses and shelter. Survivors from other ships of the fleet nearby began to congregate at the Vikramadi, bringing numbers and additional supplies to the camp.   When the storm settled after Hagillr's Horn of Storms was silenced, miles of ice lay between the immobile vessels and the open ocean. With no other choice, Drack and the surviving military forces converted the ships into livable buildings and forced a settlement on the Ice Ways. This eventually became the settlement of Frozen Fleet Post.
Ship Type

Decommission Date
12 Naerui 5A 023
Owning Organization