The Sun

The Surplus

The Sun is one of the Primordial Gods, possesing an Aspect of Creation. Embodying the idea of a Surplus, it is one of the most important of the Primordial Gods for the functioning of the beings within the Law territory.  


The idea emodied by it is the idea of a Surplus. As the Law operates on the assumption that energy itself is not created or destroyed, only trasmissed via the set of rules, it's become clear that there is a limited potential for the growth and creation. Therefore, the new energy needed to be provided. This is exactly the job of The Sun. The embodying of this idea makes possible for it to constantly emit new energy, created out of nothing without any drain on it's Body (which would be the case for most of gods , making the whole Law territory having a surplus.


It's shape and the Body is that of a giant ball without any other features. It's constantly emiting the energy, therefore it appears inredibvely bright and blazingly hot. It's floating far above the border of the air and is moving over the surface of The World in a manner so predictable that it serves a measure of a day cycle.


Gods descending from it, tend to be relatively usual Creation Dynasty gods, mostly haviing similar features as humans. One of the most prominent descendants of The Sun is The Fox Goddess - the guardian goddess of The Fox Empire and it's people - Kitsune Folk .


Family Ties

Divine Classification
Primordial God of Creation
Idea: Surplus


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