Kurotori Yui

As seen in

Yui Morino- Kurotori

Kurotori Yui is a person important to The Fox Empire politics during the first half of the 4th century of the Jade Era. As The daughter of the Western Shogun, and a wife of the Morino Katashi, she is heavily involved in the governance and most important decisions of the country.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Average-sized woman with the round face and pale skin. Hair are long, lustrious and of deep black color. In good physical shape.

Body Features

Average height and bust size for a woman. Slim body. Narrow hand and feet with long, slender fingers and toes.

Facial Features

Round face, soft, relatively flat most of features. Strong monolids. Eyes are of bright, blue color.

Apparel & Accessories

Her common outfit seems to embody the meaning of the name "Kurotori". It consists of the vibrantly red kimono with completly black haori worn over it. The dark sleeves are prolongated in order for it to ressemble the bird wings. She also wears black socks and red, wooden tengu sandals.   Naturally, the exact outfit might change depending on an occassion, but black haori, red colors, black socks and tengu sandals seem to be the most consistent part of her apparel.   Common accesories:
  • The mask in the shape of the beak. The most of that mask is black, while the beak itself gradualy becames more and more red the closer to the point it gets.
  • the diadem on her forehead

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born in the city of Kohaku as the first daughter of the Western Shogun - Kurotori Sasaki. Her mother was a concubine that relatively fast stopped being involved with her father which also limited Yui's contact with her. Her relationship with her stepmother, the wife of the Western Shogun, were rather cold. For that reason, she grew up being very close to her father.   Technically, she had a lot of siblings. All of them brothers, no sisters. Unfortunately, all of them died tragically at the very young ages, either from accidents or the heavy ilness. The help from the gods eiother didn't came or was too late. It was normal that the gods would help in the cases like that. The family was simply happening to be unlucky. It seemed that Yui will be the only child of the Kurotori family that will reach adulthood. As such, she got all the attention from her fathre, to the discontent of her stepmother. She was tought not only the proper etiquiette, writing, reading and other things expected of the high-class lady, but also the history, politics, strategy and combat. There was never a question of her taking military or leadership positions directly, but her father wanted to make sure that she would be able to bring something to her future husband more than just her family name together with the ability to protect herself from being dominated and sidelined as many wifes were. The results of the education were great. By the age of 14, she was already excelling in those areas.   Her desires were pretty different, however. She didn't yearn for the courtly life, in the middle of the politics and the net of alliances. She free time was spend primarily in various temples located in her home city. Intigued and moved by the various ceremonies, praising the gods. She was eager listener to the priests teachings about the divine. Part of her wanted to have the better knowledge and means how to ask the gods for help with any potential future sibling, but even without this factor, he heart felt fullfilled each time she visited a tmeple. Out of all of the gods, the favorite one of her quickly became also one of the most popular ones - The Lord of Storms. Taking the religious education took some toll on her, due to straining her mentally, but she was happy nonetheless. The desire showed up in her mind to abandon her place among the nobility and become a priestess one day.   Her life was passing by like that and her father took her once to the feast with the most miportant people in the country. The young man treated as the sucessor of the Southern Shogun - Morino Katashi was also present. She quickly became friends with him, as like her father. Initially, her feelings towards him were purely platonic, however she started to dicover that she genuinly admires his ambition and resolve. After a while she was sure that she was in love with him. However, she wasn't sure about the relationship, since getting closer to him would mean she would need to abndon her own dreams of becoming a priestess and jump head down into the world of political intrigue she wanted to avoid. Ultimately, her feelings towards him has won. She made sure that he loves her too and convinced her father for an engement with the young General. He agreed and they married few month after.   She abandoned her own desires, but never lost her passion. She has still was involved with gods, just mostly different ones, as she was now living in the South. She was feeling yearning to see Kohaku temple dedicated to The Lord of Storms again. From time to time she managed to return to her city like before, but it was occasionally. At that time she firmly became part of the Morino household, even if she was bringing with her some Kohaku flavor.   As Morino Katashi's wife she was acting essentially as the vice-Shogun. She did not posses any formal title, but whenever her husband could be somewhere, she acted as if she was him. She became involved in leadership roles, both political and millitary. Her fame closely followed that of the Southern Shogun.


Mostly heterosexual

Morality & Philosophy

Yui is ultimately, a self-centered individual. She doesn't pay great attention to political and more collective ideals by themselves, but only looks on the broad strokes in relatively simple manner. her question are more of the nature "Does that person do good for the people?", "Do I like that person" without much deeper philosophical considereations. This is not the product of her ingorance or lack of education, but rather a conscious choice.   Her behavior is superficially following the social rules, but underneath the proper lady, there is an individualist that has little actual care of what society deems acceptable or not. She doesn't go directly against it, but she is quick to reveal her lack of submission to it as long as she knows she wouldn't be judged by it. The exception for that is her relationship with Morino Katashi, in which she has real care about both of them following the "proper" rules of married couple, even more seriously than the most of the Kitsune Folk would be, with the main difference that she is not willing to submit to her husband as the tradition would say. Her desire would be to see it as the symetrical relationship of the two.   She often finds the path of the self-fulfillment in the religious practice and many priests that she met noticed that, while genuinely devoted and dedicated, she is far from the strict religious orthopraxy.   Despite helf self-centered focus, however, she is also eager to help the people she consider close to her. She is individualistic and self-focused but not really selfish.

Personality Characteristics


She is mostly a self-drvien person. More than her duty, she's more motivated by seeking self-fulfilment or helping people she considers close to her.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Trained in the areas expected of the proper lady: the proper courtly etiquiette, dance, playing lyre, proper reading of the poetry and the caligraphy.  Besides that, she's also knows martial arts a bit (prefering blades and naginatas), together with battlefield tactics and political intrigue. She's also savy in the religious customs of her home City of Kohaku.     That said, despite training, she was never talented or took attention to everything. Her caligraphy, poetry reading or musical talents wre never her stong side and were completly abandoned after marrying Morino Katashi. Her father considers that to be unfortunate loss of potential that couldn't be helped due to the fact she was as well trained is areas thought of as more masculine. Yui herself however is happy that she does no longer do that, as the results were far from anything close to being good. She had great talent with dance, but stopped training it as well. However, her weappon skills were as good and she didn't let those to rust. She doesn't like the idea of fighting by itself, but she is well aware that it would be better for her to be able to protect herself, just in case. She had some practical experience with battlefield tactics after marrying Katashi, but her theory didn't manged to be as useful as one would hope. Politics and religious customs are things she doesn't let to rust in any way, due to her position and passions.   Despite being skilled with dance and fighting, she is rather terrible with a lot of manual tasks.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Participating in religious ceremonies
  • Appearing theatrical
  • Helping friends and family
  • Learning about gods
  • Her home city
  • Showing off herself
  • Being intimate with her loved one
  • Fighting (in recreational manner)
  • Dancing (despite not doing that much anymore)
  • Politics
  • Playing instrument
  • Caring about social conduct
  • Fighting (serious ones)
  • Doing manual tasks

Virtues & Personality perks

Dedicated to her passions, she knows little of fatigue when involved with them. Her mental fortitue when it comes to learning new things is rather amazing. she's able to withstand training and learning that could destroy most of people. She's able to force herself to do activities she isn't fond of, if the situation needs it.   Her dislike for the social expectations can lead for her to privately form close bonds with other people that normally wouldn't have a chance. Together with that, those people could count on Yui's help and her assistence with various friendly activities, without the worrying her the difference in the social standing.

Vices & Personality flaws

While, at times admirable, her disdain for social cues in private can be also disastrous. She is perfectly able to insult people by accident or overall behave in a way others would see as rudely. At times she doesn't even think much about consequences, potentially causing emotional harms.   Besides that, she can be also acting a bit obsessive towards people close to her, sometimes to the point of them feeling uncomfortable around her.   Often self-doubting, under the surface of determination and confidence.   She also has the feelings of resentments hiding deep down inside her due to the reasons not being able to fullfill some of her desires.


Morino Katashi

husband (Vital)

Towards Kurotori Yui



Kurotori Yui

wife (Vital)

Towards Morino Katashi



Morino Katashi (husband)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Natively - Kitsune language, with strong Western accent
Learned - Sea Language and Land Langauge of the Double Tonguers, proficient in both

Character Portrait image: "Yui with naginata" by Kuba/VladPrus


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