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Nick Fury

Director Nicholas Joseph Fury (a.k.a. Fury)

Always called Fury. Peggy Carter recruits Fury into SHIELD out of the CIA after the Cold War and then trains him initially, introducing him to Tony Stark after Howard Stark's death. Fury worked with Howard breifly before Howard left SHIELD in the early 80s.   Fury was working in Bogata in 1978 when a group from the ELN captured hostages, including the daughter of Alexander Pierce. Pierce later went on to refuse a Nobel Peace Prize, claiming the Peace wasn't a gift but something you had to work for. This earned Fury's respect.   Just before HOward's death, Fury was moved to a desk position to research possible enemies at SHIELD. Per Howard's assertion, Tony Stark is left alone internally until Peggy brings him to Keller's attention as a very high flight risk and kidnapping target. she then sets Tony up as a training requirement for field agent sin SHIELD. 50% success is considered good enough to enter the field. Fury was one of the first to pass.   Fury was present when Tony and Jack Murdock rescued Pepper from her past. Afterwards, Nic remained in touch with Pepper, utilizing that bond later as a solid contact in Stark Industries.   Becomes friends with Pepper Murdock   In 1995, Fury is a Level 3 SHIELD agent when Carol Danvers returns to Earth. He assist Carol in locating the Skrulls on earth only to find that they were the good guys. During this time, Keller is kidnapped and replaced with a Skrull Leader, Talin and orders Fury to be caught, dead or alive. Phil Coulson questions this and lets Fury and Carol go. Tony hears of this and sends James Rogers to assist. They end up in space along with Maria, and Goose. They fight the Kree and recover the Tesseract. Carol leaves with the remaining Skruls to find a new home, leave Goose and the Tessaract with Fury.   Shortly there after, Coulson recognizes James as Bucky Barnes and both Fury and Coulson are given a short history of how James came to live with Tony. Following this, Tony revealed HYDRA's presence in SHIELD.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in 1950, Nick Fury is a genius who can see connections between events and people. Peggy Carter recruited Fury into SHIELD out of the CIA during the Cold War and then trains him initially, introducing him to Tony Stark after Howard Stark's death.

Fury was working in Bogata in 1978 when a group from the ELN captured hostages, including the daughter of Alexander Pierce. Pierce later went on to refuse a Nobel Peace Prize, claiming the Peace wasn't a gift but something you had to work for. This earned Fury's respect.

Fury worked with Howard breifly before Howard left SHIELD in the early 80s. They both were present when Woodrow McCord visits Earth and explains that he's just passing though. His family was kidnapped by aliens to be working slaves and since the rebellion, he'd swore to protect Earth from any more "scavengers". He landed on Earth injured from foiling an invasion plot. he warned Fury and Howard that they'd come back. He'd done what he could. He made both men swear to build Earth a better line of defense. This was what led to Howard supporting Project Pegasus in the 80s.

Fury would call upon Logan several times during his career, recognizing him as the US's most prolific soldier and enhanced.  He used him in the early 80s and again in lead up to Desert Storm.

Just before HOward's death, Fury was moved to a desk position to research possible enemies at SHIELD. Per Howard's assertion, Tony Stark is left alone internally until Peggy brings him to Keller's attention as a very high flight risk and kidnapping target. she then sets Tony up as a training requirement for field agent sin SHIELD. 50% success is considered good enough to enter the field. Fury was one of the first to pass.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Director of SHIELD
Year of Birth
1950 45 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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