
Higashikawa-no-Ryuu (Dragon of the Eastern river) is a god of the Destruction Dyansty, worshipped by the Hisuijin in the The Fox Empire. He's a guardian of the southern of the Three Rivers from the Fox Empire and is a descendant of the Kawa-no-Ryuukami.

Divine Domains

Guarding the Eastern river, floods, transport.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

As his father, the stone dragon statues are used as a symbol of him, especially those made out of the blue stone.

Tenets of Faith

Like his siblings:
  • Perform the ritualistic prayer nearby Northern river and especially if you set sail on it or you want to take anything from it.
  • Respect the shrine of his, his siblings and his father
  • Don't disturb the flow of the Eastern river


He shares the ceremony during the third day of the Holiday Period with his father and siblings.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Protecting and maintaining the Eastern river.

Physical Description

Body Features

Gaint, long serpentine body covered with with dark blue scales. Has fours limbs, each with four clawed digits. Nearby the nose, there are six long whiskers, ressembling that of a catfish. On top of his head there are four ram-like horns. His both eyes are vibrant light blue and glowing. Smaller than his father.

Special abilities

Freshwater manipulation - Higashikawa-no-Ryuu is knowledgeble about the freshwater and has ability of manipulating it in simmilar way as his father, inlcuding: purification, changing it's course, creating more out of nothing. His skills in this reagard are not much different from the Kawa-no-Ryuukami.

Personality Characteristics


He is primarily motivated by the feeling of duty. His father tought him well about his role in the mainenence of the river and is glad to fullill what he tthink he should do.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Serving his purpose
  • Seeing people happy
  • Having Eastern river to be in a good shape
  • People who harm the river
  • Disappointing others
  • Anyone disrespecting his father

Virtues & Personality perks

Higashikawa-no-Ryuu is genuinely and selflessly diligent and eager to help. He is eager to fullfill his duties and preserve the good name of his father. He greatly helps people who turn to him.

Vices & Personality flaws

His degree of selflessness brought him to the point of naivety. As such, he isn't ready to deal with potentially hostile gods.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
God (dragon)
Light blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark blue scales


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