BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Venus Luceat

Written by CoolG1319

As seen in


Early Years

Venus Luceat was born into a family of renowned archangels. She was provided everything a young angel would need: clothing, a roof over her head, a loving family, and adequate knowledge of Caelumen and her god Ameuses. As the youngest child, she was doted on by her parents and elder brother, Midas.

As a child, she always sought to help those in need, whether they needed physical, mental, social, or spiritual aid. She helped organise charities to support soldiers wounded in battle, arranged religious ceremonies, comforted distressed souls not even the Angels of Souls could put at ease, and was, in general, very kind and generous. Her unwavering generosity earned her the moniker "Mitissimus Unus," meaning "the kindest one" in Latin.

Venus developed a loyalty to Ameuses unrivalled by her peers as she grew. She always maintained the utmost cleanliness and piousness, which earned her another name: "Sanctissimus", meaning "the most holy". In addition, the angel was the leader of the Puer Piae Puellae (Young Pious Girls) for three years.

Archangel Training

Seeking to follow in her parents' footsteps, the young woman joined an Archangel training academy. Before long, she outperformed her classmates in every aspect, excelling in weapons training and athletics, utilising her powers (creation and manipulation of light), and memorizing the history of Caelumen. Particularly noteworthy was her ability to devise highly effective plans during simulated missions and to quickly adapt when things didn't go as planned.
She's quite an exceptional student!
She really is. The girl will make a fine archangel.
— Two teachers discussing Venus' performance.

Electi Protectores

Upon receiving word of Venus' extraordinary accomplishments, Caleb Ardor was deeply impressed and moved to extend an offer to recruit her for Daemonium Casus Coetus, recognizing her exceptional talent and potential. As the news spread, the angel's family was filled with immense joy and pride, leading them to organize a lavish celebration that included not only their relatives and neighbours but also friends from near and far. Dee spared no effort in setting up an opulent banquet, and the guests came together to honour and commemorate the significant milestone achieved by this remarkable young woman.
  During her time as a recruit, Venus surpassed the others even more than before, earning the admiration and ire of her peers. She also met another recruit, Igna and the two quickly became well-aquainted. Unlike her peers, Venus showed the Angel of Fire some respect though still took her for granted or brushed her off.
  On a particular day, she and two others were selected to join the main squad on a mission: they were tasked with engaging in conversation with Succubi in the treacherous realm of Inferncenem. Despite the training they had received, the recruits were filled with apprehension about venturing into this hellish domain. However, their leader, Caleb Ardor, reassured and pacified them, and then they set off on their daunting journey.

Forbidden Love

The moment the squad went through the colourful bushes and stepped foot in Succubus Cove, they were immediately greeted with hostile stares from the inhabitants. Venus internally questioned why they were as the previous meeting, from what she had heard, had been amicable. Caleb then instructed everyone to spread out and chat with the succubi.
  Venus roamed the area aimlessly until her eyes settled on two female succubi engaged in a playful wrestling match. As she observed them, a faint sense of revulsion welled up within her, but she shook it off and walked over to them. One of the succubi immediately retreated in unease as the angel introduced herself and requested a conversation. Despite her friend's protests, the other succubus agreed to engage in a discussion.
  During their conversation, the succubus, who went by the name Kathy, began to engage in flirtatious behaviour. Despite her growing discomfort, Venus tried to maintain the conversation but feeling overwhelmed by Kathy's persistent flirtatious comments, she rudely blew her off and stormed off. Igna approached her and advised her to be nice to the succubi, but the angry angel promptly blew her off, stating that she does not have to be courteous towards demons.
  The angel decided to distance herself from the demon after an incident, despite Kathy's frequent defences of her from other malevolent demons. However, everything changed when Kathy took her on a tour of Inferncenem, showcasing its stunning attractions. As they sat together on a precipice, marvelling at a magnificent lavafall, the succubus tenderly placed her hand on Venus' and caused her heart to flutter.
What is this feeling? Am I...No! NO! Snap out of it! You cannot feel this way for a demon! ..But...
After some time, the two became close and a romantic relationship bloomed. However, when Venus' peers found out about their illicit affair, they had them both captured and brought to Caelumen.

Fall from Grace

In the midst of the gathered angels in Caelumen, Kathy was bound to the ground with power-draining chains. Beneath the watchful eyes of the onlookers, Venus was given the order to kill Kathy. As Venus gazed down at her beloved, tears welled in her eyes, and she offered heartfelt apologies for her plight. In a resolute stance, she turned to the vigilant soldiers and firmly refused to carry out the command. Her decision greatly angered the crowd and caused a major stir, so in response, two soldiers restrained the angel and cut off her left eye then did the same to Kathy. A soldier went over to finish the demon off when, without warning, the other soldiers and Venus were surrounded by a ring of orange fire that separated them from Kathy. Almost immediately afterwards, a succubus swooped in, yanked off Kathy's chains, grabbed her and flew out of Caelumen, too fast for anything to be done.
  After some Angels of Water extinguished the fire, the soldiers who were holding Venus dragged her to the edge of the realm and mercilessly threw her to the ground. There, the leader publicly shamed her in front of her family and declared that she was no longer a member of Caelumen and that everything she had accomplished was now meaningless. He then stepped towards her, brandishing a hot gold rod labelled with the heretic's sign and tore out her gown to expose her back. The angel gazed into the eyes of her family, feeling her heart sink as she saw the cold, disgusted, and disappointed expressions on their faces.
  Midas, who had the coldest expression, came forward and accepted the rod from the soldier. Venus only watched, heartbroken, as her beloved brother placed a gag over her mouth and pressed the burning rod against her back multiple times. He next outstretched his hand and, with a brilliant light, painfully drew out his sister's powers.
  In an instant, she was struck with a forceful kick to the chest and banished from her home, hurtling millions of meters down to the world of humans below.
  The following two weeks was utterly miserable. Severely injured from the fall, she could barely move without her entire body throbbing with pain. Limping over to the only tree in sight, she sought refuge in its shade. Curling up into a ball, she couldn't help but unleash an uncontrollable torrent of wails, cursing herself for bringing shame to her people and causing harm to her beloved.

Reuniting with Her Love

While Venus was resting under the tree, a tall column of fire suddenly appeared a few feet away. With a look of surprise, she watched as Igna emerged from the column and walked towards her. Tears filled Venus's eyes, and as she tried to embrace Igna, she collapsed from the sudden sharp pain. Igna swiftly reached her and enveloped the injured angel in a warm embrace. Overcome with emotion, Venus buried her face in her friend's shoulder and wept uncontrollably. She poured out her feelings of self-hatred for bringing shame to her family and causing harm to her loved one.
I am just filled with so much deep regret over causing pain to Kathy and letting down the people I love. Sometimes, I wish that she and I never met so she would not have experienced so much hurt because of me.
Igna comforted her friend, wiping away her tears and gently suggesting that she see her love. Leading her to a large package that had been delivered for her, Igna carefully opened the box. Venus was taken aback to find multiple containers of Devil's Ashes and a full-body suit inside. Shock and fear crossed Venus's face as she began to object, but Igna interrupted, stating that this supply was all she could reasonably take and that it should last her a couple of months at best. Igna then asked Venus to summon Kathy.
  After hesitating for a brief moment, she finally decided to summon her. A brilliant, large ring of swirling purple fire appeared, and from within it, a figure began to ascend. The angel's eyes welled up with tears of joy as Kathy's figure came into view, but her heart sank as she noticed the bandages covering most of Kathy's body. When Kathy caught sight of her, she joyfully rushed over, but then abruptly paused, transformed into her human disguise, and resumed her approach. The two lovers met and embraced passionately, both weeping uncontrollably and expressing deep regrets and apologies for everything the other had endured.
  Cradling Kathy's face, Venus then confessed her love for her.

Together At Last

Upon accepting the supply, Venus adorned the suit and, with Igna's assistance, applied the ashes. Holding her lover's hand, she then journeyed to Inferncenem. Upon arriving at Succubus Cove, she was warmly greeted by a succubus named Heilla, whom Kathy introduced. Many others in the area gave Venus hostile stares, but she paid them no mind. Kathy then guided her to a patch of grass, where they both sat down, with Kathy holding Venus close. At that moment, Venus felt content.   Despite Venus spending most of her time in the human realm after running out of Devil's Ashes, their romance has endured for five years without faltering.   Yet, Venus yearns to be able to remain with her love for all eternity.

Physical Description

Body Features

She has a fit but curvy body with strong, long legs and arms as well as large feathered wings and a glowing halo above her head which are absent in her human disguise. Venus also has the heretic's sign burned all over her back.

Facial Features

She has a soft round face with bright golden eyes (the left one being missing), a small nose and a small chin. In her human disguise, her eyes are a soft blue.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Noodles
  • Chocolate ice cream
  • Praying
  • Kathy's perverseness (though doesn't want to admit it out of shame)


  • Sinning
  • Disappointing the people she cares about


Contacts & Relations


Despite facing many challenges, their love for each other continued to grow stronger over the course of five years. Venus feels a deep sense of remorse for the suffering that Kathy had to endure, but Kathy consistently reassures her that it was not her fault. In addition, Kathy always stands up for Venus when her brother Midas shames her for disgracing their community, for which Venus is grateful. Despite this, she still believes that she deserves the beratement.
  Even this all this, the angel deals with her girlfriend's unapologetic perverseness. She often catches Kathy leering at her as she undresses and frequently gropes her and grabs her breasts.


The bond between the siblings was incredibly strong, and Little Venus was often showered with gifts, sweets, and toys by her older brother. However, since she was exiled, Venus feels deeply betrayed by her brother’s actions. Despite this, she quietly endures the shame he brings upon her during his sporadic visits.


Unlike her peers, Venus was cordial towards Angels of Fire but still held a small prejudice towards them due to her upbringing. Even at that, the two maintained a healthy, respectful relationship.
  Venus worries about Igna's whereabouts and well-being but is comforted knowing she will be alright.

Her Parents

Venus had an amazing relationship with her beloved mother and father. Being the youngest, she was greatly treasured and doted on as well as supported through various endeavours.
  This unending love was terminated following Venus' exile.

Social Aptitude

She is fairly reserved, only spending time with the ones she knows and trusts. Around other people, she's very polite, respectful, attentive and kind.
  Venus walks with a serious but somewhat elegant gait and has a firm yet soft and kind voice. When the angel speaks, it's with a kind and caring tone, but this tone can be quite strict when necessary. She abhors swearing.

Related Articles

Angels of Light 
Current Status
Living with Kathy
Year of Birth
1906 A.D. 118 Years old
Current Residence
Bright golden; soft blue (human)
Long, glowing blond; pale blond (human)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale yellow; beige (human)
5'9" (5'3" as human)

Cover image: Venus by CoolG1319
Character Portrait image: Venus by CoolG1319


Author's Notes

I have plans to expand on the romance between Kathy and Venus in a novel :D

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