Tamarian Seats Of Power

The individual states of Tamaria, to the east of the Bellever Mountains, have been locked in a political stalemate for centuries, with no single state able to raise an army strong enough to dominate, nor willing or trusting enough to form alliances. Additionally, due to an understanding long since forgotten, each stte relies on trade between the states for income and valuable commidities that tye otherwise could not acquire themselves.
The humans of Aberston, with their strong Navy and disciplined Army, rely on Gold from the Noble Goblins Guild to fund their military operations, which include guarding the Goblins' central bank and the mint deep below its foundations. The Noble Goblins in turn, rely on ores mined from under the Bellever Mountains by the Mountain Dwarves and sold by the Grand Dwarves to mint the currencies of the realms. Both parties rely on the River Folk to ship the ore in their barges, carefully navigating the treacherous waters of the River Glanwyn. The River Folk use this work as a source of income, and also a means of keeping tabs on various factions living along the river. 



This is the name given to the three towns of Stannerton, Easton, and Wheaton. Historically, the three towns have co-existed harmoniously, self-governing and with free trade between themselves. However, that sharing of their collective prosperity soon gave way to unmanageable growth, with each town expanding until they now collectively resemble a sprawling, rambling city with enormous inequalities that most favour Easton and specifically The Citadel. The leaders, such as they are, of each of the towns can agree on only one thing: that there should be a single seat of pwer created to incorporate the towns as a city for their collective benefit. They cannot, however, agree on where this powerful ruler should be located or how they should be chosen. The Council of Guilds, representing Stannerton, believe that since Stannerton is the most impoverished, it should serve as the seat of Aberston, arguing that the nobility and their retinues would spend much needed coin the local markets. The Civil Chamber, arguably the best suited to assume pwower as the already powerful cabinet adminstering to Easton, are unable to agree who among them should lead them as Lord Steward, and therefore be the first ruler of Easton. Wheaton, however, provides most of the medical and health care needs to the three towns, and therefore is almost entirely run by the Surgeon General, who prefers to stay neutral but is often manipulated by the Earl Marshall and Lord Admiral into agreeing with their plans.


Bellever Mountains 

Under the lofty peaks of the Bellever Mountains, the Grand Dwarves find themselves locked in a power vacuum; Each of hte leaders of the seven clans must vote to agree who will lead them as Sovereign, follwing the death of the beloved Queen Elsa. Each clan is responsible for one of the seven dwarven services, and each believes theirs is the most important and therefore should lead the dwarven realms. It was decided many winters ago that no dwarf may vote for themselves, in an attempt to prevent the gridlocks and stalemates that beset their leadership. This instead had the opposite effect, leading to subterfuge, espionage and all manner of underhanded activity to pressure bloc voting. 


Tewledandar Forest 

Politics are considerably more peaceful in the forests to the north of Tamaria. The five noble families of the High Elves attend to their obligations as stewards of the five woods, under the rule of their Queen. The Wood Elves live harmoniously among the boughs, showing respect for the other sentient beings such as Dendroids and Centaurs.
Location under


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