Borders of Barovia Geographic Location in Barovia | World Anvil
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Borders of Barovia

A wall of mist surrounds all sides of Barovia, a mist so thick it is impossible to see through. To exit Barovia one must travel through these mists, but without the approval of Count Strahd, escape is impossible. People have spoken of how people who enter the fog would be gone for weeks if not months only for them to appear back in Baroiva, believing only a few hours past. However, more common is that the corpse of the person who entered the mists would be found later. They would be no signs of injuries or trauma on the bodies, but their lifeless eyes would hold an expression of horror. As if the last thing these people saw was genuinely terrifying.   According to Dr. van Richten's monster hunters guide, the Vistani have the freedom to come and go as they pleased due to some act the Vistani performed centuries ago. You have not asked any of the Vistani or Strahd if this is true, so currently, this book is the only source saying so. After you met Izek Strazni, he claimed that you were born in Barovia but escaped when you were just a child. Something like that was thought to be impossible.   After the defeat of Wintersplinter, you found that Yester Hill was quite close to the Barovian border. While you stared out into the mists, you saw the occasional dark figure moving through the mists. These silhouettes were massive in size and seemed to be flying around, but you only saw one at a time, so you were not sure if there was only one of these figures or more.
Alternative Name(s)
The Mists between Worlds
Dimensional plane
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