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Adelade Matthews- Odaya (a.k.a. The Voidsister)

Physical Description

Special abilities

Beyond being a simple magic user, Adelade's connection to the Void, an enigmatic source of magical power, grants her an immense well of energy to tap into. As a result, her spells are often bolstered by void power, making them both far more powerful than they'd otherwise be, but also innately antithetical to more mundane magical effects. These factors have allowed the Voidsister to do battle with magic users of far greater knowledge and experience by concentrating her own studies on nullifying other magical effects and opening up weak spots in which to counterattack.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Adelade was born to the questionable union of Androdus, a Necromancer of incredible power, and his young apprentice, Belle. With the latter firmly under his sway, the inscrupulous wizard experimented on Belle and her unborn child over the course of her pregnancy, with the ultimate goal of creating a child that could serve as a conduit for the mysterious magical energies of the Void. His experiment was an unmitigated success, and Adelade was born with an unstable font of Void energy suffusing her very being.    With Belle having died in childbirth, Androdus found no joy in single parenthood and quickly resorted to locking Adelade in her room within his manor until she was old enough to help him with his experiments, the two working to unlock some of the vast magical power held within her very being.   As she grew up under these miserable conditions, Adelade learned a lot of her father's magic, becoming a fairly skilled necromancer in her own right and slowly learning to channel some of her Void essence into her spells, eventually even threatening her father's dominanace, an act that landed her back behind a locked door in the house. It was at this point, in her late teens, that her father would come into conflict with a young man calling himself Enigma. She met him during his infiltration into Androdus' lair and there was an instant magnetic pull between the two.   To Adelade, Nicholas would come to represent everything her father didn't. He was charming and impulsive, not hiding his enjoyment of life and adventurous spirit, and she fell for him quickly. Him helping her escape her father's clutches and the two of them putting an end to his Void experiments was really just the cherry atop the cake.   From that moment on, the two were practically inseparable, quickly becoming a magical investigations team and travelling the world together, solving mysteries and getting into mischief wherever they went. They got a bit of a reputation within the magical community for their free spirits and reckless-if-effective approach, and were soon able to eke out a comfortable living for themselves. After a couple of years, the two were married and moved into their new home, a beautiful, flying wizards' tower.   It seemed like the good times would never end for the Matthews couple as their adventures seemed to continually take them to greater heights, but all good things come to an end eventually, and in the middle of 2025, Adelade would wake to find herself bound and immobilised by the undead servitors of her father, back to reclaim the daughter that represented so much of his research. Adelade bided her time, knowing it wouldn't take long for Nicholas to catch up to them, and when he did she gave her father a lesson in how much more powerful she'd grown since they'd last met.   The Necromaster was put on the back foot, with Adelade able to render his spells ineffectual through prodigious application of Void magic, and he was eventually forced to fall back to his private sanctum. The three faced off in the sanctum and eventually the necromancer was forced to unveil his final trump card, a working gateway into the Void itself. Being faced down with what could prove to be the magical equivalent of a weapon of mass destruction, Adelade and Nicholas could do little more than surrender, but it was yet another ploy.   Unable to let the love of his life fall into the clutches of her father again, Nicholas decided to cast one last spell, disrupting the gateway and causing a large explosion of Void magic. The hideout was destroyed along with everything in it apart from Adelade who could quite comfortably absorb the excess. Nicholas was less lucky however, and both he and Androdus were severely injured in the blast, each succumbing to their wounds. In the rubble of her greatest triumph over her father, Adelade cradled her true love as he quickly passed away in her arms.   Adelade couldn't accept Nicholas's fate quite so easily. She was the daughter of one of the greatest necromancers to ever have lived, powered further by a nigh-infinite source of magical power, and if anyone could work out the secret to true resurrection, it'd be her. Over the following months, in a grief-stricken haze, Adelade pored over her father's remaining books and research, looking for ways to reanimate beyond the usual undead servants he'd been so fond of. She also worked with the totality of hers and Nicholas' collected magical knowledge and artifacts in their own tower, eventually falling under the influence of Floppy Disk U5, a sentient magical device from one of their previous adventures, which could create near-perfect imitations of the dead and led her to believe that her husband's resurrection was just around the corner.   She thought that U5 was helping her get Nicholas back, but it became increasingly obvious that it was just using her to sow murder across the city of Bathala, all in the name of collecting materials for her experiments. She'd managed to bind Nicholas' spirit to a near-inert mass of organic matter, and had been experimenting with different ways to mold the flesh of mortal men into the perfect shape, using magics that varied from necromantic, to vampiric, transmutive, and even diabolical in nature with little success beyond the aesthetics.   It was during these experiments that Adelade was finally visited by her friend Emma and her team, directed in her direction by Detective Alva Marquez of The Bathala City Police Department who'd been investigating the disappearances of men across the city. Upon seeing some of the creatures that Adelade had made in the guise of her husband using the men as a foundation, they quickly elected to put a stop to what she'd been doing.    Adelade defended her laboratory and the computer housing U5, but The B-Team proved too formiddable for her alone and she attempts to flee. She's stopped from doing so, but before the team can take her in, The Stranger appears and triggers a device that deactivates all magical effects in the area including those keeping the tower afloat.   In the chaos of the falling tower, Adelade is able to escape out the window, but upon watching everything she'd built with Nicholas crash to the earth (albeit in a controlled way thanks to the efforts of the heroes), she realised that she could no longer go on. She fell to her knees and began to sob for her loss, submitting herself to whatever punishment may be coming her way, but not without an act of supreme kindness coming her way. Rue offers her another magical item, the spectral spectacles that they'd had on them since visiting the Century group's supervillain armoury, allowing her one final chance to say goodbye to Nicholas now that his spirit was no longer bound to the fleshmass she'd made.   Adelade puts on the glasses and sees him one last time, the two sharing a long and emotional goodbye hug before he's due to move on, saying that he'll wait for her wherever they end up. With that, his spirit fades away, leaving her feeling totally alone for the first time in her life as the Detective takes her into custody.





Wife (Vital)

Towards Enigma



Husband (Vital)

Towards Voidsister


Current Location
Date of Birth
23rd of August, 1993
Circumstances of Birth
Under a Voidcaller's Sign
Enigma (Husband)
Dark and curly
Ruled Locations


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