Southern Region

Southern Region is one of the regions of The Fox Empire and, since the establishment of the Shogunates, one of it's administrative divisions.   It lies alongside the Southern River (Minamikawa), neighboring lands inhabited by Neakhora Phili / Pracya Jata in the south. This fact made it's culture value readiness to war much higher than that of the other Kitsunejin. Despite the tensions, the cultural exchange with the foreigners is an active process, with some of them living inside the Southern Region and with plenty of the regional nobility having some Double-Tonguers in their family trees.   Southern Region is also the place where Morino Katashi grew up and begun his career.


Terriotories consist mostly of river-adjacent lowlands with the good conditions for the agriculture. It lies beyond the hills and mountains located the south of the Hisui. After going more south than the river, one would go further away from the population and would ecounted a series of smaller forts just close of the borders of the various Double-Tonguer realms
Eastern Region is divided onto 6 sub-divisions:   5 Provinces and the Minamishuto Capital District .   The Provinces were established before Region became it's own administrative zone. Each province has it's own General (military and law enforcement), Governor (administration and creating local law) and High Jade Priest (the highest judge)   Those provinces are:
  • Southern Province - lies in South-West from the Hisui , it's namedd that way, because there is another province (in the Central Region) with better posittion for the "South-Western Province" name. Lies in between of the Western side of the Minamikawa and the chain of hills leading South-West from Hisui. This province prodduce a lot of agricultural products
  • Southern Harbour Province - lies on the northern side of the further half of the Minamikawa, with the exception of the Minamishuto city which was delegated to it's own District. Due to it's position, this province contian multiple harbors and has more direct connection to the Central Sea, making it one of the trading centres with the foreign states (although, secondary compared to anything related to Western Region ), as well as agricultural production centre. The home province of the Morino Katashi.
  • South-Eastern Province - lies South from the Hisui city, on the eastern/southern bank of the Minamikawa. The smallest Province of the region, containing the most exploatation of the hills and moutains. The big source of the stone used for buildings.
  • Eastern Border Province - lies on the southern bank of the Minamikawa up to the borders with various Double-Tonguer countries. Contains a lot of agriculture. The province itself is military focused with main concern being defending it's southern border. Most of Double-Tonguer populaiton in the fox Empire lives in this Province and it's western neighbor.
  • Western Border Province - lies west ofc the Eastern Border Province. It's smaller province of the thwo and contains less agriculture, focusing way more on the defense of the Minamikawa itself.
  • Minamishuto Capital District - formerly, it was a part of th eSouthern Harbou Province, after the establishment of the Shogunate system it was designated as the seat of power of the Southern Shogun. The most important centre of trade in the Minamikawa, having more access to the foreign goods.


Southern Shogun is the sovereign of the military of the region. Just below him are the Generals, one per each of the province. Each General is responsible with organizing military forces (with small numbers hired as to be ready at all times, most of nobles being mobilized when need and non-noble free people being mobilized usually in lower numbers or higher if the combat happens in their province). High-ranking officers under Generals are usually called "Sheriffs"   The list of the Southern Generals in the 327 year of the Jade Era:
  • Southern Province: Takara Enju - a noble inhabiting the province which adcanced his ranks in the military and got the attention of the Morino Katashi after he became the Shogun. The family is relatively newcomer here, coming from the Western Province in the Central Region. Diligent military officer, having sympathy for the former homeland of the family, yet keeping loyalty primarily to the new home and to the Shogun
  • Southern Harbour Province: Sakagami Duris - local Sheriff serving directly under Morino Katashi when he was the General of this Province. His mother originates from the important fmaily of one of the merchant's guild in one of the Neakhora Phili cities, that's why he has foreign personal name. Young and enthusiastic about his military career. Does not concern himself much with big ideas, just wants to fullfill his duty.
  • South-Eastern Province: Okuda Kaito - one of the older Generals, being in this position for years. Lacks greater ambition for himself, yet he is caring for the state of the region and country as a whole. Conscious supporter of Morino Katashi and his methods, but not an unconditional follower.
  • Eastern Border Province: Yamakita Kento - one of the older Generals, supported Morino Katashi as the new Shogun. Heavily concerned with the matters of defense against the Double-tonguers. Proud Kitsunejin, possesing the lesser opion of the "southern barbarians", even if he doesn't see problem with allying with some of them (wife of his son is a Double-Tounguer aristocrat) and adapting their military organisation and tactics. Despite all of that, he doesn't consider Double-Tonguers living in the Fox Empire as problem, as long as they keep being loyal to the local rule.
  • Western Border Province: Nakai Sudarshan - young Sheriff from the local province, appointed as General by Mornio Katashi. His family has long history of intermarrying with few Double-Tonguers noble families as a mean of alliance. As such, Nakai Sudarshan got the personal name after that of one of his ancestors. Primarily interested in keeping public order by eliminating criminals with the policy "harsh, but fair" .
Legislative Body
Shogun and the Governors
Judicial Body
Jade Priests
Executive Body
Shogun and the Generals
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations


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