Zenthai's Eyes

Zenthai's Eyes are a group of individuals dedicated to watching for Esturk, The World's End, and his influence in Azimuth.   Their goal is to prevent what they see as mistakes at the end of the Fourth Age which allowed Esturk's influence to gain footholds in Tarteria and Iluvitar. Though it should be many centuries before Esturk rises once more, the threat of the next cycle is ever on the horizon.


Founded by Brigitte, the Grayguard, this secret sect of powerful individuals ever watches for the blight of Esturk to return and work to undermine whatever plans the Dragon of Darkness hatches. It is believed that her experiences with the events surrounding Rath, the Blackguard, may have spurred her to create the group.   The group is somewhat secretive, seemingly only reaching out to additional potential recruits who have shown an ability to battle fiends or cultists. It is unknown how many members there are or how widespread the organization is, though according to Haugon they are focused on the Tartertian continent.  

Notable People

  • Haugon, son of Goll: According to Haugon, he was recruited by Quarivon for his experiences against an Esturk cult.


At some point in the early Fifth Age, Zenthai's Eyes was founded by Brigitte, the Grayguard.   At some point before 21 Drimon 5A 299, Haugon and his group, the Hero Hunters, were given a lead by Quarivon which led to the capturing of the bugbear cultist Krushet. According to Haugon, at some point after Krushet was later killed in 5A 303, Haugon was approached by Quarivon to join Zenthai's Eyes.   On 3 Adroth 5A 352, Haugon informed the Lightbringers about the existence of Zenthai's Eyes after they cleared a group of demons in the sewers of Porgorag in Tarteria. Haugon said Zenthai's Eyes could have use for a group with experience battling demons.
Founding Date
Early Fifth Age
Civilian, Knightly Order