
Minamikawa-no-Ryuu (Dragon of the Southern river) is a god of the Destruction Dyansty, worshipped by the Hisuijin in the The Fox Empire. She's a guardian of the southern of the Three Rivers from the Fox Empire and is a descendant of the Kawa-no-Ryuukami.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

As her father, the stone dragon statues are used as a symbol of her. More specifically, made out of the white stone.

Tenets of Faith

Like her siblings:
  • Perform the ritualistic prayer nearby Southern river and especially if you set sail on it or you want to take anything from it.
  • Respect the shrine of his, his siblings and his father
  • Don't disturb the flow of the Northern river
When dealing with her, however, it is better to remember to include as many praise for her as possible in the prayers.


She shares the ceremony during the third day of the Holiday Period with her father and siblings.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Protecting and maintaining the Southern river.

Physical Description

Body Features

Gaint, long serpentine body covered with with white scales. Has fours limbs, each with four clawed digits. Unlike her father, she posses no catfish-like whiskers. On top of his head there are two giant deer-like antlers.Her both eyes are vibrant blue and glowing. Smaller than her father.

Special abilities

Water manipulation - just like her father, Minamikawa-no-Ryuu posses knowledge about freshwater and is able to manipulate it in many ways, unlike him, she also can extend that to the saltwater without much issues. Overall, hre finese when it comes to water manipulation is lesser, but she also can alter weather in her surrounding to the degree.

Personality Characteristics


Self, absorbed, but not disliking of intruders. Her main motivation seem to be indulge in being praised and worshipped by the people.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Being praised
  • Being indulged
  • Having her river in good shape
  • Being ignored
  • Being insulted
  • Anyone who dares to destroy her river

Virtues & Personality perks

If she feels the one is praising her far enough, she can offer genuine support and protection. If she promises that, she will never turn on her word.

Vices & Personality flaws

Extremly vain in a petty way - any insult for her could bring her wrath with no mercy. That said, enough of praising can convince her of giving the second chance. However, this is not out of forgivenss, but just out of her desire to hear someone indulgin in her vanity.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
God (dragon)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White scales


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