Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone

Frost Giant of Mösön Uul

"Trolls! Kill this cattle!"
Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone, was a frost giant of the late Fourth Age and early Fifth Age who appeared in Azimuth Anthology: Vikramadi. He was an NPC played by M.B.   Hagillr was the last known giant of his clan in Mösön Uul. His actions against the fleet of Grand Khan Drack would lead to his downfall in the early Fifth Age.



Hagillr was a huge frost giant, standing nearly twenty feet tall at full height. His skin tone was a pale, icy blue. He had a long, white beard the glittered like snow.   He wore hides and furs of various creatures that formed a makeshift, patchwork armor. He wore a metal helmet that was decorated with two large horns of a massive creature.   He was equipped with an extremely large double-headed axe. In his off hand he held the Horn of Storms.   He decorated himself with trophies. When he took Khavtan, he wore it on a black chain around his neck.   Hagillr's voice was very deep. He spoke in a long and low bellow.


Hagillr was the last known giant of his clan. He was prone to violence and showed no concern for the danage caused to other by himself or his troll followers. Hagillr viewed smaller humanoids as "cattle".



At some point in the late Fourth Age, Hagillr became the frost giant in charge of the Urskan Crevasse. It is unknown if Hagillr originally had the Horn of Storms or at what point it came into his possession.   During this time, stories began to spread in the Hobgoblin Khanate of “a giant whose horn could summon the fury of winter”.   During the early Fifth Age, the society of trolls under Hagillr continued to scavenge shipwrecks on the southern Tarterian coast, many of which were shipwrecked by the weather-altering effects of the horn.  

Azimuth Anthology: Vikramadi

On 12 Naerui 5A 023, Hagillr sounded the Horn of Storms as the fleet of Grand Khan Drack, including the Vikramadi, sailed through the South Sea. The blizzard sea storm summoned sunk and shipwrecked the fleet, and Hagillr’s trolls attacked the survivors, stealing bodies and supplies and bringing them back to the Urskan Crevasse. The horn was sounded several more times, worsening and maintaining the blizzard.   After Drack was captured, he was brought before Hagillr. The khan stabbed Hagillr with Khavtan, and in response, Hagillr removed Drack’s arm and sent him back to an icy cage to await death. Hagillr took Khavtan and hung it on a chain around his neck as a trophy.   Later, Hagillr was alerted to the infiltration of the Urskan Crevasse by Kholvek, Braavak, Ganbaatar, and Chotgorrin, by the sounded of a war horn and an explosion that freed the captured legionnaires. Hagillr appeared ready when the group entered the feasting chamber at the base of the crevasse, and called out, “Trolls! Kill this cattle!”   Braavak collapsed a large section of icicles onto Hagillr, and he was repeatedly stunned by Ganbaatar. While stunned, the group leveraged many attacks against him, sending him stumbling. Hagillr was able to just barely respond with an ancient rage, throwing chunks of the ice at the combatants.   When Hagillr recovered, he drank an ornate and rare potion to heal, then yelled out, “This glacier will be your grave!” He turned and rushed towards Chotgorrin, who stabbed with his blade.   Chotgorrin replied, “I will stick your head on a pike!” Hagillr threw massive chunks of ice at him, doing severe damage. Chotgorrin exploded kegs of Dwarven Blasting Powder in the glacier wall. The room and glacier began to fully collapse as Hagillr barreled towards the throne. In a last moment, Chotgorrin cut the chain on Hagillr’s neck and sent Khavtan flying. As Hagillr bore down on the wounded Chotgorrin, the chamber collapsed, burying them.   As the others climbed the falling scaffolding to escape the crevasse, Hagillr burst through the rubble. Though he was bloody and severely wounded, he slammed his axe and horn into the collapsing walls. Whole sections of the crevasse broke free in a massive avalanche of ice, leaving Hagillr and the trolls buried under a hundred feet of debris.

Character Information


Hagillr's sinking of the Hobgoblin Khanate fleet in 5A 023 stopped Grand Khan Drack's military plans, leading to the Queendom of Keeleon being unaccosted in its forming years as the khanate was leaderless. This would affect the power balance between the nations leading well into the Fifth Age.

Notable Items

  • Hagillr's Horn of Storms: The Horn of Storms was responsible for the sinking of many vessels in the South Sea. It is unknown how or when it came into Hagillr's possession, though based on its construction and effects, it is believed it may be related in some way to the urskans.


  • "Trolls! Kill this cattle!" - AA 06
  • "This glacier will be your grave!" - AA 06
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Date of Death
12 Naerui 5A 023
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the collapse of the Ivory Glacier
Place of Death