Eastern Region

Eastern Region is one of the regions of The Fox Empire and, since the establishment of the Shogunates, one of it's administrative divisions.
  It lies alongside the Eastern River (Higashikawa), neighboring the Steppe by the east, inhbitted by the semi-nomadic pastoralists descending from Kitsune Folk called Kusajin. On the north of it, lies huge, barely passable mountain range. It's the biggest of the Fox Empire regions, yet large parts of it are sparsely populated, especially those located further from Higashikawa. Due to relative isolation from the other people (except Kusajin) and regions, it's culture follows the culturse of Hisui and central Region rather closely.
Eastern region was conquered and dominated by the Southern Shogun Morino Katashi in 327 year of the Jade Era


Eastern Region consists mainly of grasslands and forests located on the lowlands. It lies just east of the hill range surrounding the City of Hisui. The other hill ranges serve as the natural border between the East and the other regions. The more east one goes, the less forests one ecounters and the more of the grasslands transition into the Steppe.   Most of the people live on the bank of the Higashikawa (Eastern river). The river has the beggining in Hisui and goes from it into the South-East direction faling into the lake on the south direction. The current of the river forms an arch, dividing it's neighborhood into the two parts reffered to as the Northern Bank and the Southern Bank  
  Eastern Region is divided onto 7 sub-divisions:   6 Provinces and the Kouga Capital District.   The Provinces were established before Region became it's own administrative zone. Each province has it's own General (military and law enforcement), Governor (administration and creating local law) and High Jade Priest (the highest judge)   Those provinces are:  
  • Eastern Province - the direct eastern neighbor of the City of Hisui (this fact gave it it's name), within the Eastern Region it's the most western province laying north of the Higashikawa and south from the hill range which is the border between the East and the North. It's eastern borders were established based on a travel time from Hisui - the area you can reach within 1 day by river and lwithin 2 days by land (on carriage)
  • Northern Bank Province - the province laying on that part of the northern bank of the Higashikawa where you can reach from Hisui in more than 1 day, but within 3 days. The most populated province in the region with extensive agriculture
  • Lake Coast Province - the province laying on that part of the "northern" bank of the Higashikawa that can be reached in more than 3 days from the Hisui by boat untill the Lake. It's agriculture is not as developped due to proximity of the Steppe, but it explots the natural resources of the Lake.
  • Southern Bank Province - part of the Eastern region laying south of the Higashikawa. Just like Northern Bank, it has extensive agriculture and big population, just in less degree. However, the most important harbours on this river are located within that province. Kouga city was also historically part of the province untill it became the seat of the Shogun.
  • Eastern Lowlands Province - laying directly north of the Northern Bank Province on the lands that don't support much agriculture. The most forrested province of the East, therefore it serves as the important source of wood and fur. Has pretty low population.
  • Shepherd Province - lays north-east of the Northern bank Province, on the grasslands that slowly turn into the Steppe. It has low population, butt the lands themselves are perfect for grazing. Named after the fact that most of local economy is based on shepherds (at least those who did not migrate onto the Steppe proper)
  • Kouga Capital Distric - formerly part of the Southern Bank Province, specially designated part of the region, serving as the seat of the Shogun. The most important trading port of the East.


Eastern Shogun is the sovereign of the military of the region. Just below him are the Generals, one per each of the province. Each General is responsible with organizing military forces (with small numbers hired as to be ready at all times, most of nobles being mobilized when need and non-noble free people being mobilized usually in lower numbers or higher if the combat happens in their province). High-ranking officers under Generals are usually called "Sheriffs"   The list of the Eastern Generals in the 327 year of the Jade Era, after Morino Katashi's takeover, by province:
  • Eastern Province: Shibuta Mikoto - one of the Sheriffs serving under Morino Katashi back when he was only the general of his home proving in the Southern Region. He is Shogun's trusted man with great connections in Hisui therefore he got appointed as the General of the Eastern Province. Independent, but loyal and disciplined.
  • Northern Bank Province: Sunami Akihiro - one of the high-ranking sheriffs serving in the Eastern army during Morino Katashi's attack. He hated his current Shogun, so he decided to join the forces of the invader. Native to the Norther Bank Province and hailed as the hero of his people (as hatred for the previous Shogun was universal). Concenred more about his land than about any of the higher loyalties. Follows Morino not out of the personal devotion, but because he thinks he is the best option (he's sceptical towards animosity towards Fox Goddess, though)
  • Lake Coast Province: Morito Inosuke - one of the low-ranking sheriffs serving in the Eastern army during Maorino's invasion. He managed to join the invader. Despite his low rank, Morino Katashi decided to appoint him as the General. Before that conflics he was known for being interested in Morino Katashi's advancements and treated him as the personal inspiration. One could say he is blindly loyal to his new commander, but he is capable of independent thought nonetheless and his skills were the reason why he got this position, not loyalty.
  • Southern Bank Province: Nakae Makoto - Long life friend of the Morino Katashi that was serving his as one of his closest bodyguards for some time. Cooperative and compassionate, yet he doesn't limit himself if he recognizes someone as the enemy. Out of all the Eastern Gerenals, he's the one with the most casual relationship hith the shogun.
  • Eastern Lowlands Province: Miwa Yuki - he was one of the sheriffs of the Southern Army during the invasion. Awarded with generalship by the Morino Katashi, after his talents of conducting warfare in the forest regions were noticed.
  • Shepherd Province: Asahara Taisei - the only General that served under the previous Shogun that maintained his position. When conflict happened, he mostly stayed out of it and cooperated with Morino Katashi afterwards without issues. He's native to the province and he's mostly unconcerned with the rest of the country, unless it affects him. Passive isolationist, but a peaceful one.
Legislative Body
Shogun and Governors
Judicial Body
Jade Priests
Executive Body
Shogun and Generals
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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