Haugon, son of Goll

Orc Guild Leader

"I like adventurers that have a backbone to stand up to me."
Haugon, son of Goll is an orc guild leader who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is the leader of the Hero Hunters and runs the Hero Hunters Facility, located in Porgorag in the Queendom of Keeleon. He is an NPC played by M.B.
  He is the sole survivor of an old adventuring group called the Hero Hunters. In the past as a reward for their actions, they had been granted the Red Manors in Porgorag, which eventually became the Hero Hunters Facility. Under his leadership, he keeps the Hero Hunters from taking illegal or nefarious jobs.



Haugon is an old and surly orc man in his late 60s. Despite his age, he stands tall and dignified. His skin is this greying olive color. He’s balding with this short cut white hair along the back and sides. His eyes are alert and dark and he has a small nose high up on his long face. He has a short goatee and mustache that comes down to his wide mouth. He has two large tusks, each capped with gold.
  He wears a long, orange-gold robe with a high red collar. It’s cut low, showing a fine, violet doublet with silver threading detail. He has a long and straight walking stick with an ivory handle and a sword scabbard can be seen on his waist.


Haugon is a loud and very direct person. He seems to be eccentric and also paranoid. This was seen by the precautions the party saw when they visited his manor, included multiple locks on the door, Haugon entering from a hidden doorway, and overhearing mention of the Gold Room. Haugon also said, "Security is big thing for me." Haugon mentioned he has enemies, which he seemed to believe may be after him. He also kept eyes on all the party's movement during their discussion. When Chaka cast a spell near him, Haugon sprung a blade on him.
  Haugon seems to put on a facade of weakness with his walking cane. The cane is actually an enchanted sword he can call upon, and the party saw he could hold himself well despite his age.
  Haugon's speech is very direct. He showed no reservation with insults or curses. He also seemed to not stand for a lack of clarity or allusions, instead asking directly for information. This was seen when Arwin mentioned there were "technicalities" with the party's relationship with the Hands of Ore.
  Haugon appeared well-connected and knowledgable about Porgorag, despite appearing to be a recluse. Borscha Brickwell believed that Haugon "gets out about as much as I do" and called him a recluse. Despite this, Haugon was aware of details about the aid caravan, the Darksteel Foundry, Nerull's Fane, and Coinguard Gim Gorod.



Haugon was a member of the adventuring group, The Hero Hunters, alongside Avodac, Farink, and Phaidra. The group rose to some acclaim in Porgorag after capturing the cultist Kruset the Bugbear.
  On 21 Drimon 5A 299, as reward for their actions, the Oknar of Porgorag granted the Red Manors to Haugon's adventuring group during the Winter's Feast celebrations.
  On 13 Ocana 5A 300, Farink and Phaidra named Haugon as godfather to their newborn daughter, Coletta.
  By 4 Magan 5A 301, Haugon and his party were informed that Kruset had escaped. Haugon wished to go hunt down the bugbear but was convinced not to.
  At some point during 5A 301 to 5A 303, the Hero Hunters guild is started by the group.
  On 29 Avedar 5A 303, the Hero Hunters Facility was attacked in the night by Kruset. Haugon's friend Avodac was killed and his friend Phaidra was captured. Haugon and Farink pursued him and caught up with him before reaching Grupe’s Sentinels. They killed Kruset and his remaining cultists, but Farink and Phaidra were killed and Haugon was the sole survivor.
  At some point, Haugon was recruited by Sacred Guardian Quarivon into Zenthai's Eyes and set to watch the area around Porgorag.
  At some point "several weeks" before Adroth 5A 352, Haugon sent a group of Hero Hunters adventurers westwards towards Goliin Hiid. He eventually lost contact with this group.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 3 - Guildhalls and Churches
On 2 Adroth 5A 352, the party approached Haugon's manor in the Hero Hunters Facility. After knocking, they overheard Haugon shouting from inside before the door was answered. After the party introduced themselves and their reason for coming, They were brought into a room decorated with silver.
  As they waited and helped themselves to the fruit bowl on the table, Haugon entered through a hidden accessway behind a bookshelf. The party presented the issues they were facing, and Haugon said he could help. He could get the party three covered wagons by tomorrow if the party did a task for him. Haugon asked for an agreement right then, but Romsca said it was a bad deal if they didn’t have the details, and asked for more info. Haugon congratulated her and said he liked “adventurers with a backbone to stand up to me.”
  Haugon asked the party to go in and clear out one of the storehouses of the facility and seal up the means whatever was inside had entered from. The party agreed to this exchange, and they left the manor.
Session 5 - Reports of Demons
After the battle, most of the party returned and Coletta brought them into see Haugon. Romsca informed him of their success and where else they had found these creatures. Arwin informed Haugon it was demons, and Mortimr assured Haugon the problem was dealt with. Haugon congratulated them on their completed task. He said he would fulfill his side of their agreement and covered wagons would be provided to the Darksteel Foundry.
  Romsca went to hand the journal she found to Haugon and he declined, instead directing her to place it on the table where he used an enchanted lens to view it first before picking it up. The journal contained entries from a former ally of Haugon, and Haugon shared some info about his past and his life as an adventurer and dealings with an Esturk cultist named Kruset the bugbear.
  In addition to the promised wagons, he rewarded them with some gold and offered a greater sum if they would venture into the sewers and clear out the demon infestation entirely.
  Haugon was concerned with the fading light and the growing corruption. The party asked if Haugon could buy them time with the Coinguard in some way, and Haugon said he could try to, however it would depend on what the Coinguard's priorites were. Arwin asked about the black box he'd seen in the caravan goods and Haugon agreed it was suspicious and might be what the Coinguard was after. As the party left, Haugon began making preparations to send a message to the Coinguard.
Session 12 - Connections
The party returned to the Hero Hunters Facility and met with Haugon, who had just shared a meal with Coinguard Gim Gorod. Haugon said his feigned discussions were not fruitful and he was only able to tie up the Coinguard for a short time.
  They quickly provided an update to Haugon and said the demons were removed. Haugon thanked them and provided a sum of gold to them for the task. Romsca tried to deny the payment, but Haugon insisted, saying, “Take the gold, you need new armor.”
  He also asked if they would be willing to do another job for him. The Hero Hunters had sent a group of adventurers westward who had stopped checking in. Haugon said he needed help to handle the tasks he oversaw for a group called Zenthai's Eyes.
  Haugon gave the names and basic descriptions of the missing group, and Romulus recognized them. Haugon asked the party if they made their way westward after they finished with the aid caravan to watch for any signs of the missing group.
  Haugon also gave Demitri the other three Earrings of Message from the set his old adventuring party used, saying, “It’d be a shame to separate the set.”
  As the group left, Ilmendwyth stayed behind to speak privately with Haugon. Ilmendwyth said he had his own connections with Sacred Guardian Quarivon and said they had never mentioned him or Zenthai’s Eyes. He continued, saying that since their goals seemed aligned, Ilmendwyth offered to be “an extension of Quarivon’s will.”



Haugon has a young halfling assistant named Coletta. Haugon is Coletta's godfather and was friends with both her parents back in his adventuring days. They seem to have a professional relationship, though Haugon does eccentrically order her around.

Character Information


On 2 Adroth 5A 352, Haugon agreed to provide a number of covered wagons to the party for use with the Santeem Republic aid caravan. In exchange, he asked the party to investigate noises coming from inside a Hero Hunters storehouse, clear out anything that had moved in, and seal up the accessway whatever was inside had used to enter.
  After the party returned and reported the problem had been demons, Haugon rewarded them with gold and offered to pay more if they cleared the demon infestation from the city's sewers.

Notable Items

  • Monacle of Identifying: Haugon carries an enchanted monacle that he presumably uses to check for traps on anything handed to him.
  • Veteran's Cane: Haugon carries an walking cane that can be changed into a sabre with the elvish command words Dolen Magol", meaning "Secret Sword".


  • "Well, if it’s my enemies them just put them in the Gold Room and the problem will take care of itself." - 2.3
  • "I like adventurers that have a backbone to stand up to me." - 2.3
  • "My guild works with adventurers. If I wanted mercenaries that just go, that jump when I tell them to jump, I could get that. That's not what I'm after." - 2.3
  • "I have experience with demons, and if they're going under my city then I'm gonna do something about it." - 2.5
  • "I have personal interest in making sure demons are as far away from me as possible." - 2.12
  • "I’ve been in an adventuring party before, and having everyone come back is a victory." - 2.12
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations