
Kitakawa-no-Ryuu (Dragon of the Northern River) is a god from the Destruction Dynasty worshipped by the Hisuijin in the The Fox Empire. He's a guardian of the northern of the Three Rivers from the Fox Empire and is a descendant of the Kawa-no-Ryuukami.

Divine Domains

Guarding the Northern river, floods, transport.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

As his father, the stone dragon statues are used as a symbol of his. More specifically, made out of the black stone.

Tenets of Faith

Like his siblings:
  • Perform the ritualistic prayer nearby Northern river and especially if you set sail on it or you want to take anything from it.
  • Respect the shrine of his, his siblings and his father
  • Don't disturb the flow of the Northern river


He shares the ceremony during the third day of the Holiday Period with his father and siblings.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Protecting and maintaining the Northern river.

Physical Description

Body Features

Gaint, long serpentine body covered with with black scales. Has fours limbs, each with four clawed digits. Nearby the nose, there are multiple short whiskers, ressembling that of a catfish. On top of his head there are two bull-like horns. His both eyes are vibrant blue and glowing. Smaller than his father.

Special abilities

Freshwater manipulation - Kitakawa-no-Ryuu is knowledgeble about the freshwater and is able to manipulate it in all sort of ways, including puryfying it, changing it's course or even creating more out of nothing. His skill in that regard are not as advanced as his father's.   He's able to lower the temperature of beings in his close proximity.

Personality Characteristics


His main motivation is to taking care of the Northern river, as he considers it his home and the realm. Besides it, he's not much interested with anything else.

Likes & Dislikes

  • His family
  • Being respected
  • Not disturbing his river
  • Anyone who daresd to annoy him

Virtues & Personality perks

He cares about his family.

Vices & Personality flaws

Kitakawa-no-Ryuu has really serious anger issues. He feel no compassion for those ignoring the proper conduct when it comes to daeling with his river. As such, his actions towards them can be cruel and ruthless. There has been instances of him pratically making sailing through northern river impossible for the short periods


Family Ties

Divine Classification
God (dragon)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black scales


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