South Sea

The South Sea is a major body of water of Azimuth. It is a dangerous and largely avoided stretch of water to the south of Tarteria and Haradren. As the southernmost sea, it is filled with ice and dangers.


The South Sea is located to the far south, beneath Tarteria and Haradren. The waters are often rough and frigid, filled with iceburgs broken off from the southern coasts and carried by the sea's currents.   The sea is highly susceptible to the changing of the seasons. In Azimuth's winter months, the freezing coasts extend with additional frozen seawater, making travel through this region that much more dangerous. To the far extreme south, these dangers are ever-present, leading to rumors of an icy landmass at the southern pole.   Near to Tarteria, the South Sea is most-commonly traversed near to the Ice Ways. Frozen chunks of saltwater break off these semi-permanent ice shelves with the pressure from the sea and the changing of the seasons. The trek around the southern edge of Tarteria is dangerous, and many traders prefer to run their goods over land using the Ruby Road instead of taking the risks at sea.   Icy sea storms are common in the region. These are more severe by the Rimespire Peaks at the southeastern edge of Tarteria. Frozen Fleet Post, a trading port in the Drackhan Tundra, fights against these dangers using Hagillr's Horn of Storms.   The sea is somewhat calmer by Haradren, though icy sea storms still happen near to the Coast of Snow.


The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
Based on supplies found within the Urskan Crevasse, it is believe that ships have been crashing on the coast of Tarteria and scavenged for supplies, materials, and bodies by the giants and trolls of Mösön Uul since at least as early as around the Great War.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
In early Naerui 5A 023, Grand Khan Drack boarded his flagship, the Vikramadi, and sailed with his fleet from Meenakhan along the southern coast of Tarteria, intending to reach the eastern coast and Narankhan.   On 12 Naerui 5A 023, Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone, used the Horn of Storms to summon a storm, wrecking the khanate's fleet. Many of the ships would sink or shipwreck on the coast. As the horn was repeatedly sounded, the long lasting storm froze several miles of the sea, adding to the Ice Ways.   After the establishment of Frozen Fleet Post, sea traffic would become more common in the region. Clan Bactrian would use the Horn of Storms to hold back the sea storms, making travel around the settlement safer.
Material Plane