Clan Bactrian

Clan Bactrian is one of the five great hobgoblin clans of the Hobgoblin Khanate of southern Tarteria. Clan Bactrian holds the lands of Frozen Fleet Post, located in the southern region of the Drackhan Tundra.


Clan Bactrian holds the lands surrounding Frozen Fleet Post. The clan is wide-ranging and encompasses several family lines and the Clan Bactrian legion.   Frozen Fleet Post was founded from the ships of Grand Khan Drack after becoming locked in the Ice Ways. It is a great trading city, the only stop along the route through the South Sea. The clan claims the entirety of the Ice Ways and Drackhan Tundra, from the western Nuur Forest to the eastern Rimespire Peaks.   Though it is the youngest of the five great clans, Clan Bactrian hosts a proud and hardy legion. They defend the dangerous and ever-changing roadways headed north, working to keep the icy terrors of this place at bay the best they can. They use specially bred mounts, Kholvek's Ibex, to traverse the snow and ice with greater ease, giving them an advantage in tundra combat and further solidifying their claims against the other khans. The Clan Bactrian legion a more close-knit force, unlike other hobgoblin legions. The treatment of the Chaff rank is notably different, and tales of great bravery and sacrifice of these forces are told just as fervently as war tales of the rest of the legion.   The leader of Clan Bactrian, Khan Rheldra, is a fierce fighter and she stands shoulder to shoulder with the other, stronger and more established khans to the north. Forged in the icy gales and the harshness of the winters in the tundra, Rheldra is the wall that defends her people. Rarely speaking, she conveys her will through action and intimidation, coming across as standoffish and blunt. Even still, her care and devotion to her clan are absolute, and there is little that she will not face down to protect Clan Bactrian, and her greatsword has seen many battles in the snow.


  • Vikramadi: Once a flagship of the khanate, the frozen wreck was remade into the capital of the clan.

Notable People

  • Khan Rheldra of Clan Bactrian, Leader of Frozen Fleet Post: The current head of Clan Bactrian and leader of the city of Frozen Fleet Post. She is a fierce and stoic khan.

Historic People

  • Grand Khan Drack: Drack was a khan of Clan Tarbagan and grand khan of the khanate at the end of the Fourth Age and beginning of the Fifth Age. He founded Clan Bactrian after being shipwrecked and lost in the southern Drackhan Tundra.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 12 Naerui 5A 023, Grand Khan Drack's fleet was shipwrecked on the southern Ice Ways. After repelling attacks from trolls under Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone, survivors of the wreck rescued Drack and silenced the Horn of Storms. With no other choice, the surviving forces converted the ships into livable buildings and constructed the settlement of Frozen Fleet Post.   Eventually, the fate of Drack would be discovered and the survivors of the new settlement of Frozen Fleet Post would be rescued, but this lead to a political crisis in the khanate. These events would result in the new Clan Bactrian and the addition of the Drackhan Tundra to the khanate.
Founding Date
Early Fifth Age
Geopolitical, Clan
Organization Vehicles
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